BalkanFag here

BalkanFag here.
What do you guys think about the balkans?

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Euro Afghanistan.

Sure, judging by your answer i guess you dont know a lot about the place

Btw im changing my flag to muslim cuz im a bosnian muslim

A bunch of backwards and tribal subhumans who constantly stir the shit pot.

Woooow i actually did expect something positive, an “idk” would be fine, but calling my people subhumans is a little over the line. I wouldnt even think of calling EVERY american a degrading name, and no not because americans are superior (which you probably think they are) , because i see americans as individuals, not as groups, unlike you, ignorant cocksucker

Nothing really.

When I lived in Slovakia my family went to Croatia shores every Summer, very nice people and I tend to like the Balkan slav countries.

Fuck Romania, fuck Moldova, fuck Albania, fuck Greece.
And most of all FUCK HUNGARY.

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I think it's a shame the South Slavs have for most of their history been pawns of larger states and used to fight one and other. Croatia has always been the strongarm of Austria in the region, Serbia for Russia, and Bosnia for the Ottomans.

In which country are the gypsies the worst? Does any country deal with the gypsies in an effective manner?

I agree with you, FUCK those countries, the crime rate is probably higher than the US , the people arent welcoming, and there are more ghettos in a single city than f.e California. I recommend (if you guys ever visit) Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro

Nope, the countries dont ever deal with the gypsy thugs there, we just ignore them for some stupid reason, in romania and serbia ther is a high amount of gypsies and no ones doing anything about it.

I have Croatian heritage. From this side of the world I think it's beautiful- olive groves, clear azure sea, thin sliced pizza cuts, old men sitting in the shade laughing and smoking, the thwack of tennis balls, All Hallows Eve at a cemetery, hot summer days in Slavonija fields, sitting on a jetty at night on an island drinking red wine.
Whenever I go back I try to make the most of these experiences, because they're not always the reality of life in Croatia.
As for the other countries, let them sort out their own problems.

Have a soft spot for BiH. That's one country that needs to sort it's shit out. I've always had a good time there and like the people- regardless of their background. But then visiting is different to living there

Yeah i agree, its like were dogs for our abusive owners, the ottomans had us Bosnians as SLAVES and we still idolize them for aome fucked up reason, me personally i dont like the turks because all they do is exploit our country and islamify it, yes im a muslim but i dont agree with islamization.

How would you ease tension in the region?

Croatia is fucking awesome, i love that country, everytime i visit im welcomed with open arms, i was in dubrovnik last year and i had a blast just walking around, because people were friendly to me even tho im a bosnian muslim, and i respect that, its the same about serbia, serbia has its downsides like f.e the racist cunts that kill us muslims for no reason, but it also has its good sides like for example belgrade, which is one of the most accepting places in serbia honestly

They're fine so long as they stay out of the EU.

I am looking into moving back to Europe within a year or two, are there many Catholic cities within the South slav countries? Or will I have to settle Orthodox/Muslim/Protestant ?

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Honestly i dont know man, i talked about this topic with my father (he has lived in the balkans since he was born 1966) and he honestly doesnt know, our hate for each other is so deeply rooted that i cant sort out a soloution for this, maybe just be more tolerant for each other but weve already tried that but look were that got us, we got in a war and we have tension between us and we provoke each other every single day, so yeah, as i can see it theres no easy soloution

Whats wrong with us being in the eu?

If you want something more catholic then move to croatia, there are several places that are full catholic there plus croatia is a beautiful place to live in

No kidding. Are people with darker skin/complexion tolerated in Croatia? My girlfriend is Turkish/German and I know she would not be allowed in Slovakia.

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I think they are a little more tolerated in big cities, not in small villages, the same with serbia, in places like dubrovnik and zagreb they would tolerate, in serbia they would tolerate in places like Nis and Belgrade but NEVER go to a small village i serbia, theyre fucked up man.

Yeah I've walked around different Sarajevo districts. Every day I was there went back to this same little cafe that did the best turska kava and burek I've ever had. On my last day there I said goodbye to the owner, told them it was my visit. She called her husband out from the kitchen, they both hugged me and wished me a safe trip home. Man, that guy nearly squeezed me to death.
That sums up Bosnia best imo.

Yeeah we love vistors haha, last year i saw a black guy when i was with my family and he started asking my mom for directions and mom told him nit just the directions, she told him that she aporeciates that he visits our country and she even told him some places he should avoid, and he hugged her and she hugged him back, one of the most beautiful things ive seen in my life.

Not* appreciates*

Sidenote: i want to tell you that i appreciate that you visit our countries, i love seeing tourists and talking to them because i feel that we in the balkans dont get the attention we deserve, so again, thank you very much for visiting and appreciating our countries

It's all good man. I love ex Yugo countries that I've been too. Croatia is home. Slovenia is easy. BiH is harder and rougher in parts but people are genuine and 'real', Serbia was ok but I was only in Belgrade. My impression is rural areas would be difficult. Never been to Crna Gora or Macedonia so can't comment. As for Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania meh. I've no interest in those places.

What do you think Bosnia has to do to sort its shit out?.

You're idiots for splitting up.

One Nation, One People, Yugoslavia.

Macedonia i dont recommend, but crna gora i forgot to mention, its fucking awesome man, albania greece bulgaria and romania i dont recommend either, its filled with thugs and nationalistic cunts, even tho if youre a mixed albanian bosnian the people in kosovo will still not accept you, the same with bulgaria, but romania has one positive thing, the cities in the shoreline actually have REAL romanians that are actually welcoming and good people, not like the gypsies in the central and the northern side of the country.

I agree honestly, if we were still yugoslavia we would be stronger and more united. Fun fact: when yugoslavia existed we were the 3rd largest army inthe world, wtf happened? Oh yeah... religion

We need to make the Balkans (Yugoslavia) great again.
-Josip Broz Tito

dont make me laugh you muslim scum.
Dont play yourself. Muslims are not European. You are not European BTFO or I'll impale you and your whole family.


Tito, one of the best socialists in the history of the world, with his politics it didnt even feel like it was socialism, it felt different, it felt better.

Yes, muslims are not european, but WE are european, whats your point? This is exactly what im talking about, youre just making your case worse because your people are portrayed as intoleranr assholes, and youre living up to that image, so go ahead, give me more petty threats, i dont care.

Another multicult failure.

it wasn't only religion that caused the collapse of Yugoslavia. it's pretty clear from history that putting a bunch of different people in one country is going to cause it to split up.
>South Sudan exists

Jesus that's a tough question man. All up I've spent about 3 weeks in BiH. Enjoyed it alot. But my experience is different to someone who lives there. I can't even begin to get into the psyche of someone who grew up in that country with it's many different factions.
For the moment people calming their tits has been good. The longer that happens the better. But it still feels like shit could ignite with a decent enough spark.
Some politicians and officials there seem corrupt AF. Like there's a lot of money to be had scamming the EU and many people are in on the take.
I hate the love and tolerance crap. I think it's okay to accept people have differences, if you don't like someone it's not up to you to have explain yourself. Nor should you feel compelled to forgive someone who has wronged you or your family. Should Bosnians be made to apologise to all Serbs because some people were beheaded? Should Serbia apologise to Bosnia because of atrocities like Srebrenica? What about Croatians do we apologise for Jasenovac? How far back do we go??
I think we just draw a line in the sand and say, from this point start again. Acknowledge truly evil and terrible shit happened, but recognise it happened on all sides. Trying to pick it apart would be like trying to disassemble a pizza.
Best to start afresh where we are.

Fake Muslims and Fake ChristFags. The Muslims are white, which makes me vomit.

Im a muslim bosnian and honestly i dont evene know why we are muslim, the people that gave us islam enslaved us too so why the fuck would we still be muslims after that, but i admit, islam is a pretty great thing to have in your life, not just islam, religion


nice quads, but Islam sucks.

Serbia and the black sea best allies
Bulgaria is ok, but I swear to god their hotel restaurants are the shittiest however they compensate with the cheap booze
Croatia still sucks on the hungarian dick, hopefully they get nuked also gay faggots go fucking die.
Fyrom better learns some greek
Montenegro mountain brainwashed serbs
Bosnia and Herzegovina the biggest fuckery ive seen so far, just drop the orthodox serb territories u fucking muslim cunts
Albania is ok as long as they dont leave their country
Slovenia ????? a less retarded croatia or whatever
Greece just as good as serbs too bad the eu fucked em up
Koso something whatever that is I think serbia should annex them.

>Kosovo is majority Albanians
>>Albania is ok as long as they dont leave their country
>serbia should annex them

I overall don't mind the people originating from the balkans region or even the region itself.

I find myself enjoying the history from the region.

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Oooooo i didnt even notice my quads, thanks for pointing that out.

Oh yeah the islam thing, i respect your opinion but i kindly disagree, islam has changed me into a better person. See, Im a secular muslim, not a fundamentalist muslim, the fundamentalists are terrorist scum which deserve to get punished, while we secular muslims believe in a more peaceful matter of dealing with things, and we dont belive in that bs about 70 virgins or some shit, were basically better muslims, not like those sandmonkeys in the middle east.

I wouldn't consider you Muslim, then. not all terrorists are Muslims, my good sir, but all Muslims are terrorists.

Force Albania to eat Kosovo.

Sure i guess, what do you prefer to call me then? I’ll continue calling myself muslim but i want to hear your thoughts.

I haven't come up with anything. Neo-Muslims? I don't know.

Hahahaha good name tho, yeah i actually feel that we are separated from the pther muslims of the world because, honestly, we’re just better people, of course there are some bad eggs, like those brainwashed jihadist scum in bosnia that belive in arabic standards, i dont have the link but vice has a documentary on them on youtube, just search ”bosnia vice” and it’ll pop up. They should just wake tf up and realize that they actually live in a civilized area of the world were there is no oppression and stupid standards like f.e STONING Side Note: i fucking hate arabs

I grew up going to Protestant Church and I think that experience instilled higher morals in me. But now, I don't identify as anything.

I don't

Remove muslims and gypsies and the rest we can work it out without western middling. We should also cut off the narcotics silk road, but that would trigger another world war i guess.

I honestly thought the racist caricature was pure fiction until I met a Serbian who wouldn't shut up about how he can't wait for the next war. That mofo really hated the neighboring countries with a passion.

You're acting as if a Bosnjak would be less welcome in rural Serbia than a Serb in a small muslim town in Bosna. What justification do you have for this belief? If anything it is Serbs who have more experience living next to neighbors of different religions/cultures considering Serbia has been home to Vlachs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Rusyns and Albanian minorities for a thousand years.

although the countries are pretty shitty by most standards, crime rate is low

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