What Would Jesus Think About the Mexican Question?

What would Jesus think about the migrant crisis in general? We’re supposed to help the poor and the downtrodden but with the system we have now, if we let them in they’ll ruin our culture.

God surely values separate people groups (Tower of Babel). I would like to help these people, but they are dangerous and will destroy our culture. No one deserves to live in fear but these migrants have no right to be here.

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Jesus was a cuck and Christianity is a curse on white people

Christianity is not a political system.

No successful Christian country in the last 2000 years has ever had a welfare state and open borders.

>What would Jesus think about the migrant crisis in general?

Render unto Cesar what is Cesars.
Jesus didn't give a fuck about irrelevant things like immigration laws.

>if we let them in they’ll ruin our culture.
Culture doesn't matter, just PRAISE JEBUS. Christians are race-traitors, they support the immigrant scum.

God and Yahowsha don't give two fucks about any of these people. They only care about their family/children and there's almost none of them alive right now

This. He literally would not have given a flying fuck. His concern was telling people about the reality and point of human existence and warning them of what will happen to them when they die.

Jesus only cares if you believe in him

That's it. You can do whatever you want but as long as you believe, all is good.

Here's the fucking pic. Stop responding to this shit. It's the ten billionth thread about Jeebus and illegals today.

Attached: but-jesus.jpg (908x539, 71K)