The left can’t mem-

Well Jow Forums? Explain yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:

Those aren’t brothers, they’re aztecs, and not mentioned in the bible. Aztecs cut people’s hearts out and eat them. Say hello to your new neighbors, Christian.

I'll give it 1/10 because Jesus is a common name among wetbacks, so the guy who drew this at least tried to make a reference. But overall it's less than mediocre.

This is terrible, the left cant meme.

Cool I’m glad we’re following the Bible so we can stop women from voting and stone faggots.

>jews kill jesus
>americans deport him
Made me think

Render unto Cesar what is Cesars

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I thought the left disliked christianity?

separation of church and state
"Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's."
literally obey the laws of men

people who post Horsey belong in a cage

If someone steals or kills someone, do you just let them go free because otherwise you're harming their families?
Why the double standards?

This. Death to Horseshitposters.

A political cartoon from a lefty hack isn’t a meme. Do you know what a meme is?

This is the left trying to use a religion they don't believe in and despise in an attempt to further push their agenda. There are selectively pulling what suits their agenda, which is the destruction of our once great country. Jesus never said let the masses flood your country and commit ethnic suicide.

Fuck you. Post the real Horsey version.

over half of ICE are spics and niggers so not that accurate, also gotta hate how libshits do the "i don't believe in jesus, but this is what jesus believes and maybe i can trick you into believing my political ideology with it."

Be nice, OP is on the left so he's never had one.

Not a meme but a political cartoon retard

"I didn't come for peace, I came with a sword." --Jesus Christ

This, and checked.

And this too, checked once more.

memeing fucking shrek and "cringe" is this decade's annoying teenager version of saying "awkward"

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>thoughts and prayers are worthless you dumb Christians
nobody care about the opinion of these kikes


You're dumb as fuck. These guys are certainly Catholic you uneducated fuck

Would Jesus put children in danger of being abused by sex traffickers?

>*Womp Wommmmp*

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All of you must obey the government rulers. Everyone who rules was given the power to rule by God. And all those who rule now were given that power by God. 2 So anyone who is against the government is really against something God has commanded. Those who are against the government bring punishment on themselves. 3 People who do right don’t have to fear the rulers. But those who do wrong must fear them. Do you want to be free from fearing them? Then do only what is right, and they will praise you.
4 Rulers are God’s servants to help you. But if you do wrong, you have reason to be afraid. They have the power to punish, and they will use it. They are God’s servants to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must obey the government, not just because you might be punished, but because you know it is the right thing to do.

6 And this is why you pay taxes too. Those rulers are working for God, and they give all their time to the work of ruling. 7 Give everyone what you owe them. If you owe them any kind of tax, then pay it. Show respect to those you should respect. And show honor to those you should honor.
-romans 13:1-7

Normies think everything with words is a meme.

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because they're convinced that ignoring the immigration laws isn't an actual crime. instead of changing these laws, democrats love to use them to flood minorities into the country and use them as a wedge issue every few years by promising amnesty.

>Watch me stand on your emotions and make you imagine your savior being my sides strawman

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Can't wait, they postponed the movie for 2 years, but now it seems they finally got enough funding and announced it'll come out autumn/march 2018. Fuck yeah.

He's talking about race, not religion dipfuck. Most Mexicans are descended from Aztecs.

autumn or winter

1st amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.

I don't remember millions of Jesus's trying to replace the Romans in their homeland and leech off of a broke country's welfare policy. It doesn't seem ethical.

The mexicans aren't escaping anything. Their country isn't a war zone, they are financially incentivized to invade us because we reward them with free college, a home, citizenship for their kids, free education, and more. If we did not have these programs they would leave us alone.

The US is 21 Trillion dollars in debt with over $174k owed per tax payer, which is relevant since no one but tax payers are paying it off. We cannot be giving out free shit anymore. Democrat immigration policies were projected to already be over 24T into debt right now. It's finally slowing down, half the stuff on the debt clock is now grey or green. We're making real progress. We cannot afford to stop. We must protect our boarder or this system will collapse.

The left's plan is to go broke after spending enormous amounts of money on everything besides our future. The national budget isn't for their white guilt virtue signalling. We have to run a god damn country. It's one I like and I want it to be around. If we go broke we're going to be attacked on all sides by enemies. This invasion plan of illegals brings that date MUCH sooner and it puts enemies inside our boarders by the tens of millions. I unironically think that the left is trying to destroy the US. Their policies will leave us in utter ruin. How could total chaos and war, with whites struggling to survive, be something Jesus wants?

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Wow so they use jesus to justify white genocide but then throw jesus under the bus for child molseting fags

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There's a number of issues with the comic, but here's what I found off hand:

Misrepresenting scripture
>Romans 16:17-19
>I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.

Saying nice SOUNDING things, rather than true things
>2 Corinthians 11:14-15
>And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

>2 Timothy 4:3-4
>For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

Disrespect to Authority
>Hebrews 13:17
>Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.

If this is wrong, and against The Word of God, then they should be the first ones to submit
>1 Peter 2:18-20
>Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God. But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.

came here just to post this

it's not just a meme, is it Jow Forums........

If Christianity is "the enemy of Jewry", then Jews don't need any friends. "Based Christian" Charlemagne, the father of Europe according to Christians, for killing pagan saxons, gave Jews their economical power
> Charlemagne (800–814) readily made use of the Church for the purpose of infusing coherence into the loosely joined parts of his extensive empire, by any means a blind tool of the canonical law. He employed Jews for diplomatic purposes, sending, for instance, a Jew as interpreter and guide with his embassy to Harun al-Rashid. Yet, even then, a gradual change occurred in the lives of the Jews. The Church forbade Christians to be usurers, so the Jews secured the remunerative monopoly of money-lending. This decree caused a mixed reaction of people in general in the Frankish empire (including Germany) to the Jews: Jewish people were sought everywhere, as well as avoided. This ambivalence about Jews occurred because their capital was indispensable, while their business was viewed as disreputable. This curious combination of circumstances increased Jewish influence and Jews went about the country freely, settling also in the eastern portions. Aside from Cologne, the earliest communities were established in Mainz, Worms, Speyer, and Regensburg.[15]

Their christian "punishment" against the "evil jews" was to receive a lucrative financial monopoly of "sinful high financing that no christians shall ever benefit from" and to move to the next country to fleece when the peasants got too riled up.

> Around 400, St Augustine, one of the most influential and foundational figures of Catholic theology, preached that the Jews must be protected for their ability to explain the Old Testament.
> Jews must be protected for their ability

> Pope Gregory the Great (c 540–604) brought Augustine's teachings into Roman Law, by writing a Papal Bull which became the foundation of Catholic doctrine in relation to the Jews and specified that, although the Jews had not accepted salvation through Christ, and were therefore condemned by God until such time as they accept salvation, Christians were nevertheless duty-bound to protect the Jews as an important part of Christian civilization.[6
> While a "persecuting spirit" often existed among the general population through the Middle Ages, Jewish communities often had to turn to the Holy See for protection.[7] Papal Bulls reiterating the duty of protection were issued by various Popes,

Christians protecting Jews is not a "corruption of Christianity", all the way back to St Augustine Jews were seen as part of Christianity. That is why Jews never had to leave Europe even when they were constantly expelled numerous times from every kingdom by angry farmers. Papal edicts helped them move to the next kingdom and eventually get back to the first one.

> but muh synagogue of Satan
The only result of Christian "enemty" against Jews was giving them an absolute monopoly over high finances, and protecting them from angry farmers.
And how can it be otherwise? If Jews are the enemies of Christianity, the synagogue of Satan, then it is the duty of Christians to love them and protect them, "love your enemies and provide them with help" was clearly said by both Jesus and Paul, and the early christians like Saint Augustine openly agreed

> but... but that is a modern jewish corruption!! Turning the other cheek does not mean pacifism. If you let someone else slap your face with the back of his hand, that means that you have declared yourself in open rebellion!!
that is bullshit. that shit was made up by radical black-nationalist liberal theologist Walter Wink to justify social rebellion in South Africa. There are NO sources to it outside his books, nothing of what Josephus wrote about life in the ancient Middle East mentions anything close to offering the cheek or giving to your enemies your coat being an insult to them.

In the Greek-Roman world, love meant "common feeling of mutual interest born out of shared experiences"

Early Christians expanded it to a commandment of loving people that we don't know, that we don't care about, just so that we can fill ourselves with misguided pride about how we are friends of mankind itself
Agape never has conveyed any sort of violent or agressive implication, as some Jow Forumslacks imply

Among christian writers it has always meant means "a selfless love that is passionately committed to the well-being of others", no implication of tough love whatsoever

Christian semantics are enough of a mess as they are, and then Jow Forums christians wanna add an extra layer of absurdity and mental masturbation: That is where the schizophrenia of right-wing christians kicks in
Only a christian could claim something as absurd as love for his enemies

Only a right-wing christian could take that absurdity to the next level by killing his enemies while declaring his love for them. So here they want us to believe that the Crusaders loved every single damn person that they slaughtered in Constantinople
Because, according to Jow Forums christians, Love is not about shared interest, it is about telling to yourself "how I love that guy" right before cutting his head off (mental masturbation, really)

dude, if you wanna hate your enemies, just do that, and stop mentally masturbating about how better and so much more heaven-deserving you are than your enemies because you somehow declared that you loved him while killing him

> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece

daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit of other christians, and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn

But why would it be otherwise?

Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether, and right wing concerns ARE wordly concerns

These Jews who use Christ while supporting abortion shall pay for their blasphemy on this earth and the next. Due thy duty brothers against these foul inbreds, let the war begin and the fires rise from their ashes.

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first of all, catholics are heretics. second of all, beaners aren't even catholics. they're some fucked up pygmy syncretic thing that care more about different saints, half of which they make up and sanctify with no approval from the church, and their different voodoo traditions than they care about Christ or the Logos

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization
But Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven; this is also why more modern christians like Martin Luther said (I quote):
- "it is the duty of a Christian to suffer injustice, not to seize the sword and take to violence" - Martin Luther

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he isn't kidding, or meaning the opposite, but setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical
While christian churches seem to be very well of this (including orthodox leader Patriarch Bartholomew), Jow Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"
Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.
You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword to fight and defeat the romans, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)
You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because ""Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing that Jesus was asking them, not to destroy their enemies, but to not put in risk their own moral position by criticizing others. You may want them to believe that Jesus, in the middle of a speech about not judging other people and sharing, suddenly decided that speak against the muslims that didn't even exist back then!

That is not going to fly.
Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".

>Mexicans aren't catholic
Even when you try to go right wing you just sound like a dumbass

Now the left acknowledges Jesus. Guess they can't draw Muhammad.

I really like it when hillary clinton preaches to me. these people hate Jesus and now they want to cherry pick to prove their case? fuck them

Literally all the followers of Jesus, and Jesus himself were kikes. Christianity didn't even have gentiles among its ranks until Saul (Paul) decided to spread it among gentiles 30 years later.
Among his followers there were many zealots, the most radical jews of them all, that wanted wars against Rome
Indeed, why would the pharisees be discussing mosaic law with a non-jew?

Never mind, what exactly did he denounce the pharisees for that makes him not a kike? Have you actually read the Gospel? Can you point to a single point Jesus made that would not be denounced as SJW, marxist and jewish by Jow Forums if it wasn't Jesus saying it?

There he denounces the pharisees for wanting to punish a slut!
There he denounces the rich pharisees and promises the earth to the meek and the poor!
There he denounces the pharisees for wanting to live, instead of embracing death like him!
There he denounces them over a disagreement on how Mosaic Law is applied!

You blindly may say "he disagreed with the kikes" as if that was something we needed to applaud!
The doctrine of the Jews worked well. Thousands of ethnic groups have disappeared yet Jews remain around.

Jesus' attacks against Judaism are the same of Chomsky attacks against Zionism: jews that hate other jews, but following their ideas would allow Jews to control us.
I have to ask you "christians" of Jow Forums, what are these supposed teachings of Jesus that supposedly got corrupted by kikes? "Hate your enemies"? "Save treasures for tomorrow"? "DO resist evil"?
The opposite of everything Jesus said?
I mean really, is "but kikes killed Jesus" your only argument?

Muslims are hated by Jews as well, but Jews are smart enough to use them as a tool. The same way they use the insane anti-morality of Christianity to corrupt the ancient world and give themselves a privileged financial spot!

But if Jews don't like the own poison they created, that means that we shall drink it, according to you!
wtf I guess I love ISIS now!

Funny how jesus only cares about them after they are on our side of the fence. Why doesnt jesus care about their plight before?

You know there are quotes from the Bible that support nationalism right. I mean I can use religion to justify my political position too you know.

Why do you shills do this? Don't you understand that it makes it immediately apparent you're full of shit and just trying D&C crap?

Left can't meme

There are also lots of other Bible verses to justify helping the poor, but those are for *individuals* to follow, not the Govenrment.

You know, that whole "render unto Caesar" thing.

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Is this before or after god committed genocide at least 3 times

Lefty Memes

Righty memes
>*snap* lmao

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They like it when it’s useful to them. You know, the chucked version.

>He thinks his kike brainwashing program wasn't designed to be schismatized a million times over

D&C is the reason why Christianity has to go

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they're mixed with spanish and euro blood as well. Have you fucking failed basic history class.

Hey, Moshe. Where do I get a copy of your notes?

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Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion.

Change your meme flag and we'll think you're consensus cracking.

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0/10 America doesn't have an official religion.

Yet you seem to pray all the time when anything bad happens.

Checked praise kek

Coming from any European country.
Come on germ even I'm not that bad

Horsey is actually pretty based, it's just that kikes edit his cartoons into insipid, run-of-the-mill left-wing dreck.

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a jew and a litter of squatamalans?
Do the deed.

the mind leaps you Christians go through to convince yourself that you dont practice a brown mans religion is hilarious. i've attended hispanic churches before, they are catholics. there is a lot of mary symbolism in the latin churches ill give you that but they do not practice some non-christian dogma even if you want them to

this policy makes total sense if most of the "immigration" is child trafficking.

well at least jesus is white in the cartoon. they got one thing right

That's mean :(

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Finish the job Spain was too pussy to do. Wang Chung tonight, if you know what I mean.

The quote is way out of context.
A. They are committing a crime and they are being punished. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.
B. What, are you going to LET them enter the US illegally? We want more fucking issues in the country?
C. We are still being incredibly nice to them. We aren't throwing them back to be butchered by their roving gangs or government. We also aren't excuting them willy nilly like China or Russia would and no one would lift a finger to do something if it did happen. The UN without the US resources/leadership is a complete laughingstock globally.
t. Roman Catholic

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They don't care about faggots, much less women when power is on the line, which it is when we are talking about changing demographics

Oh, so you're not an European country anymore? I'm a believer. But I don't need a president to tell me on tv every week after the next random school shooting that I'm now supposed to pray for the victims. Kys.

I ain't christian. Fuck off faggot, and take your mexicans with you.

They do, but they like to use it to stick it to Christians who they perceive as not living up to Christian standards, just like in the comic.

>who are you to quote my stautes
how's that one? Prolly never heard it b4 did ya, yeah I know.
>40 million immigrants in last 35 years into USA
>USA, you are going to hell if you don't save the world.
The USA is not God, and you blaspheme by implying we can save the world through our good works.
I'd say it's you ungrateful hypocrites that are heading down that path. Suit yourselves.

That's why I am agnostic or will larp as pagan or other mystic when I am in the mood.

Too many poison pills to larp as Christian. Would buttfuck my mind.

>leaving the eu means we literally shift geographical location out of Europe
>You have Merkel

I just can't find the words anymore that would accurately describe my hatred for the left... these slimey, abusing, hypocrite fucks need to go. All of them. If it comes to it, i'll fly over and help. promise.

Most faggots don't even know what means.

>treat the foreigner to your lands like he is your neighbor
not make him and his extended family your neighbors that you pay all the bills for

Tru dat

Take your shitty little island nobody here really cares about and float to ... dunno, wherever you want. Wanna leave? Fine. Leave. Or do you need to buy a loicense for that? And stop insulting Mutti Merkel when you currently got a retarded "leader" like May who'll be gone soon while Merkel will stay in power until she drops dead. Faggot.

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Horsey makes great comics

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So you want Merkel to stay in power?
And 2world wars one world cup fucker

But he is right. There is a danger of a lefty spiritual movement instigating mass stupid.