So if children of illegal immigrants shouldn't be separated from their parents, what should happen to them?

So if children of illegal immigrants shouldn't be separated from their parents, what should happen to them?

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We need to take out the News outlets promoting them into coming here and the legislators who have sworn oaths to foreign powers who entice them with legislation.

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Put them to work on the wall.

Unfuck your maple poutine shithole first, Anand.

They should be gassed on the spot.


this lol

Same thing that happens when American citizens are separated because of jail.

They should all be destroyed.

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They should be put in prison with their parents and all the other MS-13 gang shitbags.

Either pic related or they should become modern day Janissaries and be permanently separated from their parents and culture (inb4 shouldn't be separated) and forced to fight in the final war of annexation against Mexico

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>put them in us foster homes
Fuck off faggot.

I'd say give the child a choice. Because of the full retard birth naturalization laws there is no legal basis for kicking out the child of an illegal because that child is American.
That doesn't mean the parents shouldn't get the boot

You dummy. These are illegal kids, not citizens

Clever girl.

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Give them to their parents and tell them to GTFO.

>Because of the full retard birth naturalization laws there is no legal basis for kicking out the child of an illegal because that child is American.
>9 year olds smuggled into the country are immediately Americans because their beannigger parent got caught
I want every one of you gaslighting kikes in the ovens.

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The child has to be born in the US to be a citizen.


No. This is the line in the sand. Semantic Arguments and Blame Games cannot be allowed to get in the way of what is happening here. The largest superpower in the world, regardless of its current political composition of government, is currently operating refugee concentration camps along its southern border, separating immigrant and asylum-seeking families from their children, and initiating deportment proceedings at which point they may or may not return the family's child.

This is Fascism. This is Racism. This is Institutionalized Terrorization of a Refugee Population. And yes, there is absolutely a group of people that are primarily to blame, namely the Republican Party of the United States, currently led by President Donald J Trump.

But until those jackbooted would-be Hitlers are removed from power--by votes, by force, by fucking revolution if necessary--we are ALL party to its occurrence, whether you have a fucking job to go to in the morning or not.


>modern day Janissaries
Does that include raping their young boipuccis?

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Fuck off with pasta faggot

I love pasta, but this is so gay.

The implication is clearly open borders and all-inclusive resorts funded by taxpayers

Tossed into a volcano

Great idea
Love the term infest America lol

>about 8
>tomorrow morning
>slip under the sheets
fuck your dead mom before she cools

Pic related should happen to them.

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Pardon? I only understood 56% of what you said, Martinez.

Stop spending money buying gas
Sale them for profit

they should be sold into slavery

Excuse me, I am 75% white.

When can I come fuck your gf? Friday works for me.

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Got him

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Emma has puffy nips :3

This but forrealz

Grotesque human being

Fucking goblin.

hmm, solid bantz... for a leaf.

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I was for real

ok kikey kike kienstein

Only if they're adults. The young ones who are a bit girly will be feminized.

just because you drop a kid on our soil.
don't mean it's an American citizen
(( the law used to be it had to have an American parent))

They really need to change that
Getting born on American land isn’t enough any longer to guarantee citizenship
It should be changed that the child of two American citizens is given temporary citizenship that expires upon becoming an adult at which time they must take a pledge of citizenship or get the fuck out. And if you fuck up growing up you lose out on taking the oath too. Tired of all these anchor baby citizens or natural born citizens turned communist shitting up my freedoms with their ability to vote!

Turn them into meat and feed them to their parents.

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Transport cost

They aren't children.

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Worth it for the volcano thing.

deport the WHOLE family

A nice apartment and a copy of fifa 18 for each of them

Let em go and do an open door policy if they want to return to their air conditioned cage.

Sounds like a great source of conscripts for the Space Force.

We'll need millions of cannon fodder to storm the beaches of Alpha Centauri.

2 for a $1
Buy 1 get 1 free

Xbone or PS4?


I kinda want to cum in her she is not bad looking for a Jew Mexican. benifit my kids would look white and be Jewish.

Xbox one

>what should happen to them?
They could be used to heat hospitals.

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I like this idea

fuck off back to >>>/leftypol/


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

We need to send them to their motherland with their mothers and fathers the left likes to bullshit about how vibrant and great those shitholes are so they shouldn't have a problem doing this

Taco loco

Hey, our constitution specifically forbids cruel and unusual punishment.

I dont speak the millenial version of niggerese. Care to post that in english?

post pics mine are from deepfakes.

Spending money again

You must be new here. Welcome. You can't leave.
Ftfy = fixed that for you

Declare a national emergency and lock them up with their mothers in the facility in Dilley Texas, that's what it's there for.

It's already designed for detaining mothers with children, they just stopped because a judge closed it on a technicality.

House them in conditions suitable for children, it's no great burden for the US government to build some low cost housing.
There are hundreds of thousands of US troops lounging around Europe and Asia that could be put to task.
Hell the troops in SK should do it. Removing those troops is part of NK's plan to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. SK is open to reunification, let them actually work it out themselves and the troops can build the wall and centers for processing legitimate applicants.
And maybe later on the centers can be barracks.

are they playing rap music Again?

Do it faggot. I wanna kill you faggots.

>gassed on the spot

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Thanks man. And naw, executing them wont solve anything in the long run. If we send them back to mexico eventually theyll fix their own country. By letting them come here we are letting mexico bleed off its politically dissenting class and therefore releaving political pressure for their corrupt politicians to be dealt with and the cartels to be violently purged. Theyll do all of this on their own if we dont allow even legal immagration here

The leafposts are getting tastier.

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Kill them.

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Give them to child traffickers
Like obama’s been doing for about 6 years

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Your head should be on a pike.

That's Mexico's problem

They should be surgically grafted to their parents

All honesty though we should just sell them to Podesta for a profit, that's how we'll fund the wall.

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>make crime infested ghettos


>So if children of illegal immigrants

They are called illegal aliens.

make a retroactive change the citizenship clause of the 14th amendment and the problem solved itself

why dont we execute podesta instead?

send them the fuck back too...or give them a choice. stay here without your parents or fucking go home and come back through legal channels. Social services takes kids away from criminal parents, so whats the big goddamn fuss? COME HERE LEGALLY

>. If we send them back to mexico eventually theyll fix their own country.
You must be really new...
You're giving them too much credit.

The indoctrination is real, my dear leaf.

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Run the little shitskins through a wood chipper.

A leaf said something right. Good job, leafbro.

Because who else will keep Moloch in check?

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Sup (((G)))

those kiddos wouldn’t be camping if they didn’t have shitty uneducated parents. If they just stayed in their America there wouldn’t be a problem

Beam me over scotty

Lmao this damn it

Trucked to one of many legal ports of entry where applicants and apply for asylum along with their parents. Pending available holding space and cost of transportation to nearest facility with vacancy, first come first serve. If no space available and/or can't pay the cost to the nearest facility with vacancies, automatic deport and 15yr ban for unlawful entry. That way, you get to recoup some cost (if they can pay), funnel them towards legal crossings and maybe provoke some in-fighting along the way to the border. To "sweeten" the pot, make it known that any applicant who actually has complete identification papers (minimum passport or a government issued ID that checks out with your country of origin) and passes a criminal background check for all members of their family will be entered in a monthly lottery for automatic admission and resident status will further incentivize them to play your game.

The game being making them fight against each other knowing that every other family out there is a potential competitor. No safety in numbers because another family might just be tempted to sabotage your chances by tossing your papers into the Rio Grande. Or if one decides to be ruthless and murder the competition, another family might just narc them out and goodbye eligibility. Better make sure there's no witnesses. Some enterprising applicants might even hire local cartel hit squads to thin out the competition. Mexico might even become fed up with more random mass murder sites on top of the local shit they have to deal with and might actually start enforcing their own immigration laws. And of course, vids of desperate families butchering each other torpedoes all the emotional kneejerk propaganda being shilled by the Dems.

If they were born in the U.S., they're a U.S. citizen, even if born to people here illegally. This could probably only change with a Constitutional amendment.

A large blender