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Isaac Baker
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Gabriel Green
Just deserts
Ryan Brooks
>jew got his 40 silver and is fleeing the scene
sounds like standard procedure
Logan Diaz
To think this all happened because some loitering niggers were told to leave a store once.
Ethan Fisher
I'm sorry Starbucks is too retarded and loaded up with white guilt to be a properly functioning company. No, seriously, they're so pathetic I actually feel sorry for them.
Jace Cruz
And it's beautiful
Kayden Stewart
I'm proud to say I have never bought a single thing from this (((coffee company))).
Lucas Parker
>and thats a good thing...
David Powell
>tfw this is the eventual catalyst for bringing back "no niggers" signs for stores across the country
Joseph Ortiz
How do i upvote this post?
Cooper Myers
Luis Murphy
It non-ironically is. 150 is nothing. There's so fucking many of them. You can't drive 10 minutes without seeing two. They're so many they're cannibalizing each others business.
That being said, they've already Sudoku'd themselves 2 months ago with that bathroom and loitering policy
Kevin James
checked and keked
Isaac Hernandez
I demand they be kept open so I can poss and hang.
Jose Lewis
Reminder that (((Howard Schultz))) is a possible candidate for the Democrat party in 2020.
Michael Ward
I haven't in 3 years ever since they decided to hire 10,000 refugees.
Mason Garcia
Blake Parker
You're a retard if you believe this, which I hope you don't.
Aiden Cox
liberals stop going to starbucks because too many nogs. they'll never say that but that's exactly why. they love their pets when they're around you but just not around them.
Chase Ross
Not gonna lie,I stopped going because I'm afraid of homeless black people Jow Forums
Leo Reed
I bet they close the starbucks in black/hispanic neighborhoods
Joshua Gray
Their coffee taste like shit. Ironically the best thing they sell are the breakfast sandwiches. I stopped going 2 years ago. I used to have a good star membership.
Ian Foster
I did once with a free $10 coupon
Xavier Hernandez
I prefer Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons is masterrace
Noah Taylor
Dylan Baker
Get woke, go broke.
Gavin White
I wish I went to Starbucks only so that I could stop going there.
Jeremiah Reyes
Yeah good luck with that, user
Hudson Foster
when CEOs figure out that these incidents just end in them losing their jobs it;ll get right.
That or all the big multinationals will go out of business which is also good.
Evan Gutierrez
Slow in black majority areas. mark my fucking words. They cannot afford this new policy around black communities. Only whites will maintain the high trust society the "homeless shelter" type policies will work in
Nicholas Martinez
in the future, business consultants will quantify white guilt inside an organization and project its fiscal impact.
Austin Turner
Let's say that BLM got their way and segregation and refusal of business based on race was entirely possibly once again. How long do you think it'd take most businesses to put up "no niggers allowed" signs?
Camden Bennett
I don't think this has to do with the bathroom policy though. I think it would be a couple more months before sales really started plummet and for them to pull the plug
Daniel Gomez
I'm a sellout for the Caramel Mocha latte (cold), it's deliciously sweet
Benjamin Collins
Sorry, I don't get the context. What happened again?
Alexander Kelly
Is this confirmed to be a direct result of the recent racism shit?
John Mitchell
I am not saying I support him but that he as been said in the news and beyond to be looking at running in 2020.
Luis Walker
They said that about Oprah too. And again I say, good luck with that, user.
Robert James
They already have welfare lol
Caleb Price
womp womp
Matthew Powell
I wanted to buy some lemon iced tea from them once... You know that thing you can get anywhere? At the end of a 10 minute transaction of numerous options I wound up with some undrinkable swill, and I paid too much for it.
Jace Robinson
>jew leaves the company
Starbucks is done. It's going to start slowly dying now
Andrew Gray
Just because a place doesn't have a Starbucks doesn't mean it's a desert.
Connor Perez
Starbucks got the red suppository.
Jayden Price
This isn't something they'd close 150 stores over. Starbucks has been making stupid decisions at the executive level for a while. They hired a guy who put down that he's a WoW player on his resume. Just let that thought sink in for a second.
William Edwards
Charles Lee
Same. Also they were the only place to be open at the buttcrack of dawn that ironically wasn't infested with junkies and nogs.
Obviously this is no longer the case and I'm glad I stopped going.
Nathan Lopez
based blacks are killing degenerate starbucks
James Clark
You are right SBUX has had stagnant growth in the last couple of years. But the identity politics issues will distract the same political left from their more classical workers strive when they lay people off in the closing of 150 stores.
Nathaniel Carter
We're so sorry. Have a coffee on us.
Justin Perez
Is it possible to hire a nigger to a store you work at and cause another incident to happen?
Charles Hernandez
And that's a good thing
Matthew Gray
150 homeless shelters for broke ass negros that pretend to be business men.
Levi Bennett
things to try at starbucks:
-triple short flat white
-grande blonde americano (splash of cream)
-chorizo breakfast sandwich
-chicken sausage bacon biscuit
Evan Lee
can we pay some niggers to do this to every liberal establishment. Chipotle would be easy to bring down, one homeless man and all their food is contaminated.
Lucas Collins
smart companies dont wait till they lose billions to act.
Angel Foster
Womp womp
Benjamin Edwards
-walk out of the store and make your own coffee goddamn hipster
Oliver Price
Logan Anderson
I've passed them a few times when in San Juan and that area, never really cared about getting a coffee from them, best coffee I can get is at a little restaurant close to my home that's been operating for well over 70 years now.
Caleb Diaz
Wow racist Starbucks are closing down stores now how can minority use their bathroom
Racist resist
Xavier Ortiz
You mean JUST deserts?
Leo Parker
Womp womp
Angel Mitchell
>They wouldn't something for a stupid reason
>They have been making stupid decision
Ethan Green
Shultz left before then came back after some grocery manager from walmart nearly bankrupted the entire franchise. He's pretty old now, I'd imagine that has a lot to do with leaving.
David Price
You're alright leaf
Julian Adams
they did that themselves, can't claim ownership for the left eating itself
Oliver Wright
My Sides, My Sides... Gasp
Angel Lee
Pizzagate is REAL!
Jayden Sanchez
Nah dude we literally created the meme flyers advertising free bathroom service,, are you some kind of new faggot?
Aiden Barnes
Sit through a day of racial sensitivity re-education, get fired because store closes.
Carson Jenkins
The largest starbucks in the world opened up here in chinkland a little while ago
to the ones I've been to here, there is no free hanging out or even public bathrooms as far as I've seen
Justin Anderson
> The closing stores are often in “major metro areas where increases in wage and occupancy and other regulatory requirements” are making them unprofitable, Johnson said. “Now, in a lot of ways, it's middle America and the South that presents an opportunity.”
Samuel Clark
I would like to see a map of the stores closing. Bet it involves low income areas and nigs.
Connor Walker
Run that through the filter: "We're closing the nig infested stores and opening some where white folks are."
Levi Hughes
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Hipster began to hate.
Andrew Garcia
Liam Perry
ACTUALLY they were told to leave at least six times
Grayson Bennett
>mfw it took ppl 30 years to realise that 9€ for a cup of coffee is not worth
Colton Myers
I can't be sad at this
Blake Davis
A couple of black guys in Philadelphia sat in a Starbucks for an hour or two without buying anything, asked to use the bathroom, and then refused to leave when asked. Then they cops were called, continued to refuse to leave, and got arrested for trespassing. They were apparently waiting for a friend.