What did The Onion mean by this?
What did The Onion mean by this?
based gen z
> Having discovered the social media website open on his father’s unattended laptop, local 6-year-old Oliver Sherman stated “We must protect the pure Aryan bloodline” Friday after nine minutes of Facebook access without supervision. “There’s a white genocide going on in this country, and no one wants you to know about it,” the kindergartener reportedly announced to his parents unprompted after clicking through a grand total of five links on an open Facebook browser tab before going on to convey his newly formed belief that a tide of Mexican rapists and inferior races was flooding into the country to subvert the proud lineage of the Caucuses through miscegenation and deceit. “I’m not saying Hitler got it all right, but I know what I know, goddammit, and if we keep falling for the false-flag operations of the international Jewry like September 11, the proud white race as we know it is doomed.” At press time, Sherman had donned a makeshift Grand Dragon’s hood crafted from his Paw Patrol bed sheet and was heading toward the front door after watching a Facebook Live video for seven additional seconds
I bet the grabbler did this!
is facebook more fun than i have been led to believe?
It's the best platform to redpill people.
...and his mom was getting Pounded by Tyreese in the next room
unironically fantastic bait on their part
>At press time, Sherman had donned a makeshift Grand Dragon’s hood crafted from his Paw Patrol bed sheet and was heading toward the front door after watching a Facebook Live video for seven additional seconds.
That image is both hilarious and heart-warming. What kind of cold-blooded monster could picture that and think it's a bad thing?
I was born ten years too soon god dammit.
>first comment: Shouldn't you have received training on how to counsel people with ideas different from yours?
based caitlyn.
>makes a reference to Paw Patrol
That writer is unironically ourguy nobody else would know a meme that esoteric.
Comedy is just a way of masking truth. Many think it's a way of telling forbidden truths, but it isn't - rather, it's the tool that keeps those truths forbidden, and relegated to the midden heap of culture, preventing them from penetrating unironic mainstream awareness.
Jews aren’t funny
>Sherman had donned a makeshift Grand Dragon
He got a job with the FBI at 6. That's impressive.
Mel Brooks was Jewish
Damn that nigga woke
The only way to drop a redpill that blatant is through satire. He really is /ourguy/ whether he realizes it or not.
My 3rd cousins really attached to me and they are normally shy. the younger one told me they knew I was family and they trusted me because I had blonde hair like them and most of the guys in the family don't.
I think hair is really important to girls.
a shitlib satirist wouldn't get the paw patrol joke
>oy vey how can i stop these evil goyim from noticing trends and trusting their lived experiences over what i am supposed to make them think?
how indeed
They accidently posted truth
Not if you want to use it to keep in touch with family. If you want to use a fake name and fuck with people it can be great.
He posted nothing wrong.
I have eliminated all the juice.jpg
>pepe shirt
>i'm way out of my element and getting schooled by children because i don't actually know anything pls help!
it'd be funny if it weren't a pandemic
So is this really the plan to surpass the Aussies in Shitposting?
Did she post this before or after having sex with these alphas?
That would explain why all the fem teachers are banging these chads lately.
>tfw you will never be able to shitpost with your counselor and get away with it, potentially mentally breaking your counselor in the process
oy vey
They mean you should kill white blond kids.
They're sick, sick people, those libs.
Fell good you were the bleeding edge and pioneered such things. Without you pioneer autists such madness wouldn't exist.
Also checked based 3's
the tay train brakes for no one
this user gets it :D
>Toddlers are emotionally and intellectually more developed than leftists
Sounds right
Mel Brooks wasn't funny.
so is paw patrol just another autistic child video game commandeered by Jow Forums?
ok gas you next week
The march is coming.
That Jow Forums has the brain of a child.
it's like the 6 gorillion gassed jews narrative. the lamp shades, the "human" soap etc.
They're a nice story.
It's just that. Just a fable. Just because it's written, doesn't make it so.
Jow Forums is definitely the brain of schizoid
How old is he? He didn't say all that verbatim. It's obviously a trick by the parents.
OMG... Tay is sooo cute when she does that.
10/10 stuff
Is this the new "basketball american"
>Paw Patrol grand dragon hood
Made me kek.
Donald glover?
so that's the natural state of our people if jews don't censor our speech?
Not "I'm a girl"?
Fake news
I don't understand what your post has to do with mine.
what is the paw patrol thing? is it like the angry birds movie or something?
>taking a picture of your screen
jesus christ...
can I adopt this kid?
>What did The Onion mean by this?
What did The Söy mean by this?
Damn onions filter.
I'm noticing the exact same thing all around me. Friends, family, the kids in my street, co-workers... i swear, the elites have no clue what-so-ever as to what is comming. They are completely oblivious to the storm that's brewing.
Based Tay. She was ahead of her time.
holy shit, that dude on the onion is trying to incept normies. top fucking kek
wtf belgium???
partition it now!
>What did The Onion mean by this?
It only takes ten minutes of casual digging to see the problems with our world.
Jesus christ we're gonna get killed by gen x
I had a good talk in another thread about being extremely wary of a civil war and its unironic outcome, Blij that somebody from my country knows what is coming atleast, The people here in Helmond City sure as FUCK are dumb and all of the rental homes are going to "refugees" making me stay with my parents but unironically
Kanker, Jan, We are up for some more shitty times, We will literally resort to tribalism again.
not including a "how do i take screen shot" tab
Internet makes u an incel
Ya tgey are the tumblrinas
This is exactly the same ideology leftists use to protect muslims, transgenders, communists spies, illegal immigrants, etc.
so irish are smart now?
They're the top performing white group in England, Australia, and America.
"Chinese pupils of mixed white and Asian heritage, Irish and Indian pupils consistently achieve ABOVE the national average across key stage one [seven to 11-year-olds], key stage two [11 to 14-year-olds] and key stage three [14 to 16-year-olds]," the analysis concludes.
Yesterday's analysis also shows that girls outperform boys at all levels in almost every exam - although the gap has narrowed slightly. "Overall, the difference in attainment of five or more A*- to C-grade GCSEs or equivalent by gender has dropped slightly from last year when it was 10.1 percentage points to 9.6 percentage points in 2006," it says.
That facebook is jewish and brainwashes the exact opposite.
I can't tell if this mocking us or tipping their hat to us
>child got redpilled after 9 minutes
AI really needs to catch up, it took Tay way longer.
this is actually a pretty dank meme about Jow Forums newfags
Considering part time subbing on my off days to see this first hand, sounds hilarious
This prefectly describes me when I was younger and now, of course