Jewish user here. Also, artist (credible artworld mechanisms behind me) Also...

Jewish user here. Also, artist (credible artworld mechanisms behind me) Also, run production studio for jewelry (mostly to Sundance Film Festival crowd until now)

Going to market some contemporary rap style jewelry as art

Here is the social context, from two perspectives.

>On one hand, rappers love the idea that their new found money makes them somehow more cultured so they gladly buy into the "art" meme.

>On the other hand, rap is the most listened to genre of music in the world (Spotify data) if celebrated art is about cultural reflection, then the perspective appears to be a particularly potent source of sociocultural perspective.

How would I go about finding capital to make this? I’m an entrepreneur who’s fundraised for businesses before, but this is markedly different.

Hopefully we can all have a really productive discussion about the merits of the concept, it’s sociocultural relevance, or the ability to finance in this area.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Inb4: ((Jew)) x, y, or z


Had a great discussion about this over the weekend, however I was unfortunately unable to stay in touch with some of the more interesting and thoughtful parties.


Split personality butterfly symbolism?

sounds like a decent idea but i don't know how you could sell it to investors. fashion and art are so "intangible" that it's too much speculation for most investors unless you can REALLY sell it, or if you know somebody rich to back you (which I'm surprised you don't... yes it's a stereotype but come on)

if you can REALLY sell it, then go on shark tank or something

Bump w pic of bling.

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>a Jew asking anti-semites for capital acquisition advice

Forgot the name of this piece, not me, was at a NY gallery.

Yeah, that’s the difficulty - the angle is abstract. So I’ve spent time putting together a significant amount of art world media and credibility behind me hoping to strengthen my argument here.

Basic tactic for marketing to niggers is to make something gaudy and ugly as hell, plating it in gold, then charging a years worth of EBT for it and niggers will buy it in droves.

>litteral bullet with butterfly-wings

Attached: 1497674439666.jpg (209x248, 5K)

>Jewish here
Fuck off, faggot

There are other Jews here too. Take this as proof that I know how to get attention. Building an audience is such a useful skill, this is just a demonstration.

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved

Attached: billy zeroes out.jpg (385x240, 24K)

Literal triptych of wall pieces and sculpture. In a noted gallery in Manhattan. Yes, art.

In terms of differentiation and market acquisition this goes after too low a tier for me. I prefer to know the competition and do something different.

Smashing Pumpkins gonna sue somebody!

Attached: smashing pumpkins zero.jpg (1280x720, 62K)


uncreative jew needs goy help marketing.

Bling bump

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Goy needs help with reading comprehension. The marketing angle is solid.


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What a decadent life you world you live in. The project is sound, but for presenting zero ideas you're taking yourself too seriously. I trust that you're as successful as you say. But having a nice bank account is only proof of making money. Im sure someone will come up with the art for you gl with that. As for finding money, you need an idea too. So why not licence something. If you get the licence surely you can get some investment. Its a one pitch, two problems thing. Or find you're best customer and get them involved on your next phase.

Art bump

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Yup that's Jewish art alright.

Despite all your rage, youre still either a boomer retard or a gen z cuck in a cage.

Why would I present the specific art concepts for critique on the Jow Forums ?

That feels ridiculous. Know that I have two forthcoming exhibitions (both in LA, both galleries are bicoastal so we may move it to NY as well)

Know that I’ve been offered interviews in HYPEBEAST, and in Juxtapoz (one of the most widely distributed and culturally important pop art magazines)

the requirements for kabala are that you are atleast 40 AND have a surviving son incase you die from demonic possession, which you are prone when you study the kabala
kabala being occult magic, is one mode for demons to interact with occult followers.

the kabala has hexed the goyim.

they used their satanic black magic and cursed the goyim nation


>satanic kabalist black magic

Rabbi Jacobson put a curse on Kennedy, damning him and all his male offspring to tragic fates.

Someone will say what is lost can never be saved. But let’s be real, people say lots of things.

What a useless contribution. Thanks.

Art bump

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Bling bump

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>Muh Jewish intelligence!
>Muh Jewish artistic creativity!
>Muh Jewish shrewdness!
>Muh Jewish business savvy!
I'm convinced they're actually some of the stupidest people on Earth and they're only in a position of collective cultural authority now because of wealth their ancestors accumulated living along the Silk Road.

I bought an official gachapon of that statue when I was in Japan

Attached: Copy of DSC00873 1 - Copy.jpg (487x398, 47K)

Nice! Aware of the artist who made it?

> jews and niggers can fuck off
The art world belongs to us y’all have no talent.

But can you fake it, for just one more show?

Attached: Mark Rothko's Harvard Murals.jpg (1600x1600, 348K)

At least you admit to your jewry and I find it funny that niggers are tricked into this shit, but so are the fools who buy into their drivel.. This is why Jews a pretty funny. Your intelligence and tribe mentality is smart but also gets you in trouble. I dont mind many jews, I like Mel Brooks, I love Aaron Copland. I still want to remove many of your kin though. I would separate yourself from any degeneracy pushing, media controlling, big banker friends. They are going to burn.

Bullet with Butterfly Wings?

You a smashing pumpkins fan?

In all seriousness, my echo bro. Find a rich Jew who's trying to money launder.

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So like, articulating a strategy is seen as hostile or self endulgent behavior? You seem sensitive.

Lol what? So many prominent artists and art collectors are of Jewish descent.

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I should have posted some real art. Lets turn this thread into one of the good old western art threads (orientals welcome).

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Attached: kikelord ''''''science'''''' - actually (1463x1440, 1.93M)

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Yeah, of course art is market manipulation. At its core that is the art.

Art bump.

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Need money before bankers burn pls.

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You need to do what non-Jews do and pay for expertise. Or find investors. Don't come here asking for collective advice for free to make you rich.

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Lol. I like your humor.

The other pieces were Takashi Murakamis. So, you know top 10 wealthiest artists.

Zdzisław Beksiński was a brilliant mind and had skill. I detest contemporary artists and their lack of craft, I truly do.

Attached: 8.jpg (2234x2747, 344K)

>Don’t come to message board looking to discuss topics

Then you have a fundamental misinterpretation of what art is. That said, while the weight of the industry disagrees with you, life is subjective and your interpretation is valid.

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So in a nutshell, you want to create something that still passes as art, but will appeal to rappers as a consumer item?
Were you thinking of something genuinely appealing or something esoteric that people want because they think somebody famous bought it first

I look way more white than this person.

>showing Jow Forums that you're a shitskin
>american flag

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ov vey sweetie

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the sheer number of (((code words))) in this makes me want to vomit

Almost, I want to shift the idea that it’s a consumer item. Selling the culture of art to new money fashionista/rappers and the cultural importance of the rap perspective to the old art crowd.

>being this stupid

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doesn't change the fact that you're a disgusting mutt.

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I do not. But I dont beat around the bush. Did I not still call them artists? They are indeed making art but as you stated, it is subjective. I have many abstract and simple prints in my home. I hold people like him onto a higher level. Just like this piece.

Attached: Fuck Reds I dont have my good art folder with names..jpg (1200x1200, 171K)

Stop fighting on my thread.


Would like your input on this post then jew user.
Also gas yourself.

This is an interesting idea, although i'm pretty sure i've seen this kind of thing done before.
With the advent of mumble rap, it seems like now more than ever, trashy is gucci. For example, drinking lean out of a styrofoam cup. What used to be something only the trashiest of people and teenagers would do, is now incredibly popular and almost like a status symbol. If you can openly drink lean, you've made it. Gone are the days of doing blow off a hookers ass, no one cares about that anymore.
So to raise money for this literal garbage, I really don't know who to go to... No serious investor would see this passing fad as a viable investment. Unless you have found some incredibly profound way to make art from gaudy jewelry, it's just gonna be gaudy and no one would care.

Bling bump

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I've developed very high accuracy for identifying a kike based on the name and/or face. I feel it's somewhere north of 90% right now, but I'm going to start keeping stats on it.

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Hey kike, not sure if you realize this but this is a politics board so stop shilling your jewish ways in here and sliding threads. If you want anything regarding business then go to Jow Forums.

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I didn't create the picture, retard. I was going to give you just a ">" but that would be too subtle.

What do you think of this art, OP?

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The funny thing is, the investment isn’t particularly risky. The gold and diamonds, they’re both immediately liquid. Some labor costs may get lost but a proportionally large amount is safe.

Why dont you post your favorite pieces? I assume you have some style you like since you're surrounded by all the art kikes. I prefer things that make me feel the dominion of god.

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Thanks for the ideas, stealing for shekels desu

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This is clearly about Jews money and art. All very appropriate topics for this board.

Art imitates life, life imitates art.

Jews make the best art.

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I prefer contemporary pop art. People like Hirst, Koons, and Murakami.

is that her gold?

No it is not, go to >>Jow Forums for that, this thread will probably get deleted anyways.

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But they don't always appreciate art. How unfortunate. How uncultured.

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No, it’s a publicity tour.

>How would I go about finding capital to make this?

Ask your dad or his friends at the church he goes to, they probably own a few banks.

Literally asking for commentary on the sociocultural impact of art, and the state of financing. Those are both clearly appropriate political topics.

Some of it

Attached: assad_queen.jpg (634x466, 93K)

you people are insufferable you know that?

Raised in atheist household.

What do you mean “you people”?

despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage


He is clearly more interested in the business side of things, Jow Forums is a more appropriate board you shill.

>Jewish user here.

Attached: ((())).jpg (1440x1080, 27K)

Good luck then