

Attached: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.png (760x380, 52K)

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stop catering to these fucking scumbags.

75d upside-down underwater soccer

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This is a fair and reasonable reporting of the facts and not bald-faced propaganda. Everyone who disagrees is faggot.

what did they mean by this?

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As they should, they no doubt wanted border wall funding. You don't negotiate with fascists.

That youre a homo

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Jajajaja. Bring them here, i will personally smack their heads for turning their backs on this dying country instead of doing something to fix it

>Jajajaja. Bring them here, i will personally smack their heads for turning their backs on this dying country instead of doing something to fix it

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Fair enough.

keep up the good work Carlos

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Based bean



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You can't even properly define Fascist, you brainwashed, dumb downed sheep.


Godspeed, Rogelio.

Who are you voting for?

Why do Democrats hate children? What would Jesus do?

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All wetbacks are being sent back.

even funnier is that this is their solution

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If you want to rule over others, you are by definition fascist

So this is the power of the democrats gridlocking fucking everything?

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Can i quick rundown on why this border thing is such a big issue and getting so much attention when its been happening before Trump?

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Queen of england = Facist

>t. fascist

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Petition through for unredacted and unmodified version of IG report.

>trump lowers taxes and give people more freedom

It's almost like you're changing the definition of what ruling over others means

so much for the midterms

yfw comrade stalin was a fascist

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Chiggity checked

Democrats are going after female voters by relentlessly kvetching about "muh chilluns".

Babies being ripped apart from their mothers because Democrats won't fix it!!! God damn it Dems!!! I'm literally


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and clueless dems will continue to insist that the republicans and democratic parties are dramatically different from one another.

my fucking sides.

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Its that the same bill that gives blanket amnesty

Im confused here

This is bait

Yeah we can all put down whatever words in whatever order we want too. We're not impressed.

>changing definitions
Its almost as if that's what democrats always do to favor themselves

Tear down all monuments to the vile fascist Gandhi.

they are. One side is into pedophilia the other is into bdsm.


That literally means nothing people get doubles all the time chek'm if chek'd your mother will die tonight in her sleep please respond

based bean

Holy FUCK they're sick. They literally are just pretending to care about "Children".

you're one of the good ones carlos, hope you guys fix your home.

>literally being so ass blasted you feel the need to debunk doubles
You're kind is just a joke now.

The (((msm))) is trying to rile up the base and deflect from the ensuing shitstorm over spygate imo

It's almost like he knew that would happen.


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Wait, what is this?
I don't get it, what timeline is this now? I can't keep up anymore.

fuck the democrats.

Actually, it was written very carefully and exactly the way they want it to be written, they want open borders and a permanent immigrant underclass

Lel, reminds me of when I was talking to a Mexican online and when I asked him about the country, he had almost nothing positive to say about it.

But at the same time he was really proud of it and loves it.

same thing with the daca deal they never even called trump on. Then trump gets to waltz around saying how he knew the dems owuld never do it.
It would have been so easy to get what they "wanted" but they dont want what they say. They want harsh immigration laws with no enforcement so they can exploit illegal immigrants for labor and votes.

Fuck these traitors of the motherland.
Based compadre

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>Democrats are going after female voters
Because they know thei're the retarded half of humanity...

Fucking trump just pull a military coup already.

Based Leaf.

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based cartel member

well its a game.
He offers to solve the issue they're whining about while also advancing a border security agenda. They cant support it because their agenda is a weak border, but they gather their votes by lying about it and luring in bleeding hearts with secondary issues.

They couldnt win, and probably would prefer to lose votes than a steady supply of prepubescent nerve tissue.

he's wuite welcome to be a blind nationalist if it means he'll stay there and make mexico better.
I dont want to have to need a wall.

You're a person of light on vacation aren't you?

>carelessly written
>implying this isn't exactly what they want

I’ve done volunteer work in Mexico for a couple of years. It doesn’t honestly have a ton of great people and I support the wall just so you are stuck fixing your country instead of running from it. I want a good neighbor my man, god bless you all.

Steven Universe reference?

Im outraged!
Im absolutely outraged!
A 1 day old blimd deaf mute quintuple amputee black lesbiam feminist marxist was turned into a lampshade of the border by trumpler and omg youre just so problematic omg im outraged

Of course they say no. If the "problem"
gets fixed it makes trump look good!

Can we all just cut any pretense and admit that dems do not give a shit about children and use them simply as emotional ammo to secure voters and sway moderates to their side?

wait..what the fuck...arent democrats complaining that immigrant famileis are born torn apart...what the fuck is going on?

(((THEY))) proposed and voted yes to the Cages bill, of coarse (((THEY))) would say No to this!

Its the general feeling around here with law abiding regular people. We know our country could be great, and maybe we could be the good allies with cletus, but our politicians fuck us everyday, rob us, lie to us and kill us and some of our compatriots are literal niggers that steal and destroy.

we love our culture and our people and i wish we could do something to better this fucking piece of shit of a country because i love my land and family.

Based democrats

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no. apparently not enough has happened yet.
The liberal zombies at my work were just yammering on about this.

WTF I love Democrats now

which is more important than the problem.
Hence children are not the top priority


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isnt this too obvious?

Vaya con dios, neighbor.

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well the end result of option B is to just send them back to the same people ms-13 would have sold them to.

is this another example of Trump 45D chess?


and the hysterical libshits will continue dancing on their strings like good puppets

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>power to the people tho maaaaan

they're held hostage.
These people have based their vision of a "good person" on these values. If they ever have to admit that these values lead to inferior conclusions their whole conception of right and wrong will be threatened and their egos just cant take it.

give this tacobro an invading criminal's scalp

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Top kek


It will keep them together by not deporting anyone with kids. This would incentivize invaders popping out even more babies. Fuck that.

Fucking Drumpf, Carlos and I invested in a whole tractor trailer full of kids to offer as the "premium" coyote plan for an extra 4,000$. Then for an additional 500$ insurance in case your kid dies and you need a replacment.

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Cannot find this story anywhere else. All I see is news articles saying the opposite.