Can someone please inform me in an objective sense as to whats going on?
Is it true this was the case back from the Bush administration?
Can someone please inform me in an objective sense as to whats going on?
Is it true this was the case back from the Bush administration?
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Jew pedophiles like undocumented children coming in from Mexico to exploit. The government stops this supply so the Jews lose their shit with great kvetching.
this is what is going on
Rich white people are pretending to care about smelly beaner children because they don't like donald trump.
>Is it true this was the case back from the Bush administration?
Yes, it's manufactured outrage
Is there any proof that this was occurring in the Bush-Obama administration?
Lots of people are saying that that's just more lies circulating from the right.
Are they too stupid to google legislation and look for dates?
>crossing the border is illegal
>Doing illegal things and getting caught means going to jail
>Adults go to adult jail
>Children of caught illegals go into special protection because parents broke the law
>Once deported families get reunited
>If white trash meth heads get arrested selling meth they go to jail
>Their meth babies go into special protection
>Since they aren't illegal they get foster care and then become meth heads
So basically we are preventing these kids from becoming meth heads pic unrelated
drumpf is genociding babies
I heard that those were unaccompanied minors, so they werent actually seperated.
Late Term abortion?
The IG report has resulted in the Dems realizing they are about to be in serious trouble. This is one of their desperate measures to distract the country and blame everything on Trump.
>Flores Act, 2008 legislation signed by Bush on a Democratically controlled Senate, and Court Rulings say that you can only hold a child for 20 days
>Illegal immigrants, human traffickers, and smugglers become privy to the loophole
>Cross illegally with children as shields or send child alone- claim asylum, courts can't process fast enough in 20 days, get released
>Court says come back to get processed (80% are found frivolous not real asylum cases)
>A majority dont bother coming back and essentially get through to the USA- an increase over the years of 5 times and increase of over 300% in the past couple of months
>In April, Attorney General Sessions enforces zero-tolerance policy forcing all those found illegally crossing to get referred to prosecution
>Kids get separated because parents are essentially in jail, cant establish familial claims, or at risk (smugglers/traffickers)
>Been going on forever but Trump gets blamed because Nazis even though he's enforcing laws as is
>Kids won't get separated from their parents if they actually claimed asylum at a port of entry instead of trying to cross illegally and then when caught simply saying "lol asylum"
The United States is not the 3rd world's daycare.
>laws are actually being enforced
>libshits basically saying that laws shouldn't be enforced in order to let more immigrants into the usa to further cuck it
>also this has happened in the past when obama was around but god emperor obama can't do no wrong
Do the masses of people who are eating this media narrative up not understand that this is a process that separates unknown children from unknown adults, who could potentially be smuggling children in under the guise of parenthood or guardianship?
Fake News going all out on this!
Deep state blown the fuck out in Hearings, today!
that requires thinking and you already stated they don’t do that
>Do the masses of people who are eating this media narrative up not understand...
That is a fair assessment of the situation for most issues with those who are eating the media narrative.
America is not some third-world country, we don't lock up kids with their parents.
There are just so many illegals now its overwhelming the system.
That being said, "Zero Tolerance" ANYTHING is fucking stupid. Thats why you have kids expelled for taking a butter knife or aspirin to schools.
>Can someone please inform me in an objective sense as to whats going on?
We are taking our country back.
Apparently Drumph is putting retarded beaners in concentration camps or something
Put em in this.
Kids taking butter knives to school should be beaten.
Red pill.
Why can't we just deport them together with parents. Including anchor babies
Planned Parenthood fuck face.
This has been happening ever since we stopped people at the border. You can't put children in adult prisons. That's fucking insane.
You need to process these people to make sure that the people dragging them across the border are in fact their parents. Human trafficking is a real thing, and you can't just let people walk into your country.
This is nothing. Something else is probably happening and they're distracting us from it. (fbi altering 302s, maybe other shit).