They're just fucking kids man. Look at her, what the fuck is wrong with us?

They're just fucking kids man. Look at her, what the fuck is wrong with us?

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Wtf I hate laws and shit now

Why the fuck isn’t she deported yet?

I just don’t know man, like, it’s just....*shivers*...this country man. It’s starting to horrify me.

Cops have always been assholes for the most part, just shocking how soft americans are for crying bean sprouts rn.

>red shoes

You act like she can’t cry in Honduras too.

Cant help but notice how clean the babies outfit is, she even got some new Jordans on or some nig pozzed target rippoff.

So what? It's a consequence of breaking the law. It's not exclusive to illegal immigrants. Are you going to cry for every child that gets taken from their parent because they broke the law? Grow up and don't fall for this psyop.

Can somebody give me a quick rundown? How come this is suddenly such a big issue out of nowhere? Hasnt this been happening way before Trump? So why is it suddenly getting so much media attention the past few days?

someone else noticed i see.

>He's just a kid man. Look at him, what the fuck is wrong with us? Let them all in!

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This wasn't necessary man, jesus christ. I hate illegal immigration too but these are god damn fucking children we're permanently fucking up.

I want off this ride, is suicide really the only way out?

whos the mommy? sexy

Yep, that's what happens when your parents are criminals. Tough shit.

Please do kill yourself, you're unnecessary. At best you're detrimental.

You guys are fucking losers for supporting Trump on this. This shit is sick. Poor babies being ripped from their moms. Hope the same thing happens to your family someday.

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The first picture that started the hysteria was from Obama years. This is another panic created by the left and media to distract from IG reports and follow ups.

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O.P., you are silly.

For you.

Naa nothing poor about it. The parents are dirtbags that can't manage to get in the legal way, hope the kids get seperated.

>what the fuck is wrong with us?
I don't know, Rabbi? What is wrong with you fuckers slaughtering Palestinians and leaving their kids parentless?

Oh no, she’s crying.
Quick, burn the constitution!

I should have snapped a photo of my nephew crying because my sister wouldn't buy him a Nintendo Labo, then everyone would think my family's being oppressed.

concerted effort by msm

I can't fucking look at that face without crying man. She's absolutely horrified and there's not a god dammed thing she can do.

There's now thousands of kids separated from their parents. Over a fucking misdemeanor?

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For you, yes. Don't want to be separated from your kids? Don't sneak across the border. It's so easy. We ask so little.

> what the fuck is wrong with us?
You do not enforce your borders


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It's a fucking toddler, they cry at everything. Are you 12? time for a ban

Yes, it's been going on for ever. After a day of shame they just went right after it, not caring who noticed.

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Gas the little bean-nigger.

What are we gonna do next, SHOOT THEM?

I hope so.

Put it down ?

I don't get it?

does this mean that Trump isnt a russian?

Deport them and their parents.

We need to get some pics of black toddlers crying as their mom gets arrested.... Start pitting them against eachother.

Alright, so if I live with my parents and my mother dies and my dad goes out and rapes 5 women, steals their valuables, sells them to the highest bidder and gives them to me for financial support and the police come to my dwelling and arrest my father, could I possibly pull this same bullshit argument?

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I feel for the kid, OP but the parents are the ones who need to take a baseball bat to the face

That girl Is gonna be messed up for life now thanks to them
Prolly gonna think her parents did nothing wrong and blame Trump

Sad world, but we can do nothing about it

>we're permanently fucking up.

"Come on, honey. We're walking across Guatamala and Mexico, hooking up with the cartel's coyotes. They're gonna rape me and maybe you, or maybe just molest you. We're going to go to a country where we don't speak the language to live in a multicultural late capitalist ghetto where you will grow up to be a bitchy little thot and twerk for rap videos and then get blown up at an Ariana Grande concert by Muslims."

"Hey, you can't come in here anymore."


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I think the girl is already messed up from watching her mom get raped on the trek to the border.

That face captures how Jow Forums feels. Nothing new here.

Man why can't we just charge them with the misdemeanors and tell them to fuck back where they came from? I hate them too but the kids have done us no wrong to be deserving of such harrowing separation. Why are we treating people like criminals before they even know how to walk?

If we don't do this to our own people why are we doing it to them?

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I'll give that little shit something to cry about. Kids scream and cry all the time. Fuck off, we're full

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If you can't do the time then don't commit the crime.

It'd be interesting if the same fate happens to a beaner kid. Maybe you'll become like Germany.

Parents' fault

Because apparently you "have to" give them asylum hearings under international law or some shit to ascertain if their asylum claim is valid.

FWIW, I agree. And I'm kind of a conscientious fascist (Catholic, can't help it) so I even support giving them like a nice bagged lunch for the trek back. Maybe even like a free ride to the nearest town but I don't know if Mexico would want border patrol driving into Mexican territory for that.

But to me, that would be money well spent. I'm not totally heartless. You just tell these people, "I know you used to be able to come up and easily get into America. That's not happening anymore. You're never getting in. Don't come back."

Eventually, they would get the message.

why aren't you asking, "WTF is wrong with adults trying to smuggle children illegally across an international border?"

>hear “he cute” from Tucker Carlson

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And yet I don't give a shit.

Further proof that I am dead inside.

don't worry she'll be with her own kind soon.

>little goblin

I thought this was about the TED controversy at first

they would still be "fucked up" when their papi gets sent to prison for "permanently fucking up" one of our own beautiful white children
id rather stop them before they even get within 100 miles of my kin

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>fucking kids

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1. It's her parent's fault.

2. That is the same exact reaction she'd have to being told she can't have any more juice.

If my mom would try to smuggle herself and me into a country illegally when I was a toddler, I'd be very disappointed in her.

>breaking federal law is a misdemeanors
doormat cuck. Vlad Tepes was right

>republishits think "hey if we separate the kids from their parents it will act as a deterrent to people crossing the border"
>completely forget these are dirt poor shithole-country residents who won't learn about this policy until they've already arrived at the border, thus making it NOT a deterrent.
The absolute state the right in the US

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Kids cry when you don't give them a cookie they want too faggot

You will never not glow
But it's fun to watch you try


Then why FUCKING detain them you nigger?

How the fuck can you charge a toddler with a crime?

I guess I get that the parents put them into this position but detaining toddlers just seems so fucking inhumane. Why are we justifying anything we do just to try to stop illegal immigration?

And I know america has a history of killing unarmed civilians but why continue down this path?

Took the words right outta my mouth.

You're naive. Much worse happens everyday.

i cant tell if this is irony posting or normie autism

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We need consequences in order to enforce laws. People need to fear breaking rules.

No doubt but why add to it?

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Why would the parents put their kids through this, op?

oh fuck off you don’t give a single fuck about any kid currently in foster care so fuck you and your fake outrage. god why can’t we just have the civil war already so we can burn you fucks alive or die trying

Yeah man, next time you get a speeding ticket you need to get whipped 100 times and get neutered.

my dad has msnbc on 24/7 and this faces is staring back at me crying muh babies

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Imagine how Americans will react to the sounds and images from footage capturing Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and all the rest of them raping, torturing and murdering children.

let's save the whole fucking world. let's bring in all the fucking poor niggers from africa because we care. see how your fucking life turns out. i bet you won't be able to afford it you dumb bitch.

You’re right, our American children will have the financial burden of supporting millions Social Security sapping immigrants.

>They're just fucking kids man. Look at her, what the fuck is wrong with us?

What do you see here? I see SSD, medicaid, cell phones, 6 pregnancies, constant use of the ER for every complaint, DWIs, shoplifting, prostitution, and every ill of a society in the last 30 years.

You must see a future astronaut despite the fact none of them have any employable skills, literacy, or allegiance to this country.

I don't want to save the world, in fact I don't even think we should help these beaners. But don't mess with their kids man, that's all.

Fuck off kike rat

Nice try Schlomo. Go be a fucking kike somewhere else...

An then yore goin to get freee lunch an I'll youse yoo foor publeec asseestance while you wear expenseeve clothing, cheap jewlery, and have at least go throo 4 iphones a year. While I hobble around the ceety an go to cherch 20 times a weeek. You'll end up marreeing some scumbag who is addicted to soccer and wont be around much. And then the stepfatheer weell be abyousive an addicted to xanax and pot

The cycle is so predictable. I live in a community like this it sucks. There isn't as much violent crime but drugs

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Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Sheesh, she's small how many stomps do you think it will take to kill her? Two at most, ten for OP's treblinka legs.

The laws been a thing, but it really wasn't enforced. They just sent the family to immigration courts instead of trying the adults, except now with the "zero tolerance," a bunch more are suffering the same fate.

Wait a minute, if it's 'fuck Trump', why would you move to the country ran by Trump?

Illegal immigration isn't as bad as ruining families

> but the law says this

then the law is wrong and needs to be adjusted in a way that upholds good justice and morality

We are not the parents of the third world, and their people are not our responsibility. Why should we bear the burden of their children? Why should we care. That kid will grow up to be your typical anti white spic, they're not our problem.

>parents put them into this position
>detaining them is inhumane

You're right, just fucking shoot that filth, they're useless anywhere they go.

Womp Womp.

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And rape them too right? Just to be safe, right?

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