Can I get a quick rundown on this lad?
Can I get a quick rundown on this lad?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's a big guy
Some fat guy...
for you
absolute unit
in awe at the size of this lad
This is a real human being?
He's the managing director of a rather nice hotel and restraunt which the queen likes to frequent.
Name: David Morgan-Hewitt aka 'the pinstripe unit'
He's probably the ambassador to our country.
Love that show.
It's weird but he doesn't look that fat considering how fat he looks.
A good suit will do that.
the count of calories
That's big Ben, he lives in the clock and is responsible for its upkeep. Traditionally it is always a very fat single man.
The tradition started with Henry VIII who had a cousin Ben who was basically a fat retard who pissed Henry off so he gave him the shitty job of managing the clock in the tower at the Palace of Westminster.
Now a days the role of Big Ben is a respected position and he is basically there to represent the average subject at Royal occasions, he then goes back to his tower to share the news with the people via the bells of Big Ben.
They will probably make if all PC after he dies or retires, I bet the only reason they haven't changed it for being sexust and fatphobic is because everyone knows the Westminster click tower by the name of big Ben as he traditionally lived there.
It's an old, odd tradition but it's still a nice story.
A total unit
Drew Carey pre weight loss?
Isn't this fat fuck the owner of some famous hotel or some shit? SHOW HIM RESPECT
Honorary Catering Advisor to The Army
Holy fuck he's like 7 foot and 500lbs but he's got a onions voice
i had to look up the term "hotelier". i didnt think the english had a specific term for a hotel manager, but yeah they do
>that breathing
someone roll this guy to a hospital
english as fuck
>cheapest room is 550 a night
not bad if you're on a honeymoon
but i'd never vacation in fuckiong londanistan.
he looks like theres too people in that suit and the head is a dude on the fat guys shoulders
Just the type of bodyguard you're looking for. This guy could catch a bullet for you standing in the next room.
Goomba from Mario Bros. Movie lookin ass nigga
He eats all who oppose Her Majesty.
Honorary 'merican
You're just ignorant as fuck my dude
(you) deserve recognition.
Interesting info, i wish more posts like this
For you
That audience has every flavor of nigger.
Big, if true
just fucking call him a manager. a manager of a specific establishment is an unnecessary term. its more nonsensical than "barista"
Absolute unit
Dude, theres no way your going to run down that lad... He ate her body guard, ffs.
At the first sign of danger to the royals he swallows them whole and then waddles to a safe place where he lays down on his side and gently disgorges them. licking them clean of any stomach acids and partially digested foods. He is Sir Tummy Tumpkins, Royal Wolfer.
He's assembling a team...
He hides parliaments cheese pizza in his jacket.
count is french. he is the earl of sandwich
The absolute unit!
Edit Wikipedia to say this
quadrauple O 7. The queens most deadly liason.
That dude looks like an inflatable man
he's so massive the old lady orbits around him
This bloke has bigger breasts than the queen.