He could get any girl

How is this Pierce Brosnan? What happens when a man who could have just about any woman in the world has--this? Why do some men fall from such heights?

"It's love, you wouldnt understand" No, because love has a deep emotional aspect as well as a physical one. In this case Pierce is doing charity. It's horrible.

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there HAS to be some creepy S&M thing here. HAS to be.

pic not related

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That's his long term wife isn't it? She got fat but he still loves her. That's just genuine love

>I'm gonna roll this bitch in flower and go for the wet spot

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He's vegan dude, Google it. Too much soi, honestly, I thought that shit was a joke but it's becoming more real every day.

Nice digits.

she used to be a super model but her looks faded. besides, she still looks kind of hot in a thicc milf way. you'll get old too someday.

She gives 10/10 blowjobs not just on demand, but when least expected.

Clearly a chubby chaser.

Women age like shit, men don't. The end

Nice digits though

The name's Cuck. Pierce Cuck.

they're the best because they're the most hungry


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He seems to be happy, user.

She used to be hot as fuck

He loves her and she gave him children.

This is exactly right. This is going to happen to the vast majority of men. Generally, when like 50-60 hits, most women are no longer attractive but a lot of men still are.

This is part of the importance of monogamy, slut-shaming, religion, all that stuff that we've jettisoned. It keeps women restrained when they're sexually-viable, which means no thots and it also means that it's not easy for men to dump their fat old wife when they're in their late 40s or more when the man is still sexually desirable and the wife no longer is.

Surprise, surprise. Traditions aren't just random things people made up to be mean.

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He has ED and as soon as he stopped being able to rail her she gave up.

this has to be it

Divorce is degenerate.

says the fat guy in the thread

What more do you faggots want than this?

He has a track record of staying with his partners, his first wife died of breast cancer


T. Virgin

He's a feeder

Says the forever single who doesn't settle down with a girl with physical flaws, only to see them all get old and far while he dies alone

you have some great [points but unfortunately i think here, he knows if he divorced her she'd walk away with half his fortune and he's not going to let that happen. he prolly fucks hotties on the side and she prolly knows it.

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not politics

Brosnan fattens her up on purpose because his former wife died of cancer and he associates thinness with death.

My wife loves me and gave me children and she is slim and makes an effort to be pretty, and it works. The effort she makes makes her even more pretty.
That's all guys want. The effort. Not this fat pig.

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can you please not be so fucking cliche, what are you a fucking 14 yr old girl?

LOL i can actually believe this

She used to be extremely hot
She got fat and old

That's also possible. Those sorts of institutions are totally eroded which means bad behavior is much easier to get away with, whether that's infidelity, or divorce rape, or whatever.

thats what you personally want and you project it onto others because you have no imagination

>The name's Cuck. Pierce Cuck.
>cucked by cupcakes

It would cost him about $200,000/lb to get rid of her.

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>don't be a cliche
>dude that chick is fat he has to be a cuck to have married her
You realize that you are the cliche, right?

they have been together for decades, they have Children, they love each other. Also Pierce Brosnan isn't an underfucked incel but probably has lived his life. Now he wants to sit peacefully on his Veranda with his wife and watch the sunset while enjoying a fine glas of Whiskey. I guess.
If you don't understand that, you don't understand marriage.
They are an example of a marriage that works and that is stable

She's not his wife, she's his project. She's almost ready, but never quite there yet. Keep at it, Pierce.

I don't think he's worth $200,000,000

I do because my grandmother was 33 kgs when she died of organ failure from years of stress induced anorexia. My mother has always had a near obsession not just with making sure everyone is fed and the house is stuffed with food but goes out of her way to buy specific preferences of things even when it cost our family $300 a week min in the 90s and early 2000's for grocery shopping when my 2 sisters and I were still growing up and at home.

I used to get really angry at her when I was in training for rugby because she knew I find it hard to not overeat certain foods and would make sure the fridge and freezer was packed with shit I did not want to eat and was fucking up my diet like soft drink. I was 98kgs when I was 17 6 ft 2 broad shoulders and 11% body fat and yet dim sims were always in the freezer ( my favourite fat food ). No one else in the house liked them. IF we ran out of bacon or ice cream she would rush out to buy. I used to ask her what she thinks would happen if bacon and eggs was unavailable for one breakfast for dad, she always avoided the question and chucked a tantrum. Took me till I was almost 25 to realise.

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What does this have to do with politics or current events? Where are the fucking mods at this time of night?

>He could get any girl
He probably still does.
She probably cheats too.

Anyone at that level of celebrity, money and power are not likely to hold on to their morals. Its rare that they even try, let alone do.

Think about the kind of personality it takes to want to become a celebrity in the first place.

fucking your slut mother

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Staying with your loyal long-term wife is being a cuck? Ok schlomo.

I'd hit that.

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He's probably stayed with her cos he likes bbws. Maybe he had her gain weight.

She was really pretty and thin when they first got married. It wouldn't kill her to go on the white wine and chocolate diet and lose a few pounds though.

I know why he's with her, but you dumb fuckers could handle that level supreme knowledge. I'll give you a nugget: she gives amazing blowjobs.

I don't think this is that stupid or low of him to be honest. Exactly, he could get any girl, but he's based enough to know what happens if you marry a gold digging Hollywood leech piece of shit whore. Look what happened to Johnny Depp, or Nicolas Cage. They got fucking raped. That's never going to happen to Pierce.

She's not physically attractive (to me), but Pierce is honestly not being stupid, cucked or pathetic here. And I guarantee you she lets him bang other women if he wants to. He's not going to get divorce raped and he will get amazing blowjobs for the rest of his life.