You ARE growing something you can eat this summer, RIGHT user? It's important and part of being red pilled. Growing your own food is as important as getting your own meat. You need to do it sometimes. Farming/Gardening teaches you good life lessons. Patience, hard work, diligence, attentiveness, planning, learning. There's no excuse not to. Even if you live in a shitty apartment, if you have a window you can grow some kind of food. Even if it's just an herb garden. Fresh herbs are the shit, nigger. A tabasco pepper plant grown in a pot the size of a coffee can will make enough peppers to make enough hot sauce to fill a coke bottle. That would last most (white) people a year or so.
No excuses faggot. Depending on where you live it's probably still early enough to get some plants in. Too late for seeds, but take your ass to a nursery or something and get a plant or two. Even if it's just one herb or one pepper, or one tomato plant. Go do it and stop being a faggot.
>lying on the internet you neglected a pot from last year and this just grew in it
Bentley Hughes
done this for years. I take a lot of pride in growing food. Helps take the mind off of all the bullshit while being productive and working with the soil is a very satisfying activity, much like hunting or fishing.
I've had great luck with jalepenos, tomatoes, straberries, acorn squash, asparagus, and lettuce. those are the only plants that seem to do ok being left alone for a few days if you're too busy to weed every day. Others like corn and beans are needy faggot plants that suck up too much time, require additional physical protection beyond a fence, and are very specific about harvesting.
Ethan Torres
I have multiple tomato, eggplant, and pepper plants growing just on my windowsill cuz I live in an apartment. I also have a variety of herbs, and a bunch of canna lilies that hopefully will bloom next month.
Hardest part is transferring plants in and out of my window with stakes in them, but hopefully the yield is worth it.
Samuel Rivera
Explain the stake I put in to keep the plant upright then. It didn't like being transplanted and got all droopy
Christian Mitchell
I'm going to buy land this winter and make a living producing hazelnut, which is the main product of the place where I live. I'm also planning to grow my own fruit, vegetables and herbs and raise my own birds. I'm one step from realizing my lifelong dream, feels so good.
having an aesthetic lawn is redpilled as fuck. it shows you care about your property and living space. Until you do it you won't understand. Kind of like cleaning your room
Gavin Young
damn right brother t. (((monsanto))) nigger bee yourself
Owen Smith
>tomatoes >yellow squash >blueberries >watermelons I do indeed grow. People have no idea what they're missing out on. I've always got half a dozen fruit trees, peaches, pears, and cherries. Fucking awesome.
I'm growing a big patch of nettles at the moment. Then when they get waist height, I'm going for a lovely little pantsless jog.
Do you get me, boys? I want to be fucking STUNG.
Bentley Morales
Fuck yeah. My trad qt and I have a herb garden that I hand select from every weekend to cook the venison I killed this last fall.
Feels good man.
Gabriel Wood
I do have a mulcher but the grass was a bit wet from dew and I had plans later in the afternoon. I used a stick to hold the door on the deck of the mower open
Noah Young
My fruits and veggies brings the girls to the yard, yo!
Gay as fuck. I let the based weeds grow in the rainy season. As soon as they dry out I cut them all, grind them up and mix them with manure and end up with based fertilizer
It’s only useful to have a lawn in places where you get plenty of rainfall.
Julian Campbell
go suck on some vegetables fag
Jackson Wood
Damn right. Bowtech Carbon Icon. 70lb
James Gonzalez
So long as they're bee flowers.
Bentley Russell
I use Palo verde trees to bring in the pollinators, you can also use self pollinating trees.
Jayden Gutierrez
Im talking about you switching between memeflag you mentally challenged subhiuman, your unfunny shitposting isnt worth mentioning
Asher Nelson
Lawns are useless. All that land could be used to grow something useful, like food.
I could never make it last that long. Literally the meat of kings.
Justin Mitchell
I built a nice raised bed garden this year. Have about 4 different types of tomato plants, maybe 10 plants in all, then jalapeno, red peppers, string beans and too much lettuce to account for. Also planted some mammoth sunflowers outside along with various other flowers. Makes the house and property look fantastic.
Best thing I've done in years. I can't recommend it enough. I look forward to waking up and watering everything. Plus, having a cleaned and well-groomed property is the most White thing you could have.
Eli Peterson
>>> > Anonymous (ID: qwben8Ql) 06/20/18(Wed)12:10:18 No.175782947▶ This year ill be growing 16 varieties of peppers and crossing the bastards before letting them all bake in the greenhouse. I also grow all the other normal pleb shit.
Parker Johnson
tell me more about your 80x100 foot property
Jayden Howard
I've grown potatoes, various herbs, tomatoes and leeks for years. Also started growing tobacco this year.
Kayden Cook
You sound like a lazy, degenerate nihilist. Unfuck yourself and grow a lawn.
>tfw the family property has all sorts of beautiful fruit- bearing and flowering trees, a small farm and berry bushes thanks to myself and the parents' hard work
Gardening is fun you fucking degenerates. Even if you have a city apartment or townhouse you can grow potted plants by the window, on the balcony or on the tiny bit of grass you have in the front yard.
Just press the 9 digits on the comment you wish to reply to, no need to copy pasta all that shit Keith.
Lucas Johnson
only ever had elk as shit-tier ground up spaghetti meat, never truly had the real deal. Ground meat is for niggers and bongs, unless you're making it into sausages.
Aiden James
What can I grow on my balcony at my ((apartment))?
Do you live near that Japanese store called “LIVIN”? They sell a bunch of drawf fruit trees that never get too big. When I lived in Japan I had persimmon and loquats on my tiny balcony, they did well.
Austin Davis
Parker Cox
I have deer/groundhogs/rabbits they eat everything :(
Jaxson Morales
peppers have been one of the most resilient, don't give a fuck about anything but freezing temps plants I've seen
Michael Morales
Peppers, strawberries
Michael Hernandez
There's a reason niggers were said to love watermelons; it's because they're easy to grow. I don't blame them either. Watermelon is fucking delicious and healthy. Don't blame them for loving fried chicken either. Chicken's easy to make, packs protein and delicious with minimum effort.
I think I'm gonna convince the parents to keep chickens and a few goats on the property next.
Wyatt Thompson
OP good post and useful, I'm in a hotel right now though. Back after a month. What are my options then?
I don't suppose they will let me carry my plants across customs
Elijah Cooper
Fair point, but not everyone lives in a desert, so don’t shit on that which is alien to you just because you can’t have it.
Nathan Stewart
Mcdonalds is nasty.
Brandon Murphy
I'm about to start another grow. I do it as a hobby though, it doesn't save me any money. I get one ounce per plant, but an ounce only costs $100-120 here. I've spent more than that on lights/fertilizer/nutrients/clones.
Evan Watson
Ive always wanted to try a fresh fig, but they're impossible to find here. Are they any good?
Jaxson Sanders
deer fuck shit up bad, not only do they eat the plants, but they tear up the soil with their hooves as well. The only thing that seems to keep them away outside of a 6 foot fence is having a couple dogs roaming the property.
>spend hours a week for months on end tending garden >put in 1 extra hour at work every 6 months You only need to pick one of those for a bag of veggies.
Adam Thompson
Per-fucking-simmons. You my nig. Is Nafco the same thing? Gonna go check it out this week, I saw a pretty good garden section. This thread is inspiring.
Jacob Price
Good on you user. Bon fortuna amico. When this hazelnut tree is big I want a home made bottle of frangelico liquor...
Joseph Green
Or, you know, ...burgers. I made most of my venison into Italian sausage (50% pork shoulder) and it’s literally the best thing you could imagine.
I’m not familiar with Nafco. The store I was referring to is in Kanagawa though, in case you’re close enough.
Jonathan Peterson
what a gorgeous dildo.
Brandon Morgan
They’re unbelievable. Figs are God teir fruit.
Joshua Bell
Adrian Wilson
Yeah none by me, thanks though!
Kevin Morris
4a, cold tbhf
Hunter Gomez
A bow or crossbow are relatively silent.
Bentley Martin
Scatter human hair around your garden. Also, sneak out every night and have a piss near the plants. They fuck right off. Gotta repeat the process after a hard rain tho. Animals are territorial.