Does anyone remember when everyone was hating on trump during the election but now that hes president and done a decent...

Does anyone remember when everyone was hating on trump during the election but now that hes president and done a decent job, those cocksuckers are either dead in the shithole country they moved to or shut the fuck up because they were btfo? I think its hilarious how even COUNTRIES were being butthurt over not having the candidate they paid for make it into office. Its glorious returning to the past where everyone thought the world would end and now things are better than ever

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Other urls found in this thread:

Trump winning was one of the best days of my life.

Trump 2020.

? The whining and bitching has never stopped on my Facebook page. 2 years and they're still calling for his public execution.

For real? Where I've been (besides the mainly b8 threads on here) people have shut the hell up. Is it the area you live in?

Hitler was a liberal faggot though who could not handle people telling him his dick size so he made it illegal to talk about it.

Trump is a chad that allows criticism because he knows no one gives a fuck about the haters.

Trump was, is, and always will be our guy

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I live in Atlanta, moved here for work.
It's bad here. More anti-white racism than I've ever seen before, publicly called names in grocery stores, white people all carrying guns, naturally staying in groups in public venues. It's gotten worse. Open protestors on the streets calling for Trump's death, death of all white people, death of men, that everyone who is right of Sanders is a "Nazi" or "Bigot", yeah. It's not gotten better. Can't speak for other places.

"thepeopleofgermany" literally 4 transexuals


>The people of Germany
Yes, I'm sure that picture speaks for every single person in Germany, and wasn't made by one person

The fact that Euros hand out wrong and the dumbest criticisms of Trump is fucking sad. They literally have it at the palm of their hands and everyone just spergs out over racism

What kind of unicorn career do you have that you said "hmm, Atlanta seems like it would be worth relocating to" when presented the option?

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Every german added one pixel in paint

That's fucking bad. I would've thought at least by now people would simmer down. Are they even affected by his presidency in any way because unless they are I dont see the problem. Well, I do, they're clearly the problem

Where the fuck do you live I'm in Metro and it's pretty decent, which isn't to say that this city isn't total trash that should be napalmed

>Very yuge numbers guys!

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If Trump was really Hitler they'd be in serious trouble, because he's way more charismatic. Not to mention the USA has way more resources abd people the Nazi Germany. They really need to stop giving him this idea.
He just might do it.

Be honest, in about 20 years will Atlanta be another Detroit?

fuck the guy who made that cringe-picture

Hail to the King, baby!

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I imagine Atlanta, like many big cities in the South, has historically no nigger areas that are still nice.

Probably the same shit that stuck me chicongs. Get over yourself user. If you got lucky count your blessings

not all of Atlanta is bad I'm sure, like any city. Even Chicongo has a ton of business, money, and white neighborhoods

Kek if trump was Hitler, Germany would probably be gone already

I remember that time, such memories

In the downtown yeah most likely, it's in the beginning stages, but it's not completely fucked yet. However this state is practically begging to become a Blue state in a decade.

please i must see this sauce

>that allows criticism
>literally cries about the media everyday

>this is a shit hole city and i would say leave well you can this place going to turn blue soon and burn to the ground ALSO RAD SEEJ!

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Hitler was right though.
We were wrong to oppose him
We should have helped him crush the commie kikes in Russia

unicorn career? network engineering
no, it's just become the narrative of everyone around here that everything wrong in life is because "racism" or because DJT. Literally anything/everything is just because 'racism'. No further discourse or analysis needed.
near adamsville
It already more or less is, just punctuated with nice areas and tech parks and gated neighborhoods

Sounds like New York, but white people aren't carrying guns, they're the ones doing all those other things.

atlanta is already heavily blue isn't it?
i'm not from here but christ is it a shitty place

>Media is shit
>Say media is shit
>Become bad boy for speaking truth
This is why people mock us, user. Get your shit together

we owe our veterans the most efficient genocide possible. fuck all the babykiller welfare queen mercenary cunts, and fuck all their spawn. they deserve precisely and exactly nothing. total obliteration.

> white mans land is ksaw and north of duluth

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not really only the "inner city" with all the nigger beaners and faggots vote blue

Oh you are fucked son, get an AR
>speaks the truth by whining on twitter about retarded media claims to his supporters and then proceeding to fuck over his supporters by signing Omnibus
If Hitler was Trump he wouldn't have given a shit about twitter

Who are you talking about? There have been many generations of veterans

As if Germans actually made this.



Go back

>being this much of a trustfunded millennial edgelord

>"""good job"""
go back to your containment thread my jewish friend

Okay schlomo!

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I had an offer to move to Dallas with a company that was moving. I took one look at the racial demo breakdown and said give me that fucking severance.

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Uses nazi flag. Loves israel's best puppet Trump. You are a walking contradiction user.

the only reason Trump is winning is because
>>these people vote


>>>Smart people like this have apathy

The electoral college knew the right decision

the electoral college has proven time and time again to be a failure

So have the general public. Your point?

That's fucking rich coming from someone who supports the most Jewish and most pro-Jew presidents to date.

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