The distance between "i want to believe" and "i believe" is as easy as going to cspan's archives

The distance between "i want to believe" and "i believe" is as easy as going to cspan's archives.

>December 16, 2009. House Homeland Security Committee Meeting.

It's at the 5:01 mark. You can't miss it. It's real. It's all real.

Attached: jackson-lee pedophile ring.jpg (1024x701, 382K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They're all satanists. All of em. I can't believe this is happening

Attached: 2J5pqSn.jpg (750x748, 79K)

I find it hilarious you think this psy op is somehow going to save Obama when the truth comes out. That's the funniest part about this shit.

lol that is like THE ring.


yeah satanists great fuck off you really do make everyone on Jow Forums look like Q boomer faggots. Every single time thread shit like this just keeping us look fucking stupid. reallly STUPID.I fucking hate boomers and lebbit.

Yup. She must be a big shot in the child trafficking business.

You know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about kike. The world is gonna find out Obama is actually Jewish, Indonesian, and not a citizen. The world is gonna find out about the hot dogs and pizza. The world is going to find out EVERYTHING, and you kikes think this disinfo psy op is oging to somehow make all the rest of those things go away. You probably have snopes and politifact articles primes and ready to go. You're all gonna pay the ultimate price when judgement comes.

What is supposed to be at the 5:01 mark? She adjusts the microphone?

Why would it save Obama? I say the picture of Jackson-Lee with the ring in another thread. I had to find out. I knew I could find out. Is it all bullshit? Is this all larping? Conveniently, CSPAN has archives. All that boring government shit that goes on? A big chunk of it is public and can be referenced. I found the original getty image, figured out which meeting and what date, and I went through the video until I got to the point where she clearly touches the microphone.

There it was. Pedophile ring. It's fucking real. I don't want to believe anymore. It's real.

It's fucking real.

The pedo ring is real. The obama costume bullshit is a disinfo psy op to mix bullshit in when the truth comes out. That way the press can just say its all bullshit

At 5:01 you get a clear image of the ring through video. The image I posted in the OP is a getty image, but I wasn't sure if it was genuine. i had to see if the ring was real. That shape that you see? It's a pedophile symbol.

She's actually wearing that. It's actually real.

Checked. Is this a joke?

You WISH it was a joke becuase you're on the wrong fuckin team, buddy.

Attached: 1517335418759.png (1334x1408, 2.69M)

You shills are too much

Will you post 80 times again you faggot? lol

Could you post a high res pic?

that is literally what he is saying you fucking sperg

Attached: img_8914.jpg (492x219, 33K)

quick rundown on that symbol, how can you ber certain it's a pedo symbol?

It's fucking disgusting how much these things are real. They should be executed with as much pain as possible, hardly anything is worse than abusing kids.

I don't know how credible the FBI is anymore...

Attached: fbi-pedophile-symbols.jpg (1500x1500, 429K)

And this is the logo for the pizza restaurant that was 2 doors away from Comet ping pong

Attached: GIRxh8r.jpg (583x404, 26K)

I don't get it?

Well now...that is interesting.

ok but have you seen this on their actual website?

Oh snap.

So she fucks little boys?

I'm looking right now, can't find anything concrete. Not saying I don't believe.

No, but others have. I stay the fuck off sites like that

Probable satanist too

One more month in this channel for u guys

This article says the symbols were taken off of an FBI document given to police all over the country, and that the document was released by wikileaks, and its authenticity never verified. I wonder if they wanted some plausible deniability. Still, very damning evidence.

I wonder what snopes has to say, but I wont find out because I stay off government websites

>So she fucks little boys?
pretending this isnt rampant in the basketball american community

Attached: Juliette-in-Natural-Born-Killers-juliette-lewis-13887963-853-480.jpg (853x480, 35K)

Is it? I don't know.

I mean, at 15yo 6'2" 190 nog isn't the same as a 3' 40lb nog

honestly ive never heard of black women fucking little boys as a thing. but letting their boyfriends fuck their kids, thats a thing

t. wife worked at cps for 5 years

Attached: 1517184965188.jpg (480x360, 24K)

No, you clown, that picture is the equivalent of "Blue black or white gold!" its meant to distract. Don't forget about that helicopter, that's where the real story is.

It's a very close match. Intriguing