>On Monday, the Supreme Court announced it would not stop South Dakota from killing a man who may have been sentenced to death because he is gay.
>Some of the jurors who imposed the death penalty on Charles Rhines, who was convicted of murder, have said they thought the alternative — a life sentence served in a men’s prison — was something he would enjoy as a gay man.
>During deliberations, the jury had often discussed the fact that Mr. Rhines was gay and there was “a lot of disgust” about it, one juror recalled in an interview, according to the court petition. Another said that jurors knew he was gay and “thought that he shouldn’t be able to spend his life with men in prison.” A third recounted hearing that if the jury did not sentence Mr. Rhines to death, “if he’s gay, we’d be sending him where he wants to go.”
>The justices rejected Mr. Rhines’s plea to hear his bias claim, allowing his death sentence to stand despite disturbing evidence that it may have been the result of anti-L.G.B.T. animus. As usual, the court gave no explanation for its decision not to review the case. But its silence sent a deeply troubling message about the value placed on the lives of L.G.B.T. people.
Could the supreme court be /our judges/?
>one juror recalled in an interview
since when can jurors talk to the press?
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>convicted murderer who happens to be gay
>sentenced to death (as it should be)
Will they kill him with the electric chair?
>according to the court petition
>they thought the alternative — a life sentence served in a men’s prison — was something he would enjoy as a gay man
>who was convicted of murder
Murderers should die, just saying.
We're just gonna kill em'
Damn, was just reading this today... this article is so fucking disgusting. Rhines was an ex-employee who after being fired, decided to not only rob his former workplace, but planned to murder his ex boss. Tied him up and literally gutted him with a knife. Gay or straight, that kinda premeditated shit is murder 1. And the whole gay/straight "controversy" was a disgusting tactic deliberative introduced by Rhine's defense team which spectacularly backfired. They were hoping to provoke bias and declare a mistrial by casting doubt on the impartiality of the jury. So glad the court upheld the verdict, the notion that some vicious murderer somehow deserves less punishment for the virtue of being a faggot is bewildering. Hope his attorneys get hit by a bus.
>who was convicted of murder, have said they thought the alternative — a life sentence served in a men’s prison — was something he would enjoy as a gay man.
more like the left is trying to pardon a murderer based on the fact he is gay
wow, i'm shocked that lgbt "victory" was short-lived
I unironically support the death penalty for all gays.
I call this...a good start.
Charles Rhines used a key to let himself into the closed Dig ’Em Donuts shop on West Main Street in Rapid City, South Dakota. He’d been fired from the shop a few weeks earlier, but he’d kept a key. Using a flashlight, he made his way to the store’s office to steal whatever money he could find. But he was interrupted when a courier he knew from the shop, Donnivan Schaeffer, entered the office. Rhines pulled a black-handled buck knife from his bag and attacked Schaeffer, stabbing him three times.
if you kill a man while being a thief you deserve to die
Since always once the trial is over.
This, sexuality is not a shield for murder. IDGAF if you are straight or gay, if you commit murder, burglary is enough to send you away for at least a couple of years, but doing that atop burglary is essentially a death sentence.
It's too bad they don't do the Mike Pence treatment anymore. Murderers deserve it.
spice this shit with sage, leaves out the crime this homo committed which got him sentenced. his sentence wasn't because he was gay, his sentence was because it was determined as a gay homo he would enjoy life in prison combined with his devious crimes
Oh no a fag died. Who cares
>ITT: burgers defend the death penalty
Like pottery.
>ITT: euro defends criminals and homosexuals
Like pottery.
Are they, dare I say it /our jury/?
Just fucking appeal to Trump. Niggers, dead coons, racist sheriffs. I hear he’s pardoning anybody these days. Hell, one gay convict would be right up his alley.
Worshippers of Sodom are unworthy of life.
Homo sex=lethal inject.
Leviticus 20:13 King James Version (KJV)
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
early euro shilling. salty
One less faggot (and murderer) off the streets.
Now tell me the one about not eating pork!
top kek I love pastor Anderson, I wish he just wouldn't bash Catholicism as much
Wasn't he convicted for murder, not because he was a cock sucking homo?
When the trial is over I believe. They have to omit certain things though.
Why not? Your Pope seems to hate Catholicism more than he does.
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This fucking irritates me to no end, the entire concept of justice being determined based on some spurious assumption of what the criminal "wants" fills me with rage. Justice should be based on law, cold, hard law, with no input from disgusting sub-hue-mans. Capital punishment should be used for the purposes of ridding society of dangerous criminals, not for appeasing retarded normies.
He's not my pope, I want to go to church but I can't bring myself to believe that the Pope is infallible
>Society should get rid of all testosterone fueled men, who in previous times used to be renouned warriors, are solid manual labour people
>Society should only be filled with mentally sick basedboys, who ofcourse are law abiding, but will push for the legal destruction of our race
Christianity filtered out the strong, proud blonde pagan heroes, only the meek, submissive, backstabbing, weakwilled people survived.
Now prison is 2.0 of filtering out a masculine, anti-government, independent loving men.
Non-violent, glasses wearing leftist beauracrats are a million times more dangerous to society then Brutus the brute
>Society should get rid of all testosterone fueled men, who in previous times used to be renouned warriors, are solid manual labour people
What the fuck are you talking about you stupid faggot? Being a strong, testosterone fueled man is not mutually exclusive from not being a criminal. That kind of behavior is fine if you are dealing with other societies, i.e if you are invading another society, but within your own society that kind of behavior is cancer. Can you not tell tell the difference? Barbarians did not murder and rape their own people, only the enemy. If you can't tell the difference, you are a retard.
>Now prison is 2.0 of filtering out a masculine, anti-government, independent loving men.
And the low IQ subhumans who have no impulse control.
>Non-violent, glasses wearing leftist beauracrats are a million times more dangerous to society then Brutus the brute
Brutus the brute did not murder his neighbor, Brutus made a gang with his neighbors and murdered enemy groups of men. You are an idiot who cannot tell the difference.
this is fantastic
>And the low IQ subhumans who have no impulse control.
The moment an SJW/Feminist opens her mouth, disrespecting white men, or promoting pedophilia, we should have violently crushed her head. We would have nipped this entire leftist insanity movement in the bud and we wouldnt have wasted 5 years arguing against these retards.
Jews are super-protected by the (((legal system))), when we simply, due to our superior size and numbers could just have crushed the skull of them.
We could easily destroy the hollywood pedojews, just walk into their yards and destroy them, but we cant for legal reasons.
Based Saudi Arabia infiltrating Murica. They just need to get rid of their kike prince and they'll be perfect.
kek. Should have killed him for being gay earlier and saved themselves a murder case