Attached: Wales.jpg (290x362, 53K)
What goes on here?
Luke Morgan
Other urls found in this thread:
Jack Martinez
sheep fucking and clandestine anti polish thot patrols.
Nicholas Johnson
Easton Taylor
Samuel Ward
Easton Cox
Logan Taylor
The C*lts can't be civilized. They will never accept the supremacy of the anglo-saxon race
Nathan Scott
The Welch are smart keeping though English sandniggers away
Luke Perez
A bunch of sheep shagging
t. 20 miles from border
Zachary Watson
I live here ama user
lots of stuff goes on here
Adam Rogers
Call centers
Samuel Walker
In all seriousness, mainly farming. Most of the land is uninhabitable due to it being highland. Beautiful landscape, have our own language. Only actual city is Cardiff.
Anglos are inbred.
Levi Ward
Why do you hate the English?
Do you consider yourselves a different people?
Parker Campbell
It's also non-brown.
Zachary Cox
Looks like Utah
Angel Ward
Yeah, we are different people with our own ethnic origins. Anglos jewed their way into control over us, and are now trying to erode our native culture.
Samuel Flores
I don't usually
white flighters are based
to some degree we are different but it's hard to quantify
more than between states in america but less than between countries in europe
Asher Hernandez
Bullshieeet. Where are you from?
Wales is a separate country and those of us who aren't crypto-Anglos realise this. I bet you are second generation.
Welsh independence will be achieved within the century.
Carter Turner
>Why do you hate the English?
Imagine a bunch of inbred Saxons and Angles came over to your island and eventually conquered everything aside from some holdouts in the western hills and north.
Now they claim to be the TRUE inhabitants of the British isles, whilst the true heirs were bottled up in the western hills and Cornwall.
Nolan Hughes
cardiff is barely welsh
Ethan Morgan
half third gen :^)
Cameron Cook
Actually, the English are descended from the native Britons who were conquered by the Saxons, the Britons who were too weak to resist. The Saxons weakened their genes by breeding with them and produced the wobbly race we know as the "Inglish" today.
Jeremiah Gray
Thou traitor.
Nathan Gutierrez
my family owns more sheep than you so suck my cock
Henry Bell
>jewed by the anglo
Sounds pretty shitty, actually.
Evan Johnson
Englishman here, Love wales. Hope we can all work together to save our cultures.
More people should learn Welsh, not just in Wales but across the British Isles. Any of you sheepshagger bros got any resources?
David Turner
I come from a family of miners, so suck my coal lumps, mochyn.
Gavin Watson
the problem is, aussie, that these celts hardly exist anymore. just like abbos.
Cooper Hughes
Jason Morris
>Wales is a separate country
You're a principality, boyo. You have less legitimacy than the Kingdom of Northumbria.
Noah Long
a bunch of fucking sheep shagging niggers.
Thomas Peterson
fuck you. welsh are a bunch of nigger inbreeds.
Lucas Hall
>t. smackhead valleynigger :^)
Jason Clark
Druids. It's all valleys and mountains and hasn't changed much for thousands of years
Gavin Harris
>you picked the wrong mining village, Anglo boy
Cameron Phillips
I'm talking centuries ago, now anyone in Wales is just LARPing or part of a minuscule minority
Camden Myers
soon you'll be begging to come live with us
Evan Cruz
smart people who realize just how jewish anglos truly are. They also choose to have families in the countryside instead of being a bunch of sóyboys, whores and shitloads of nigger in dystopic cities
Jace James
t. never been to Cardiff
Camden White
SHEEP sheep and more sheep
Chase Lopez
>English tard has limited command over the English language
Embarrassing. The term "principality" is not indicative of sovereignty or vassalage. The native rulers of Wales called themselves princes. Wales is officially a separate country like Scotland.
That's incorrect. Welsh people are still genetically distinct from English people.
Fucking sheep-herder.
Ayden Hughes
cardiff isn't wales
cardiff can go to hell
Adrian Collins
One tiny city =/= all of Wales
Gavin Hill
id rather live in the middle east than some nigger shithole like wales u sheep shagging faggot.
Andrew Jones
Marwolaeth i Caerdydd.
Michael Cruz
>That's incorrect. Welsh people are still genetically distinct from English people.
True, but many of them have probably become English in all but name only.
Lucas Brown
Welsh Elvis impersonatier I saw recently was fucking bril
Also I've been in a village pub there one evening and an old woman was playing and everyone was singing hymns and traditional songs. A girl brought a lyrics sheet to my table. Awesome.
Jaxon Ortiz
Holy shit based. I want to visit Wales one day but I'd like to learn basic welsh first to show some appreciation
Jace Ross
>an old woman was playing
*a keyboard
Parker Powell
>The term "principality" is not indicative of sovereignty or vassalage
I think you'll find it is.
John Bell
The welsh national anthem would bring a tear to your eye.
Jayden Brown
>butthurt anglo
take that foreskin off your mouth before i report you for not having a shitposting loicense
Julian Morris
The "english" are not from England, they are the invaders who drove the English out of England; a race of psychopaths who have fucked up much of the world.
Oliver Garcia
No, it literally isn't. "Prince" in this context means leader, or ruler, and has been used historically as a title for many independent rulers.
Angel Hill
more welsh speakers in wales than gaylick in ireland and scotland combined.
welsh is the same language as breton too.
t. anglo who loves wales
Jack Thomas
it's funny to think that the man behind so much shitposting and larp on this site is actually a welsh sheep farmer :^)
I agree
Austin Perez
You can expect wonderful views and comfy rural communities, but don't expect nice cities like Vienna or Prague. Wales is dirt poor. Cardiff is okay though.
Wyatt Jenkins
oh and they are the same people too, same as cornwall, the original britons. as per
Jace Mitchell
the last one on the right has jewish eyes and ears
Easton Thompson
I don't like "nice cities", concrete blocks get old fast. I can't recall the name right now, but there is an island in northwest Wales that used to be a druid meeting point, I remember the shore next to it looking mountainous when I checked it out on google earth. Do you know if that island can be visited? It has been a while since I read about it, but I think it was now a national park and barely had any inhabitants
Nicholas Clark
kind of
cornish is like a derivation of welsh, I understand like 30% of it
breton is like a derivation of cornish with french words added, I don't understand any of it really, but that could be because of the really strong french accent
Zachary Stewart
I think you're talking about Anglesey (native name: Ynys Mon).
>Do you know if that island can be visitied?
Yeah. people live there.
I recommend Snowdonia.
Camden Rodriguez
>tfw no welsh gf
Anthony Hughes
from what I just looked up there's Anglesey, but that's quite a big island. I was quite fascinated with celtic culture in my teens, visiting the 6 nations looks much better than visiting Vienna or anything like that
Mason Gomez
is that view based on genetic evidence? ive always wondered what the genetic breakdown of your average Brit was, between germanic/celtic/roman admixture.
Or rather, not your average Brit but average Englishman.
Brandon Richardson
What occurs at this location?
Adam Cruz
brecon beacons / valleys are v beautiful too but kind of rough inhabitants. desu the whole country is gorgeous, minus the southern towns.
Grayson Jenkins
tax evasion and french street names
Ayden Morris
yes that was the name of the park, Snowdonia. My memory tricked me then, the island is bigger than what I recalled. But again, my perspective on land size is quite distorted given I live in Brazil. Are there "bard pubs" or something of the kind around there? I remember listening to a couple welsh folk groups around the same time I read about Anglesey, but they were all on soundcloud and I haven't found them since
Isaiah Phillips
st davids is pretty nice
aberystwyth is ok too
so little choice here man
Hunter Miller
bankers and shit
Isaiah Jenkins
A piece of paper can say whatever, you're all the UK now, bro. Maybe one day you'll have your sovereignty handed to you on a silver platter like the Scottish did; you'll probably throw it away just the same as they did, too.
Joseph Baker
It's important to ask that because here it's forbidden: is it allowed to camp in any of those parks? That's the only trip I'd like to take at this point. Camp a while in Wales, then Ireland, Isle of Man and Scotland
Jason Peterson
Brecon can't be knocked, but Snowdonia is superior to all.
Yeah, it's based on the fact that you can clearly distinguish Welsh genes from English ones. In fact, South Welshmen and North Welshmen are more genetically different than Englishmen and Scotsmen. Also, Wales has the highest percentage of Iberian DNA in Britain due to the ethnic makeup of certain tribes that settled in Wales (particularly the Silures), and has the highest percentage of red hair in the UK. I think we are the most genetically distinct part of Britain.
Liam Gonzalez
A backwater whose name is spelt 'Cymru' which is somefuckinghow pronounced "Wales"
Andrew Allen
I knew this gorgeous welsh girl who used to come visit our mutual friend in england once but was too retarded at the time to see she liked me
Wyatt Baker
it's rich seeing an american thinking he understands welsh reality better than locals. Typical, really
Asher Allen
no, only scotland allows wild camping, but there are plenty of cheap places in pub gardens and so on were you can no problem.
Xavier Anderson
Desire for independence in Wales is growing, so suck my fat one, chubby.
Well, there are a places to enjoy ancient/medieval Welsh culture basically everywhere if you look for it, but I haven't heard of any such pub. Another traditional part of Welsh culture is male voice choirs and just choirs, which are still going (I have a few friends in them). The Eisteddfod is an annual cultural celebration we have, but it can get a bit gay at times...
Andrew Phillips
>valleys are beautiful
let's not lie to ourselves here, it's the chav HQ of the UK
don't know but there are campsites
no one will stop you in brecon beacons though honestly there's very few people there, they train military on one of the brecon mountains
snowdonia has a lot more people
Blake Morales
Sheep fuckin
Andrew Perez
The economic, political, cultural and psychological subjugation of an ancient people by their invaders and conquerors. It's a miracle the Welsh nation survived this long in the face of the assault upon it by the Anglo. I suspect the Welsh language survived to spite the Anglo and to thwart their efforts at the wholesale destruction of the Welsh people. It's a flame that will one day, under the right leadership, be fanned into a roaring fire that will result in the Welsh overthrowing the usurper and reclaiming their ancient homeland.
Nolan Gutierrez
Thank you, will look into it
I dabbled a bit in welsh folk a while ago, but many groups barely had any music on spotify, to download or even buy(which would be really expensive for me anyway, the exchange rate is crazy). I eventually settled into listening bands like Pentangle, which aren't welsh but remind me more of celts than anglos.
Logan Hall
I'm a nip born in America, will Welsh people treat Asian tourist badly if they see one?
Christian Bennett
Entire British film industry. Doctor Who and basically every popular british show is filmed there.