Hi, proud Kiwi here. We have no gun violence, and guns are very hard to get. Coincidence? I think not. If people don't have guns, they can't shoot people. Let me put it in math form
0 guns = 0 shootings
Simple. Why do amerisharts find simple mathematics so hard to do?
Hi, proud Kiwi here. We have no gun violence, and guns are very hard to get. Coincidence? I think not...
Other urls found in this thread:
how do you explain the situation in Mexico (no guns allowed but unsafe for Asylum seekers) smart Kiwi?
simple. Americans flood mexico with illegal guns as proven by the Fast and Furious scandal
You lot are far worse at shitposting than the Cunts and Leaves.
You are an island in the most remote part of the planet you half-witted fucknut. I'm thinking inbred too now.
Fuck off ayatollah.
no fucks for you today... flightless bird.
We have a military so we can say go pound sand.
yet here you are because you know what I have stated is true, and easily proven. In your country even the nastiest gang related person of whatever race can walk into a walmart and purchase weapons. Insane.
fuck off you hori cunt
There is only one legal firearms store in the entire country yet there were still over 25,000 murders in the entire country last year, so your point is shit, you absolute fucking retard
fucking jump off a cliff into the ocean, nigger kiwi cunt
What NZ is this guy living in? Every farmer in NZ has a gun and hunting is a hugely popular activity
Yeah, pretty sure in NZ you can get an AR-15 on a A category licence and full auto machine guns on a collectors licence.
I think OP is some kind of moron
op is a nigger
>Tiny Island that borders no nation and has a tight control on any imports, along with a small population
>we have no gun mean we no criminal
Just because you can't buy or own a firearm doesn't mean someone can't obtain it illegally.
His only work that has received any praise is a crime novel he wrote in 1995.
Lmfao you can’t make this up
>the left complaining about vulgarity
they do the other things as well but this one stands out. these are the people who love to spout curses and go naked in public.
Definitely false
Tell me, does David Duke's Dik taste like Alefantis's ass?
Australia would fall so quickly if invaded by any decent military. And its just a matter of time until your own government needs thumped.
NZ is less than 0.05% black so yea you have like 3 black people
Not much crime can happen from 3 people...
>0 guns = 0 shootings
Last head count (about 12 years ago) estimated 1.1 million guns, approx 300,000 in Auckland alone. Plus no shooting since Ashburton WINZ four years ago, and our worst firearms incident was the Aramoana massacre in 1990. Thankfully OP doesn't speak for all New Zealanders.
Open your borders to niggers then.
Don’t let this cuck represent kiwis. We’re allowed to own guns here, you just need a firearms license, which isn’t hard to obtain. I own several guns myself.
Also, plenty of kiwis here love Trump. NZ is a pretty racist country and the average citizen dislikes chinks and poo in the loos.
Yeah, all those AKs came from Uncle Sam and totally aren’t Soviet surplus. Fast and furious was dumb, but it was the tiniest drop in the bucket of guns in Mexico.
Cat C (of B to D, with meme categories for canons after D)
Daily reminder based winnie is prime minister
>We have no gun violence.
Stop lying faggot. The bikey gangs are always shooting at each other. What about the house that got shot up and the 3 year old died in it?
NZ is a failed state with a Commie government that is isolating itself from America so they can sell their people out to the Chinese. I know cause I spent 30 years in that dump watching the foreigners pour in the media and government slowly turn on the natives.
>Hi, proud Kiwi here. We have no gun violence, and guns are very hard to get.
Sounds pretty normal for an Asian country.
Really love the fact NZ told Johnny Howard to shove his NFA semi-auto ban up his old asshole.
I want my ruger 10/22
>Open your borders to niggers then.
we wouldn't want seperate your wifes boyfriend from his family sven, thats just not the kiwi way
le 72% and dropping
Fuck NZ honestly, my gran lives their and she talks about how muddy it becomes day by day, whatever happened to it being an anglo ethnostate? Fucking idiots letting maori cunts breed...
Guns are banned in Venezuela. How did that work?
The problem, Kiwi, is that you're analyzing this topic against one variable (gun legality). The truth is that the problem is much more complex than that.
Example: if you distribute handguns in a prison, then distribute handguns in a church, would you expect a similar or different outcome?
It is cucked in other ways, don't be fooled.
It's not the Maori that are turning it into a non-white nation...
I think New Zealanders should pass a law that requires all its citizens to live in antiseptic cages 24/7. Think how safe and well taken care of all of you will be!
Did anyone see the Immigration documentary with Nigel Latta where he basically said Kiwis were shitty people that deserved to be replaced because foreigners were paying more tax and spending more money then kiwis who were saving to buy houses?
Pump/semi-auto shotguns, centre fire semi-autos on a regular licence. This is shit we could never get in Aus without being a farmer or professional feral pest controller.
>Muh Americans
Hai guys did you know Americans are bad :) :) :) :D
In my country of ____ we don't do things America does. My country of ____ has healthcare, Americans have NO healthcare :)
Oh and did I mention Americans are fat?
so you guys dont have any violent crime at all then? good to hear. wait there is still violent crime without guns?but thats illegal.
NZ has a strong gun lobby via the outdoors community... hunting is huge there and pest control is vital for the environment. It's actually a legal responsibility for land owners to control pests
It doesn't have anywhere the numbers of city people that australia has.
Don't you guys hate Abbos to?
That's odd, because we've doubled the number of guns, made them easier to own and carry, and halved the murder rate in the last twenty years.
Maybe your sheep fucking country is broken.
>lets ask this new zealander for his opinion
-no one ever
Anuthur New Zullender who finds shutpostin duffy cult.
Nah, we just have a friendly rivalry with Australia.
>Strong gun lobby
Go away you commie scumbag, if you can't have guns you aren't free
0 guns = 0 freedom
I understand math just fine
Guns are easy as fuck to get and there is nothing stopping another Aramoana.
Why is it that other countries are so eager to tell us what they think of us as though we should care?
You're the k-mart version of australia
Hey CuckLord. her in mexico we have more of 30000 murders every years and we have gun control. You know what thats mean?
Ar15s and AK47s (NPAP, SAIGA NORINCO) are legal to own on A Cat with cosmetic changes and limited capacity. Full auto is legal on C cat but you cannot shoot them under any circumstances.
>rest of the world despises about americans
Imagine being a shitty journalist from a country which often doesn't appear on world maps, speaking for the rest of the world!
He does make a bit of a point though. A crass, loud rich property investor and reality tv star who makes posts on the internet calling people short and fat. It's ugly and American as fuck.
Can you imagine someone like that debating in parliament house
>occupy democrats
Who gives a shit about New Zealand.
guns are easy to get here you fucking mongrel. get the fuck out of my country Chang
Chang will ensure the remaining gun ownership in NZ/AUS is wiped out as it conflicts with Asian insectoid collectivism.
Those are the best things about america wtf?
being this big of a cuck. why do you feel safer when only the government and professional criminals are armed. why do you like living at the mercy of other people?
you wish you were as free as US. you never even been here you damn flightless, witless, hopeless bird, you. what kind of fruit is a kiwi anyway, have to shave the damn thing before you eat it. sad state of affairs if i'm being honest with you, lad.
We could invade your country and slaughter every last one of you sheepfuckers with just 100 soldiers and you couldn’t do anything to stop it
New Zealand:Australia = Canada:USA
Antipodal cuck virtue signalers
Explain then why Australia hasn't had any massacres since they made their guns illegal. Protip: you can't.
>liberal leftist nations comprise the entirety of the "rest of the world"
Amazing the gymnastics it takes to think your western opinion supercedes entire billions of people and their opinions while denouncing in the same hand any sort of supremacy.
How can this white man from New Zealand tell me the rest of the world thinks like he does? Only the west does. They're effectively saying nowhere else matters, which is the casual racism they're crying over.
>all the butthurt americans in the thread who react to the banter by acting exactly like he said they do
I can imagine someone not wanting to offend muslims in parliament house.
no gives a fuck about your faggot ass country, you were only relevant cuz LOTR was filmed there. KYS KIWI NIGGER
No one cares about New Zealand enough to import guns, legally or illegally. Being a non-country is not an achievement.
the reason why there are no shooting in New Zealand is because you're all to busy fucking sheep
Guns aren't hard to get you fucking moron
This fucking water nigger doesn't represent us probably voted for younger Hillary here fucking faggot fuck off cunt you're not welcome here
You can only get c cat if you are involved in entertainment tho
I'm a kiwi, Trump's great and guns aren't hard to get there.
How high are your knife attacks?
This causal argument is dumb as fuck. How many tyrannical governments has the USA had since the 2nd ammendment was ratified?
right so, when you illegalize guns in the US, we're going to have to buy them back from the cartels in mexico right?
atleast it'll be like buying weed, if a handgun holds the same penalty as an m249 i can feel cozy just knowing i can snuggle up to my SAW
New Zealand is the ultimate useless western country. Half of you are here in Australia and you are lazy as fuck, complaining, idiots. Go back.
Fuck off, faggot.
Oi cunt why dat fwucking Merica President never talking about us New Zealanders.
Fuck off cunt before we throw you into Mordor
Suk a dik New zealand. Nobody has even heard of your country. Trump is boss and we will create a Trump dynasty.
>Australia made guns illegal
I know I’m being trolled by some Chang faggot
the democrats rape kids and hijack democracy by allowing immegration
Because your country is insignificant and irrelevant. How many of you mutts live there...10?
Lots of new Zealand people like Trump.
You sir are a shill
Must be nice having that big ole island so far away from niggers and jews.... would be a shame if we were to send a bunch of gang bangers there to have fun in you gun-free country.
May I call your attention to the events of May 11 of this year....
>Ching chong five dolla
>A New Zealander's View on Donald Trump
Oh good, I was just about to ask.
kill yourself retard
There's about 70 gangs of bikers in nz already. It has the oldest chapter of hells angels outside of america and that's by no means the largest gang.
They'd beat the shit out of them desu
So is it the same Kiwi fag that keeps making bait threads 18 hours a day or is there a team of kiwi fags doing it
we dont have zero guns and we dont have zero shootings
kys jaffa cuck
Where are your stats coming from cunt? My pa was killed by gang fucks with a gun
London literally has more crime than New York. Coincidence? Lets ask Muhammad.
NZ is like the Mr. Donuts of Australian