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go away narcissa
He was trolled pretty viciously last night. I'm wondering if that's going to happen again.
how do we get him banned on youtube is the question?
Is that the speedrunner?
go die in a flame, faggot.
Yes, the one that went crazy. He now only drinks Onions and considers himself transsexual. I think he's got to be doing some hard drugs too.
what the fuck happened to him. these facial expressions are goddamn nightmare fuel
leave him alone for christs sake, dont soulessly bully someone whose not even in the politisphere for "politics" reasons, let them have their shitty views
Work on getting him to be the man he is.
We must flip him back, the victory would be unstoppable.
sick freak
>trolled viciously last night
What happened?
This is what happens when a man drinks onions. The creator of that god forsaken drink needs to held accountable for his crimes against humanity.
You're just advertising for views at this point aren't you?
Kek, somebody in the thread got triggered to the point of snitching. Dump trans redpills.
No, this is just my new favorite comedy show. This is the second coming of Chris Chan. Hit this shit up.
Well, nothing appears to be being deleted / no bannings. It's open season.
I want to kiss narcis neck
I use to watch some of her streams on Twitch. She doesn't use mods which leaves her open to a lot of trolling.
Cosmo Wright was murdered by "Narcissa" and this thing is all that remains.
I know she is a he, but i like to use the term transgender people identify with. It's easier to understand.
You're exacerbating the problem.
Maybe in the outside world, but we are on Jow Forums fren, you can relax dear strayan
Every time I see a picture of this faggot I have to wonder how and why the fuck he has any following. He is just horrifying to look at.
Tf is this degenerate glowing thing
Please get eaten by a wallaby
Can’t tell. Is this a US tranny or moderately attractive English woman?
wew my post made her choke up kek
>He is just horrifying to look at
The sad thing is everybody on both sides is thinking that exact same thing but half of them insist on saying the opposite just to virtue signal.
It's peers and family members realize how haunting this guy looks yet say things like "omg you're so beautiful! You go girl!" They will shoulder more of the blame than the trolls who were being brutally honest when it inevitably kills itself.
Has he got a cock?
>It's peers and family members realize how haunting this guy looks yet say things like "omg you're so beautiful! You go girl!"
But why? Those teeth alone, regardless of his being trans are just awful.
I am going to get some karma for this.
ugh, what a disgrace to all fine traps.
"There are literal nazis in my chat, like actual nazis"
huh I think senpai noticed me
>fine traps
>why lie to him
The same reason everyone else lies to people they care about, to shield them from an uncomfortable truth or avoid an argument. Unfortunately saying "yeah babe that lime green dress looks fine" and "Go along with your mental illness as if it's not unhealthy" have drastically different consequences.
>The same reason everyone else lies to people they care about
But why do they care so much about him? If I decided to become a transfaggot and went off the mental deep end, my family and friends might enable me. But if I went on Twitch in gender blackface, my ugly ass would get laughed off in a second. Thousands of people wouldn't kiss my ass and send me money. Are these people all just fans of his speedruns?
if only he coulda got that sub 8:10 on LoZ:OoT none of this would have happened :(
Jesus, it's like he's trying to be as ugly and menacing as possible.
not politics
>why do (his "fans" care so much about him?
>do they enjoy its content?
They don't. Most of them watch for the same reason we do, it's a freak show. I mean you can tell by his run he's not exceptionally good at games. Then the rest are just other pro LGBTQA1Z fags that build a social media safe place bubble for entertainment since everyone else hates them.
>Work on getting him to be the man he is.
so not much of one anymore then eh
>We must flip him back, the victory would be unstoppable.
can't unchop a dick user
tell that thing too commit suicide
If you have bad teeth like that you should do your very best to hide them, not constantly show them off.
discord gg/jgNKY2w
add a .
just no
mental illness should not be tolerated or supported in any way, so pushing cosmo to suicide is the only correct path
stop using Jow Forums as a launching ground for online bullying raids that's what /b/ is for
unironically true lmao
I feel bad looking at him at such a state, you can tell he has regretted his choice of action by a major margin, and is trying to cling onto old memories being his love for speed running. Our brother calls out for help but realizes that the only help he will get is a one way ticket to a noose guide on google. This is what they're doing to your boys, girls, and everyone you love with a whole hearted passion. Turn them into these godless abominations who only see despair. Hell, he doesn't even use his retarded voice modifier given to him by Mr.Steinenberg. Even now he reassures himself repeating, I will be strong, I am strong, no one can stop me, and is being fueled by these (((supporters))) only feeding into his exile. If there is a God this is his challenge for humanity to conquer, and by God does this challenge require conquering.
Hi tranny fans
Sad but true. If only he had Jesus!
someone type 45% in chat please, the thing banned me
Yeah that thing isn't even human.
damn i think it gona suicide on bathroom
My thoughts too. The two faced fucks that encouraged him instead of beating him down to mould him into a stronger person.
Well, that was thoroughly boring.
I'd sub if it an heros right now.
To add, you should all want this creature to die, to end the suffering. Keeping it alive says more about your own sadistic tendencies than it does about my cruelty. I'm being kind by suggesting it kills itself. Death for it doesn't have to be painful or scary, it can die peacefully and has the tools to learn how to do it.
Keeping the freakshow alive is nasty, it shows a side of humanity that feeds on and gets off on this kind of suffering.
fuck its drinking onions
It was user, and by God was he successful and loved, to a point where he had a girlfriend, had a company, you've seen the redpills on him I need no longer to go on. I am just here to remind everyone why we fight, and no matter what we must never back down.
thanks bob
of course one of his viewers is an antifa fag.
And yes I agree, to allow the disease to spread is how these things repopulate, be it the faggots with raping children, or the trannies with separating children from their parents by government control and injecting them with fluids thinking they can play God.
>these people are mean
>I'm strong
>I can't be broken
>I..I think I might smoke some weed
>I'm gonna go to the bathroom
This faggot just failed a speed run and nobody in the chat even busted his balls for it. Everything about that stream except Jow Forums's sentiment is fake.
I literally called for it to chug a can of onions and 5 seconds later she comes out with a fucking can of that stuff and starts shoving it down her gullet... DEGENERATE
drink that poison goy
Then death would be a liberation from this and maybe it can find peace in that. Anything would be better than living with that kind of "life" if you can call it a life.
I understand what you say, I do and I don't encourage this thing to kill itself out of some edgy sadistic pleasure, it's just that it would be kinder in the long run to put an end to it.
We live in very troubled times user, we have a disease in society that is allowing this to happen. The disease has got to be eradicated because it's causing too much misery and suffering wherever it infects.
That's all he drinks. If you've seen that meme with a fridge full of Onions, that was his fridge.
can't even play vidya because s o y fucked up it's wrists
fuck its like killing itself with so much of shitty s o y
cam asking the JQ
I think I'm like shadowbanned or some shit? I can see my posts in the chat but I can't see them on the stream chat.
I was Ragnar Magnar lol.
>FoeReaper 4000We want to heal you mate, remember the life before the estrogen, before the surgery, when you had a girlfriend, had a lot of friends, and didn't rely on random people like me on the internet for love.
fuck onions is banning everyone
>estrogen is good shit for me
>happy to be on estrogen
Yep thats why it isnt dominated like it was.
trips of truth
Checked, hes fucking banned me I fear no one can save him but the clenching of hands around his neck.
if he stopped taking the hormones and ate actual food rather than chinese chemicals mixed together
he could become cosmo again, but cosmo is trapped inside because of this fucking shit
The thing needs the hugbox or it will die. You can see the misery in its face.
Nice trips
its gonna have overdosis on onions
the breathing is heavy