Is gen z really based or is it just a meme?

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Gen Z is fucking autistic if that is true.

Teenagers are like this with everything. The fact they're doing it with right wing politics is unarguably a good thing even if it's cringe as fuck from our perspective. And yeah, white gen z favoured trump far more heavily than millennials in polling, so there's plenty decent signs in america at least. and because america has a lot of influence, hopefully here too.

I have an 8 yr old and he is pretty fucking based. I heard him name (((them))) once, because he saw it on fucktube. He told me he was transgender, then he laughed his ass off and said he was an attack helicopter. He thinks trannys are the dumbest thing ever. He also loves fucking pepe. I've never told him any of this shit.

Womp womp

I saw some 5-7 year olds calling each other cucks

>and it's beautiful

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Libs will make a full 180 on the movement to lower the voting age.

Whites are a minority under 18 so no they won't.

is this a bad thing

Bullshit, if it was your ass would be out of a job for breaking confidentiality with fucking children.

I wouldn't be surprised. The average young person hates the annoying SJW types, but whether that actually translates into a conservative/Republican party vote is largely yet to be seen.

all the gen zyklons I talk to love Hitler jokes

Same, my 8 year old is already organizing his first RAHOWA squad. He said "fuck kikes" for the first time today, so proud :)

he sounds like a good kid. raise him well, godspeed.

I never thought I'd see a "my eight year old" story on Jow Forums. Even if it's true no one's ever going to believe it.

The next gen is more polarised than us. Some are completely whipped fagbois, but plenty are pretty good lads.
I think the future is looking good for these guys, we have a real chance.

>inb4 we end up getting gassed by generation Zyklon for not being fashy enough

>inb4 australia collapses into the sun for not being white enough

It's just kids being edgy.
We used to make Holocaust jokes in school too, but I don't think anyone turned out to be a neonazi.

Just a meme? You have much to learn grasshopper.

Gen Z Leaf from the only decent city in Canada (Calgary) here are my experiences.

-Very anti SJW
-50% are moderate right to right wing
-25% are Trump supporters/ further right
-Last quarter are the degenerate fags/ trannies and the socialists.
-Everyone enjoys racist and gay jokes even the lefties.

-The vast majority have no knowledge or interest in politics, they will probably vote the way their greatest male influence does.
-a large minority is the feminist cancerous type as well as a large portion of thots.

non whites.
The guys can be decent but even then they always end up calling Trump rayciss. however when confronted about this they don't have much evidence to back up their opinion and some change their view. The women are a lost cause though, I'm sure they will vote 90% to the left just like all the previous non-white women have.

These results may be skewed because I live in the most conservative area in the most conservative city in Canada but the Canadian "right" is more close to the Democrats than the Republicans so who knows how this will play out.


Gen z is based, but theyre not "Im gonna fucking strangle every single filthy nigger queer and beaner that i see because they are fucking filthy subhuman and inhuman garbage" levels of based. Which is good, because they will appeal to the general public more when the gen z candidates come.