>this is your son after college
This is your son after college
this is your daughter after college.
sage and kys
He cute. Would Poz
typical mutt behaviour.
some specific research on this person
I don't have a son
Oh god, I'm going to college next fall
>daddy's little fuck hole comes home
ecchievement. you're welcome
America yes!
I still remember the "Make antifa sexy" statement :D:D::D:D:DDDDDDD
Would mind blowing air in his foreskin with my mouth. Would look like a frog.
>I accept you for who you are, what would jesus do?
>before mind-virus
>had tons of pictures of herself
She was born with a mind virus.
but that's your son!
Post more
I mean...
I went to college once. Now I’m transgender.
>I want to ____ that boipucci
still tight, will wreck
>want to taste son's tongue
>want to taste son's cum
>want to cum in son's ass
boipucci is the fuckin future!
Thankfully boys like this don't exist IRL
wh*Tes make the best boipucci
>tfw Jow Forums is slowly becoming /b/ 2.0
How did you figure out he was a guy? You must not be a Leftist, or were informed beforehand
r9k was a mistake
discord gg/jgNKY2w
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>not getting fucked by at least 100 guys