This is your son after college

>this is your son after college

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this is your daughter after college.

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sage and kys

He cute. Would Poz

typical mutt behaviour.

some specific research on this person


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I don't have a son

Oh god, I'm going to college next fall

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>daddy's little fuck hole comes home

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ecchievement. you're welcome

America yes!

I still remember the "Make antifa sexy" statement :D:D::D:D:DDDDDDD

Would mind blowing air in his foreskin with my mouth. Would look like a frog.

>I accept you for who you are, what would jesus do?

>before mind-virus
>had tons of pictures of herself
She was born with a mind virus.

but that's your son!

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Post more

I mean...

I went to college once. Now I’m transgender.

>I want to ____ that boipucci

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still tight, will wreck

>want to taste son's tongue
>want to taste son's cum
>want to cum in son's ass

boipucci is the fuckin future!

Thankfully boys like this don't exist IRL

wh*Tes make the best boipucci

>tfw Jow Forums is slowly becoming /b/ 2.0

How did you figure out he was a guy? You must not be a Leftist, or were informed beforehand

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r9k was a mistake

discord gg/jgNKY2w

add a .

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>not getting fucked by at least 100 guys

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