Attached: unnamed (17).jpg (453x324, 54K)
Is this what Republicans actually believe?
Jayden Ramirez
Levi Martinez
Is this what Democrats actually believe?
Angel Russell
Yes faggot. What you’re seeing is the Left’s final card. They are going to get blown the fuck out in November. Check em
Ryder Mitchell
Is the Democrat platform anything other than "stop Trump from doing what he said he would"? You can have your 15$ minimum wage when I can have my secure border. See how compromise works?
Caleb Davis
drumpfykins BTFO, its over for him
Landon Hill
How about not locking children in cages?
Lincoln Jenkins
How about not granting defacto immunity to child trafficking illegal invaders?
Ian Allen
ok lol what are you running on? Got a refutation?
Jackson Adams
So chain them to posts? That will make them more feral.
Liam Martin
How about not committing a crime or sending your child unaccompanied across a border illegally. 10k of the 12k were literally being trafficked across the border w/o a legit parent with them. KYS.
Hunter Walker
You're right, let's just shoot them on sight like our greatest ally does!
Josiah Wright
Democrat platform
>Give more free shit so we keep getting elected
Daniel Ross
Yeah, this honestly looks right to me. And I don't actually like the Republicans, but holy shit do I hate the modern democrats.
Colton Gonzalez
How about not taking your children over a harsh and very dangrous journey just so you can use them as leverage to invade a country because you're too much of a pussy to fix your own country? Fucking putting them in cages is probably better for them than what their egoist parents did.
Jordan Clark
you mean applying the democrats law.
Mason Thompson
we could send the children back to mexico with their families if the democrats worked with trump
why do democrats hate children?
Camden Gomez
You mean as pussy as the Mayflower folks?
Dominic King
The Left is hoping their ginning up of hate for Trump will be enough to keep the Dem base interested until voting day of 2018/2020.
Levi Long
Cameron Price
>fuck borders!
>fuck genders!
>fuck low taxes!
>fuck white people!
>fuck guns!
>fuck free speech!
>fuck Trump!
Democrats in a nutshell right now.
Alexander Myers
It's all Democrats have. They want to take guns and go after Trump. No other platforms. LOW ENERGY.
Gavin Nguyen
You forgot
>flood the country with illegal immigrants
>discriminate against whites
>brainwash your children into becoming trannies
>make giving out AIDS legal
>support Muslims who want to kill us
>use social terrorism to make everyone agree with self destructive opinions
Fuck off... you are worse than cancer
Tyler Morris
That was prescribed by dear leader Obama and is a legacy policy.
Kayden Torres
I thought you liked Obama?
Andrew Wilson
This picture is wrong
Democrat platform also includes high crime rates and high taxes
Parker Myers
>settlers forging a life all their own (who were mostly men and not families) vs people going to a nation that's already there for them and giving gibs
Blake Wright
Stop using anchor babies, you fucking kike.
Joshua Cook
someone should add a GIBS portion for their black voters.
Xavier Davis
>Democrats in a nutshell right now.
And that is where they will stay. The Left has fallen for the old ideological spiral trap in which they will not allow themselves to escape or they will risk being labeled a "racist Nazi bigot". Anytime a Democrat tries to moderate their positions they will be focused down and destroyed.
Wyatt Kelly
Dude, this meme checks out. I volunteer for a west coast democratic candidate.
We JUST had a meeting on expanding our talking points.
We have less than 3k in the bank while our opponent is sitting on 60k.
Democrats, while rich in spirit are broke.
Carter Thomas
>Boom economy
Josiah Butler
>He thinks Democrat governments haven't and won't continue to lock children in cages
Cooper Green
Drumpfkins give the orange one credit for Obama's successes
Justin Sanchez
Liberalism is based on Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, and Communism...
Liberalism in the early 20th century was based on Innovation and Technology and not so much about these other National Socialist things. Germany and Britain were the great National Socialist Countries because that is where European Marxism originated from.
Oliver Jones
>Democrats, while rich in spirit are broke
Isaac Baker
To be fair more then a few dems are the more JFK style democrats who vote dem reluctantly because they believe the party can turn back around. Several democrats I know have even said that they are furious that all the dems can do it’s come up with crazy communist policies or yell at trump.
Easton King
We'll turn it around. After the orange retard we'll have Americans voting Democrat for the next 200 years
Connor Perez
kek still 20 times better than mexico :3
Nolan Peterson
Gavin Sullivan
Evan Howard
meant to tag this one
Blake Ross
Delicious Leftist tears
Levi Anderson
Josiah White
Owen Walker
Damn, nice paint pic
Benjamin Jenkins
Wood chippers... I would stuff them in wood chippers. Then, execute their fake parents / adult escorts.
Bentley Jones
They should if they don't
Wyatt Hill
Yes you Democrats should stop locking kids in cages
Asher Edwards
how about not breaking the law
Ayden Lopez
Like locking kids in cages? You're sick