The power goes out. It's not coming back on for over 2 weeks

How long do you have where you live before the situation devolves into total chaos?

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We had no power for like 4 days in 2016. No riots. Benefits of a white city. Adelaide Australia

9 days

I wonder how many people will still believe that diversity is our strength if this situation happens.

Centuries. It's funny, the area I live in majority voted for NDP (Canada's Bernie) and yet they are the most self reliant people I have ever met. They all hunt and fish and fix their own vehicles.

Ten days. More if they can get the word out to clear tunnels and bridges to let supplies in. I'm fine for a couple weeks tho.

1 day. Guess where I live.

24 hours Los Angeles

It'll be fine. I live in a small, native town in the countryside. Fuck the urbanites.

I'd go into the woods and start a fire then roast some smores and daydream while waiting for the electricity to go back on

However long it stays off.

Out in the country with diesel generators, tons of fuel, lots of weapons.

That already happened here like 15 years ago. There was also no water pressure and it was hot as fuck. The one thing I remember was how amazing the stars looked. They look like that in rural areas too but never in the suburbs

I can survive that two weeks, eastern Washington isn't bad at all

I live ten miles from national forest access, and then it's just a few miles to one of the largest wilderness areas in the country. I'll be ok. I have an atv that would survive an emp and enough supplies to live two months with no water resupply.

Probably about 30 minutes after the cops stop answering the phone.

At home, fine but very hot. At work, I wouldn't know because I wouldn't set foot in that neighborhood when the power is out.

>going to work

Cherokee / GSMNP?

>society didn't exist before electricity

adelaide is a pretty elderly type city, i think when peoples grandparents of parents were no longer getting good healthcare wouldve been the tipping point.

did that in 2000 after a blizzard
3 weeks before the power came back on
2 weeks is no big deal
2 months would suck, though, canning on a woodstove is a bitch

god Canadians are faggy

Yes work, in the ghetto, because the owners of my company are out of state and leased the cheapest shit property they could find. Doesn't matter because we have no retail type of presence at all, but the neighborhood is absolute shit. We have a serial arsonist for fuck's sake, going on four years now and they don't even make an effort to catch him.

Had an ice storm several years back that knocked the power out for 2 weeks. Literally nothing bad happened. Then again, I don't live in nogville

Here in LA it would be 12-24 hours when it would start getting ROWDY

Must be shitty at breakfast.

Australians aren't white.

I always have a months worth of food in my house. i can board up my windows and stay comfy till its back on

I mean, we had a blizzard here in Massachusetts a few years ago where the power went out for almost 2 weeks in some cases, and things were fine for the most part.

I remember power being out in San Diego for just over 24 hours
no issues, it was just amazingly quiet and dark

You will get mauled to death by a bear or dragged into a river by an alligator

There isn't a single establishment with the exception of McDonald's that even serves breakfast in my work neighborhood. 90% of the restaurants are cash only, and you better be in the mood for soul food or Mexican because those are the options. The residents here don't even get up in time for breakfast. They start their daily ambling around 1 or 2 pm.

3-4 months. Of course I wouldn't be there to witness it because all the army reserves would be called in to distribute food and water to the rest of the populace. That means most finnish young men would be mobilized.

Our rural regions tend to experience blackouts if the winter gets rough enough so theres a lot of things we've prepared for.

>9 days

This is the correct answer as long as people assume the power will come back soon. People will work together, stick it out and refrain from looting and pillaging.

As soon as it becomes clear that this is a long term paradigm charge then social breakdowns, specifically in multi-racial societies, will be instanteous.

Actually youd be surprised how many youd outlive with even basic supplies

Youll starve absolutely for sure within 6 weeks not moving basically at all and eating 1800 cal a day

Most people have 4 days of food inside

So if everyone chimps out for 2 weeks theyll have expended ao much energy that they wont be able to go door to door looting

You need to bunker down for a mere 2 weeks and even in mid suburbia or manhatten youll be in a corpse filled ghost town

Tv and cinema make it seem easy for biker gangs and such but ho boy are they wrong!

Sandy knocked out power for 16 days here and no one cared

>he missed my pun

Yeah Argentina would know. Right ?

I live in a small white town near lots of water and it has quite a bit of local farms. Power has been out for a week+ due to wind storms and trees being down. We gave our neighbors family some of our emergency rice.
That was a few years ago. That neighbor and I actually built up an emergency plan after that wind storm. We both agree to always keep a set minimum amount of various types of foods, water, firearms, and share a bug out plan.
Great guy but he is a little bit naive. I've redpilled him pretty far. He isn't full 88 yet but he certainly is for the 14 words.
This actually has brought us a lot closer over all as neighbors. Even have a shared gate for our backyard fence so our German shepherds can play together during the day while at work. We actually got liter mates last year.
>pic related

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New York City huh? That was quite an experience.

Couple thousand rounds of ammo, two weeks worth of food and drinks, second floor secluded apartment with security doors. Numerous charged power bricks. Gonna be fine.

got news for you and its all bad

Indeed I did, nice one.

Basically once food runs out , people will start to get nervous but most big cities have a couple weeks of food stores. But once the fresh water runs out and water pressure is gone to most taller buildings and denser areas , the. Chaos begins. I believe I read that it'll only have a month before people resort to canabalism

It's early summer,so its not too hot yet.
Its still raining at times. Have plenty of water and its not dry.
Life in an area with no major highways passing through so just local people.
Have firearms and food stockpiled(prob 3-5 months of good food like sodas and vac sealed bread)

I could survive two weeks no problem It would be kinda hot and boring

if we ran out of power for two weeks in the coldest winter months we'd have some sort of wheat from chaff moment that we really needed. in summer though, we'd just go full afreeca mode.

Shut the fuck up, don't tell people. Also don't forget the tri-shitties, when their food runs out they have a choice between heading over the mountains to compete with the more dangerous predators in Portland or Seattle, or a boring flat shot over to the gringos in Spokane and CDA.

3 days


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Thanks to Obama I'll be okay.

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I have a hole with a 30 day supply. i'm hoping the killings and mass suicides have mostly subsided by that time.

>wheat from chaff moment
>he thinks americans know what that means
99.9% of americans have no fucking clue what that means hahahha.
>tfw benis has better engrich then average amerikan

Both of us would be dragged back to the army and given rifles and perimeter duty to make sure it wouldn't go full on Africa mobs.

Happened due to a winter storm a few years back it lasted about two weeks for most. There was violence at stores and to get generators, but it was pretty calm for me avoiding the city and staying inside.

keep living the dream. have you considered a switch to LEDs to reduce the load on your solar array?

>starve in 6 weeks eating 1800 cal a day.


it's not going to get back on

>fixed that for you

Yeah I just don't have the money laying around to buy them yet maybe after this summer.

all this stuff will be junk when the emps hit

>total chaos
I wouldn't know because I'd left the area within 24 hours depending on the season. I live in a multi-party complex. If it's winter, some idiot WILL make a fire inside and once the building catches fire I won't have time to get my survival/camping/winter gear and personal stuff out.

this. only two weeks? it would be like nothing happened.

I live in a majority French Canadian area (North Ontario). It's like they don't think about their kids and grand kids and think that all the freebies they "believe" they will get are forever. The French are the niggers or Canada.

>all this stuff will be junk when the emps hit

Its almost as if you don't have spare electronics in a faraday cage

Leave the big city if you're in one.


it's almost as if that is useless when you are the only one. who else is going to communicate with you brainlet

After 48 hours and people start getting hungry all hell would break loose

all the pig nations will go byebye first. i can only really think of one though. nothing of value lost

And go where?
City folk will not be welcome in the country.

Would be ok for however long the power was out, live out in the country.
Would probably miss the AC within the first week though, it gets miserably hot and humid in FL.

Jokes on most city folk, I have family in the country.

dude, it's really not that hard. besides people who know how to prepare, people might just store their things in faraday cages unwittingly and then like have stuff that keep working.

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And you don't have to be welcome, just pay.

Good luck at the highway checkpoint

CB radio, Ham.. what else is there that does not require the vast infrastructure for coms? Can you send morse code via the now dead land lines?

It's alright user, I'm the only guy in a downtown condo with more guns and ammo than everyone I know combined. Shit is going to be cash.

its always chaos mode in mexico

9 months and still have no electricity

Assuming it's purely power and doesn't affect things like sewage or water in general, I'd be very uncomfortable but could easily last the 2 weeks.

We don't give a fuck.

Thank your faggy mayor faggot

>How long do you have where you live before the situation devolves into total chaos?
Considering it is the summer and the daily temps are in the 90's the chaos would start immediately.

Indefinitely. I live in a mid-sized (300k) mixed upper Midwest city. Have escape place about an hour away in forest. 6 month food supply, solar power, weapons, etc. Society can burn, I’ll be fine.

This I live on a rural property 15 k's out of Wagga in the NSW bush. The only thing that would change is I would empty the gun safe and have multiple drop off points for emergencies.

That's being generous. I'd give it until sunset at best


California reporting in. I would say about 1-1 1/2 days before the rioting/killing/looting/niggering.

Must be nice. It's supposed to hit 112 this week here

Seeing how unprepared most people were for something like a hurricane which happens multiple times every year here, Id give it like 3 days. Last time people here panicked we ran out of gas, canned food and water in hours, fights broke out over what was left of the gas, shit people even stole food and water from others in the markets and parking lots of them. In the end nothing even fucking happened the hurricane changed direction. If shit really hit the fan this place would probably turn to shit, pretty much everyone here owns guns too so there's that.

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No, this cuntess

what previsions td you have in place?

What the fuck, that's just San Juan mayor, the one who actually has power is the governor. That idiot is like a chihuaha barking, absolute disgrace and powerless.

It's all we hear, so it represents you spic

I maybe stealing a joke, but fuck it.

The moment we even have a brown out

i live in the ghetto of a large city. the people are diverse and dont trust or like eachother. things would get very ugly very fast.

Nothing will wake them up, my friend. Nothing. Unless their Jewish media daddy tells them to wake up, they are under it's complete and total hypnosis.

>How long do you have where you live before the situation devolves into total chaos?
I would give it 2 hours.

I am in NYC. Millions would die

No one cares.

Atlanta fag here... I'd be screwed unless I somehow miraculously managed to flee the state.

speaking of no one cares.

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