I see a distinction between the two. Blacks are functioning members of society, niggers are degenerates.
I can coexsit with my black brothers, but I'd pay to see a nigger hang in the streets.
What does Jow Forums think?
Niggers vs blacks
Black is the state of niggers between two chimpouts.
it's an insult to call niggers chimps. chimps have an actual family structure and higher IQ.
I think Blacks and Niggers should have an ethnostate of their own.
how come
send them there
>create propaganda about liberia in nigger places (like detroit , or at least i think detroit has niggers , sorry for not knowing much about america)
>make the propaganda about the history of "how cool and strong where liberians when they reclaimed they homeland form the evil white mans"
>niggers leave
and they will all starve
Liberia era un paĆs hecho para los esclavos de los Estados Unidos lel
i know , but do you think they will?
Blacks could potentially have their own ethnostate without making it collapse within 50 years, niggers don't. See: blacks from Botswana and Nigeria living in their countries and actually developing it at a surprising rate, and the niggers who migrate to Europe, or blacks in 50s America with strong nuclear families and niggers from today's hoods
Still, no coexistence possible/advisable
The so called "blacks" are in such the minority that the line of thinking of this duality is detrimental to the state of nature. The reality is the African race has proven to be more destructive than any natural disaster we've ever seen.
tal vez.
that could work too
fair enough point. I still see a need to distinguish between the "blacks" that aren't destructive and actually contribute to society (i.e. Neil deGrasse Tyson and maybe even Morgan Freeman).
It's Schrodi'qwan's Paradox.
At any moment they exist in both the state of black man and nigger. You will not know which until you scuff his nikes.
All niggers in this country need to go. There are no exceptions.
> niggers
> blacks
>implying they're not the same shit
fuck off civicuck magatard nigger lover
BS, you'd hate civilized blacks too if they dated your sister or your mom mate
lets face it, at the end of the day people hate blacks because they're ugly and dark, that's what racism boils down to the rest is rationalizations
Nigger is just an alternative noun for blacks.
They are synonyms, and there is no distinction between the two.
believe me, I wouldn't want a black guy getting in my daughter's pants.
I've had friends and family that have worked in hospitality, and they'll tell you that native Africans are more serious and stern than your average Baltimore nigger. in fact, some had code words for roudy niggers. that's why I see a distinction between the two.
what i'm saying is you are just talking semantics.
all blacks are niggers by definition, some are bad niggers some are just niggers.
fair enough