Are Blizzard SJW's?

Are Blizzard SJW's?

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the dude who created it is literally a kike and the hearthstone logo is the pedo symbol

They're faggots for making me wait so long for SCII

Grow up and stop playing video toys

after merging with activision? Absolutely.

>hearthstone logo
vanilla wow you mean

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Yes, all big vidya company do their bast to pander to their retardation.

They created Tumblr Fortress so betas could fap to waifus. So yeah

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hearthstone logo has a star of ishtar behind the stone

No corporation is every SJW. They just follow the money.

this desu

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sjw? mayb
jews? definitely
>they charge up to 2 dollars for a pack of 5 cards in heartstone
>overwatch costs 60 dollars and has more cancerous microtransactions than most free games
>knowing the hype for sc2, they seperated it into 3 games that each cost 60 dollars
>you have to buy all the previous wow expansions if you want to play today and a monthly fee ofcourse
>diablo 3 is just a bad game

t. boomer
fuck off from my hobby and stop acting like sjw cancer ruining it is okay


They dropped the past expacs, I believe right now the "core" game is wow up to wod and legion and bfa are often sold together (it's totally an expact and not a patch) so I agree they are jews.


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Some of them are but there are definitely a few /our guys/ there. The signals aren’t exactly overt but the little things (goblins being basically Jews and also there is race of demons called Cazarians [like Khazarians]) that let me know they’re there. That or I’ve been on this site too long and now everything is a dog whistle.

Gee I dunno

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FUCK yes. I know employees personally and Mother Fuck! Yes they are SJW's