It's that time of year again the kikes are bombing the mudslimes and the mudslimes are rocketing the kikes get in here for a special time of year where we can watch 2 people that hate each other kill themselves.
I believe there is a satanic plot being carried out by the jews (whether knowingly or unknowingly) to "fulfill" popularized prophecies that are based on twisted scripture. I will explain further below:
As a Christian, I view all world events through a Christian lens. Not a lot happens nowadays that isn't orchestrated by evil powers seen or unseen. Satan is real and has very real power on Earth, and that he would like nothing more than to decieve Christians, wipe out Christians, and wipe out Christianity. The less Christianity on Earth, the easier it is for him to bring about his oppressive satanic NWO. A major split in Christian thought has been between replacement theologists (the belief that Israel is now the Church) and those that have been deceived into believing that physical Israel or the jews still hold a special relevancy in Gods eyes. I believe this "jew worship" is a huge stumbling block for many christians and will only be exacerbated if my hypothesis comes to fruition. An event like this would certainly solidify support by Christians for physical Israel and by extension the NWO and the Antichrist. The jews will, without question, be deified as "Gods Chosen People".
There are 2 "prophecies" that have spread into most Christian churches:
>Ezekiel 38-39 This is a war between Israel and her neighbors (listed as Libya, Persia, Ethiopia and unknown others) including a certain "Gog and Magog" who comes from the north. This "Gog and Magog" has been mostly shilled within Christian circles as being Russia. The battle is supernaturally won by Israel when God reigns down fire from heaven upon the enemies. This prophecy is a real prophecy that happens AFTER the Lords millenial reign, and is written about in Revelation 20. My belief is that Israel will try to fulfill this prophecy (again, whether knowingly or unknowningly) using nuclear weapons as the so-called "fire from heaven". If you look at the middle east today it is very easy to see how Christians could be fooled by this, even though the prophecies have some verses that are clearly not the case today (like Israel being unwalled and her citizens living in safety).
>Isaiah 17 This prophecy is about the total destruction of Damascus (described as a "ruinous heap"). It has already been fulfilled by the Assyrians who conquered it (2 Kings 16:9, Isaiah 37:18). Israel will probably try to nuke Damascus or bomb it to shit.
that is actually a lot for them I mean. usually it's like max 5
Austin Jones
"Israel was not created in order to disappear - Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom." -John F Kennedy
the requirements for kabala are that you are atleast 40 AND have a surviving son incase you die from demonic possession, which you are prone when you study the kabala kabala being occult magic, is one mode for demons to interact with occult followers.
According to mainstream Orthodox Judaism, everything bad that ever happens to the Jewish people is because God is punishing them for their sins. That means that ultimately, Jews deserve being kicked out of every country they go to, and being killed en masse in things like the holocaust. When will this horrible ideology of hate be stamped out?
Sabbatean-Frankists, in other words, satanists who call themselves "Jews" but who follow a doctrine where the Torah is interpreted in reverse so call sins become acts of holiness done to bring the apocalypse
They believe the destruction of civilization is needed to bring their messiah.
Negev what have you done your logistic mission was to only help with re-supply.
Carter Campbell
>Israelis have discovered what legitimizing their claims to power will look like in 2018 and >it's beautiful
Jonathan Turner
I assure you there are no cars or buildings worth much of anything in the Eshkol region. It's the butthole of Israel.
Brody Stewart
Hanussen was hitler's Rasputin- his clairvoyant. Hanussen created and molded hitler to become the hypnotic megalomaniacal monster that sacrificed human lives to moloch. "the Devil's Prophet" Hanussen's true name was Hershmann Chaim Steinschneider. Hanussen was a little mad - or more than a little in his megalomania
Herschmann’s birth was registered in Prossnitz (today Prostejov in the Czech Republic), the Moravian town which was the traditional home of the Steinschneider
But all was not as it seemed in Prossnitz. The town’s Jewish community was a hotbed of the Sabbatian heresy, a secretive sect which revered the 17th century “Messiah” Sabbatai Zevi.5 Sabbatians not only regarded Zevi as the Messiah, but also followed his antinomian teachings that advocated the deliberate transgression of Jewish Law and a Gnostic-like idea of “redemption through sin
Prossnitz was infiltrated by the even more radical and occultic Frankist sect whose practices included orgiastic rituals
the Steinschneiders were a “Sabbatian family” (a messianic cult based on ritual sacrifice)
Hanussen’s later behaviour, from his denial of his Jewish roots, to his rejection of sexual and other mores, obsession with mysticism, and even his association with virulent anti-Semites, all more or less conformed to the Sabbatian-Frankist mould.
his home in Berlin during 1930-32 was the notorious Aleister Crowley
Noah Peterson
she gotta kill paleshits
Lucas Rogers
God I hope they chance a conflict with Israel. Would be so nice to see jewy get taken down a peg or 2
Uh yes? A bunch of shitskins in pick up trucks have keeping the Syrian Army busy for 5 years. IDF is one of the largest and most well funded military in the world. It wouldn't even be a real competition.
Aiden Rogers
Wow. That's weak and lame.
Gavin Gray
Negev, we've been over this, you're supposed to focus on the SF. What am I ever gonna do with you.
thinly veiled bogtards thread >Be OP >Faggot with extreme plastic surgery fetish >Write hours of fiction about inbred twins with extreme plastic surgery >Possess many pictures of said twins with extreme plastic surgery >Dick rock hard, 24/7, looking at their deformed faces >Keep posting my fap folder to pol >Demand quick rundown! >Get reported saged and banned like a subhuman shitposter REPORT BOGNIGGERS