>What is the wikileaks Podesta Pool Party >What is Comet Ping Pong receiving money from a George soros superPAC >What is James Alefentis doing on the Top 50 Most Influential People when he only owns a pizza parlor >What is $65,000 of pizza flown in from three states over for Obama's fundraiser >What is the band Sex Stains doing at a parents-n-kids pizza parlor >What is Comet Pizza's mass media article comparing Pizzagate with Hillary's health 'rumors' >What is Podesta's incredibly disturbing art collection >What is Jeffrey Epstein's island resort >What is the pseudonym "J'aime L'enfents" doing in the Washington Post like anybody could take that seriously >What is celebs posing with small children in photographs from the mock-cannibalism sex party attended by Lady Gaga >What is Nambla's symbol doing on menus from Comet Ping Pong connected pizza chains >What is the point of "pizza, plain, nothing on it" >What is so difficult for a high-ranking politician and Hollywood fixer to obtain that you need to courier it in by plane from the other side of the US >What is Breitbart's tweet about Podesta from before he was "heart attacked" >What is with Breitbart's coroner also mysteriously suiciding with arsenic >What is Wiener's private life insurance stash
but on a serious note about the womp womp thing it's retarded that the MSM is trying to say Corey was mocking that girl when really he was mocking the obvious pathos bait liberals do
>Trump on stage a rally tomorrow >"We have with us the great corey lewandowski" >"come up on stage corey, say a few words" >corey grabs the mic >"womp womp" Post yfw.
It works either way, a lot of people are sick of this special treatment of foreigners and they like strong people standing up to the ridiculousness and calling it what it is.
As hellish as it would be, I can clearly imagine the Hillary timeline, but I can't even fathom how a Yeb! timeline would play out other than being terrible.
There is no way normal people are going to see this story and not laugh about it. Corey, whether he knew it or not, just fucking shot an arrow through the heart with all of this outrage.
This will remind people about the outrage culture and at the end of the day, all the left is is "WOMP WOMP" stories.
Holy fuck every one of you just got btfo hard by Rick Wilson!!!!!
Why is the party of Trump comfortable with televised sadism?
The President isn’t Hitler. But the banality of his populist nationalism is eerily familiar
Rick Wilson
The garbage barge of rogues, edge-case whackjobs, political opportunists and alt-right-adjacent scum in the White House are popping corks.
Public surveys, across several polling outlets, and controlling for sample size, composition, and question-wording are turning in remarkably similar results, and those results are scaring the hell out of Donald Trump; roughly 26 per cent support the policy and between 56-66 per cent oppose it. He’s already got his base, but almost two-thirds of the nation is still opposed to the strategy he has imposed.
“They’re immigrants” becomes “They’re part of the conspiracy against the oppressed, white-working class.” The golden door and America’s immigrant heritage becomes “They’re justJews or Tutsisor Kazakhs or Timorese or Cambodians or Yazidis, or women fleeing Guatemala or Honduras or Nicaragua or Mexico with their children in their arms. “They’re not Americans” becomes “They aren’t even really human.”
It endsas it always ends. After all, we were only following orders.