If you’re a Trump supporter, you are dead to me. I do not want to see you, hear from you, or even acknowledge your existence.

I do not recognize you as a fellow citizen. In fact, I do not recognize you as a fellow human being.

There are children – terrified, traumatized, innocent children – who are locked in cages right now, crying for their parents. YOU put them there. There are parents suffering the emotional torture of not knowing where their children are, or how they are being treated. YOU are inflicting that torture.

The only thing that gives me joy right now is knowing that YOU are about to suffer. Your “pResident” and his spineless Republican enablers are planning massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security – cuts they say are necessary in order to pay for the massive tax cuts they just gave the wealthiest people in the country.

I’d love to be there when you realize that your social security check has been whittled down to nothing, or when you can’t afford the medicine you need to stay alive. I’d be more than happy to remind you that YOU are getting exactly what you voted for – and what you deserve. Maybe you can contact your Trump-loving Republican reps – the millionaires who actually got those massive tax cuts – and listen to them laugh at your misery as they ignore your pleas for help.

And you know what? I’ll be laughing right along with them – because you’re already dead to me anyway, so why should I give a fuck if your existence ends in poverty, pain and utter despair?

If you’re a Trump supporter, you are responsible for the suffering of every child now held in a cage, every citizen who is facing bankruptcy due to medical bills they can’t afford, every hard-working American who is now responsible for paying off the debt your “pResident” and his party created to enrich themselves while you got the crumbs off their table.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I used to feel sorry for you because your own abject stupidity had blinded you to the obvious fact that you’ve been had.

But seeing children locked in cages, crying for their mothers and their fathers, put a quick end to any sympathy I may have felt for YOU, the people responsible for their fear, their suffering, their endless tears.

At this point, the only interaction with a Trump supporter I would welcome is an invitation to their funeral – an event I would happily attend in a red sequined dress, a festive feather-strewn hat, and a bag full of fireworks to mark the joyous occasion of their removal from our midst.

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>If you’re a Trump supporter, you are dead to me.
Wow! Best $35/month I've ever spent! MAGA!


I guess you rather them in the hands of child sex traffickers like your boi Obama?

SAGE OP? Womp womp...

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best vote i've ever cast
it melts all the snowflakes for decades to come

Go adopt those kids if you're so damn holier-than-me. Your king Obama did this as well, and not a peep.
Frankly, I don't have time for this. It's the Daily Outrage; you'll have forgotten all about it by next week.
I formally left the Republicuck party last week, so there.

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>meme donkey
Hello Shlomo

>"muh kike poem!"
god I hate leftist cartoons


>all white children

it's almost as they're trying to fool white people into thinking illegals from mexico should be treated the same as their children

3/10 got me to respond

Tasty fresh pasta.

Nice full house, too.

Inaccurate, those are white children, and old bait.

>ay you aint gon get yo gibs no mo now dis cracka heea
no tyrone, i'm white

>Soros funds human trafficking.
>You blame Trump for Muh children, which by the way are the same policies Obama used.

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this fucking thread

And then everyone in the thread applauded, and the mean nasty racists were so ashamed they died of heart failure on the spot, and OP was awarded a honourary Nobel Prize. And, and, and Trump spontaneously combusted

We not giving you the children you pedophile kike.

You have to go back Manudo, but your kids can stay and build the wall. Trump was right, the browns will pay for it!

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>the people responsible for their fear, their suffering, their endless tears.
lel, it's Chuck Schumer who's been shooting down every bill that would stop the child separation thing without any far-left strings attached.

Here, have an article from the Hill:

Womp womp

Why are mexicans so fucking shit Jow Forums? I dont even hate blacks nearly as much, theyre too busy killing themselves in gang violence for it to really matter, but mexicans come into the US illegally, breed like disgusting savages with 7 babies each, get fatter than any other race, bring their shit culture in, only to complain when getting deported even though they think theyre nationalistic. THEN the fucking mexicans on pol, int sp etc have the nerve to talk shit about america. Their fucking people are literally running away from their own country and they have the balls to talk shit about anywhere else. Fucking disgusting people, country, fuck i absolutely hate them so god damn much. FUCK mexicans and FUCK mexico

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You said this site would be shut down when net neutrality ended...

Look everyone, a libtard who thinks his opinions matter.

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cry more, faggot.


hi op. i support Trump. hear me? eat shit and die you faggot assed fucking pussy

Ok. See ya!

i agree

Anonymous board retard. Noone knows or cares who you are. Anyway, you are just as guilty for condoning this for the last 16 years

cool so leave


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Okay Tumblr nobody cares.

Hogg fucks kids!

You should support him and fuck kids too!


>The only thing that gives me joy right now is knowing that YOU are about to suffer.
What else is new? It's pretty obvious the left likes to see poor/middle class white people suffer.

If all these beaners got together and did something instead of running away they could un-shithole their country.

>Im a stupid nigger making slide threads
Don't really care anymore. Go ahead and pick your team faggot civil war 2 wont be kind to you.

Get out of my living room

Post the real version

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get out millenial

Stay mad.

Your delicious salt and tears sustain me.

The spics are the ones who sent those reject kids to the border.

It's like a game of "stop hitting yourself".

Reminder not to reply to bait threads.

>a statue given to us by a foreign country says a thing
>that is how a nation should operate regardless of context or that it’s just a ducking statue
Thank god none of the Soviet leaders ever gave a copy of communist manifesto to any US president.

Good to see the feeling is mutual liberal swine. I look forward to collecting your skulls to build my throne.

Fuck off with your emotional manipulative bullshit you hypocrite cunt. Nobody is buying it except for the allready mindfucked libtards.

Keep it up, there'll be hell to pay.

I like how liberals selectively quote the bible.
What it say about gays now?

underrated comment


>I do not recognize you as a fellow citizen.
i know u dont, thats what makes u un-American, but its mutually returned

womp womp

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The shilling is real a lot of friends and family are talking about this, and the spanish speaking media is putting it all in trump even doe it started with obongo

womp womp

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Oh no minor crying for a few hours before being released :( WOMP WOMP

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Why not move to those countries and help them in those countries?

Wow, wow, WOW! Republicans still don't get it, so let me spell it out:

President Nancy Pelosi will be resting her feet on your nasty faces in fourteen months.

The Big Blue Wave will be a fucking tsunami.

Asshole and Vice Asshole WILL be impeached, convicted, and sent to Guantanamo.

Hate speech laws so insufferable they will make Republicans kill themselves in a hopeless rage are coming.

White men will be bled dry and turned into LITERAL LEGAL SLAVES as punishment for this fucked up, sadistic, evil fucking dumbshit you tried to ram down America's throat.

The Republican Party will be CASTRATED and never ALLOWED to hold power again.

Refugees will be shipped in by aircraft carries and resettled in the richest white neighborhoods, and the justice system will look the other way when they do as they damn well please!

Racist white pigs will be neutered in every major city, and black kids and those scary Mexicans will rule the streets. Just watch real crime plummet.

Your Constitution will be shredded, rewritten, and probably just thrown the fuck OUT like the dead white slaveholder toilet paper it is.

Freeze Peach, your sacred cow, is going to MOO MOO MOO its way all to the fucking meatgrinder.

Fuck your racist bullshit.

Fuck your rapist Fuhrer.

Fuck your fucking God.

Fuck Paul Ryan, too.

We saw what you did to Obama, we saw you elect a Russian backed nazi cunt, and we will NEVER EVER give you another chance to take power back again.

After Trump, babydicks, it really is over. Stalin Democrats are taking the fuck over. Fuck yes, it's the nightmare that always woke you up in a cold sweat with a little piss in your shit-streaked boxers, clutching your anime sheets for dear life. But it's so much worse.

The shit that's coming when Dems get power back is a thousand times worse than anything your peanut-sized Klansman brains could ever imagine, and there's exactly FUCK SHIT you can do about it.

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haha, acknowledge this

No one actually cares about a bunch of beaner children. You don't care either. Just pretending so you can be outraged about something

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>There are children – terrified, traumatized, innocent children – who are locked in cages right now
my dick is becoming harder

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Oh no! OP said I was dead! But how am I still shitposting?

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> If we work hard to make our country good...

Zero fucks given

no one cares faggot

>wompposting is only 2 hours old and is already slated to be the best meme of the 2010s


Now with added beaner!

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>parents suffering the emotional torture of not knowing where their children are

This is great. That way other irresponsible parents wanting to arrive illegaly will think twice

I hope the Democrats propaganda spreads to Central and South America. Imagine how many mulattos are shit scared to cross the border now and how many local mulattos are putting together escape plans

I've been noticing this trend in propaganda, they're trying to tug at parents empathy by relating the illegal aliens to their own children

Liberals don't care, the point is to make the right seem like hypocrites and create "haha gotcha" moments that libs can circlejerk with on social media.

>I'm pro abortion and love faggotry. Bake the cake you bigot!
>btw this is what I think the bible says about illegal aliens. You should do what it says

I will laugh at you from my command ship when I enlist in the Space Force and watch as the 2nd manmade structure visible from space is made by illegal aliens using the corpses of unaccompanied minors as mortar

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theyre free to go back to mexico

womp womp



>he thinks we care
Laughing whores.jpg

Fuck the illegals! I don't care! Fucking SAGE

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lol why do you shills even come here?

Wheres the merchant?

This is the best pasta I’ve ever seen

That's fine mate I haven't recognised liberals as human beings for a decade now.

looks like some one is having an adverse reaction to their SSRIs and HRT

they can literally leave and go back to mexico but they stay so they get separated so the parents will want to be with their children and leave

they are told this verbally and given the options, the parents 100% put them in this scenario and can exit it at any time


Fuckin a they are cowards no place for you where freedom reigns supreme

Hey you guys, maybe the democrats are onto something with this concentration camp idea of theirs.

Molon labe, donkey
Do something about it

Deal. You lost me at Cake.
Stay dead.
