The UN should fuck off

The UN should fuck off
We just quit their group

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The UN using their institution to promote hostile actors violating US Borders shows willful and malicious negligence in their deference towards the United States making them an unlawful hostile actor in their efforts against the United States. It would be as easy as indicting a ham sandwich with any grand jury.

This shows they wont stop, that is what RICO is for, its used to stop an organized group from engaging in criminal action. Right now the News, SPLC, AIPAC and ADL are buying our leaders off, RICO is the tool given to us to stop these aggressions against our country and people. These Fake News organizations operating in unison is an organized effort breaching the most sacred of public trusts, the freedom of the press by working against the people to form false narratives.
>18 U.U Code 2381: Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death

For Trump to Make America Great Again, he must implement RICO effective immediately to shutdown these cartels of crime and save our country.

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Death to the terror sponsor state Israel, who allowed ISIS to fester and children to be enslaved

More foreigners trying to turn this country into a third world shithole.

Should send an army company into the UN building and just start shooting. I am 100% out of patience with foreigners who live in homogeneous countries telling us how to deal with problems they have never experienced.

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Trump Againist the whole world

since the immigration train has sailed for the u.s., they will push you into ww3 with russia. either way, the kikes want you dead.

Can someone explain the fucking rationale here?

I don't want to see kids cry, but when your parents get arrested for breaking the law, like a DUI, you GET FUCKING SEPARATED DUE TO JAIL! It's the fucking PARENT'S FAULT for breaking the fucking LAW

I think Russia will have to wait in line after China
after we cut off trade with China, We will find out about Pearl Harbor part 2

This is the Left and Dems are hoping people don't get, lol. But it isn't that hard to figure out.

What does the Left expect, "Oh, you brought kids with you? That means we have to let you enter the country illegally now, otherwise your kids will cry!"

>I don't want to see kids cry,
I do

Just grief them in Minecraft. It's easier.

I prefer Mein Kampf

Ear plugs work

Does the UN even do anything? They just say stuff about how so and so is wrong and invite worthless women to preach about themselves. They mean nothing.

UN will get (((theirs))),
Gaddafi didn't die in vain!

the UN should open their doors and let immigrants stay in the HQ

Even republicans are saying this shit is weird and fucked up but don't let me stop you from being as edgy as humanly possible.

Most elected Republicans are essentially just Diet Democrats. If I was in charge I'd be lining the border with spic skulls on pikes and we wouldn't have a single illegal immigrant for the next 50 years

Friendly reminder that UN Human Rights group is led by Saudi Arabia, which is basically the Israel of the Muslim world. With either side you lose but pulling out of the UN Human Rights group is one step closer to eradicating the UN altogether, which would let European countries actually do something about the mass immigration. Hopefully this comes back to bite Israel and Saudi Arabia in their asses

why doesn't the UN take them in

>> UN rights chief BLASTS
>> International community FIRES BACK
>> Experts SLAM
Modern journalism is a fucking joke

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He's not being edgy, you're just a pussy. Trump's doing exactly what we voted him in for.

You’re not even old enough to vote.

Top scheisspost, Herr user.

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I’m supprised libshits are two stupid to make the theory that trump left the UN human rights Council so he couldn’t put muh beanlets in muh concentration camps.

Lol, older than you, uh, Muhammad.

We should fucking deport the UN

Trump is enforcing the law.

womp womp

These stubby brown criminals ride in the back of a pickup truck 1000 miles to violate an international border. If they just stayed home, then this problem wouldn't exist. It's that simple.

Just stay home.

We should seize the UN headquarters under eminent domain laws, and use the land to build a hard labor camp for MS-13 members.