I'm calling it now, Anons, soon the Democrats/usual suspects are going to arrange for one of these kids being detained to die of heat-stroke or something similar so they can blame Trump and scream HIS BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS LITERAL HITLER!
I would bet good money this happens before the weekend. Mark my words.
Maybe. Probably photos of a “gas chamber” will surface that have cartoons and shit on the wall
Anybody with more than 2 brain cells to rub together knows that is next.
Schumer just refused to a bill
I almost said, "Good job, you gave them ideas."
But then I remembered who we're dealing with. These kikes and shabbos goys think about killing goy children on the regular. They prefer white ones but they'll take what they can get.
Good one OP
$15 it will be a 56% 6 year old girl.
>onions id
Fuck i forgot SO Y IS Filtered
Damn you're absolutely right.
Fucking kikes man.
Or they could just lie about something like that happening.
I am surprised they haven't released a photo yet.
>drowned boy
>Syrian whaambulance boy
>Mexican crying girl
>ICE agent drop kicking baby over border
im suprised some of these kids havent
a)gone "missing"
b)died by accident
c)starved themselves in protest
kek, that sucks, but I stand by my prediction
perhaps they'll discover a mass grave full of dead children to parade on the evening news?
Remember that mass grave of students in Mexico? Yeah, me neither.
even if they have to bring a dead kid up from Mexico and dump him at one of these facilities they'll somehow get their "dead angel" to push at us, I just know it
the left wouldnt miss a beat either.
Fox News could start running abortion photos.
include me
dont give them any ideas