Easy to swallow red-pills - Post them
Normies need our help and these are what will do it.
Easy to swallow red-pills - Post them
Normies need our help and these are what will do it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kek this is good
coming through with the massive redpills
>implying this thought would cross their mind
>if they did, they would not show any gratitude whatsoever
All verifiably true
What big brother wants for everyone
Am I bad for getting this half Cuban chick pregnant
This statement can be misconstrued many different ways.
Candace seems like a nice lady with a well enough head on her shoulders.
t. actual real racist
9/10 would cum in again
>am I bad for getting this white girl that had familg born in cuba pregnant?
The original Jakerspost was better. Also it was real
No you fucking faggot. The most controversial thing she's ever done was run a doxxing site. Then upon realising there's fuck all money in being a SJW, swung right hard where all the money is. She's larping as a conservative for the shekels.