I mean, it's their people, they speak the same language and they have plenty of land.
Why does nobody hold Mexico accountable for this whole mess? Why is Mexico
allowed to disrespect the US border like this by doing NOTHING to prevent these "refugees"?
Why is nobody throwing blame on Mexico for this whole situation?
Other urls found in this thread:
Blaming Mexico doesn't get the hordes of permanent Democrat voters imported into the US.
Mexicans are terrible people, and the Dems need them for votes.
So, there you go.
Not only that have any government officals south of the border demonstrated any willingness to reunite the families once they get back?
Yes it does if you put enough of a squeeze on mexico to fix their fucking problems.
We have been it falls on deaf ears.
My point is that it's an argument we should be pushing. Of course I understand that Dems just want voting cattle, but we must put it out there as a reasonable claim.
Mexico is not doing its part of respecting the border. It's time to treat Mexico as a grown up nation and expect them to handle problems.
Obviously it would be Mexico's job to help if anyone else would considering geography, but it isn't only Mexicans crossing the border. There are probably at least a few attempts by people from every country south of the USA, and there are a lot of El Salvadorans, Hondurans and Guatemalans trying.
>Implying everything brown and spanish speaking is mexican
Just build your goddamn wall already if you are that mad
The more complex the answer the higher your IQ has to be for you to be able to understand it properly and quickly.
So, unironically because that's a too advanced answer and most people wouldn't properly make the links to understand that's actually the proper long term solution.
And since most people won't be able to make the link between mexico fixing their shit and border issues being fixed, people will think it's actually improper blame shifting. So it'd be a very high risk move politically, as the natural reaction would be outrage against "the blame shifters".
Sure sure, the point is, in 2018 (yes current year) we should be expecting of Mexico to handle some things.
These people are much closer to them in every single respect, yet nobody ever questions that Mexico completely disrespects the US-Mexico border by letting these people push on.
And yet they have the gall to complain that the US is not showing any respect to Mexico. Why the fuck should you guys, they clearly don't give a fuck about you. A good neighbour would prevent these people from crossing. It's time to make demands.
Why don't we just help mexico and bomb the cartels?
They are terrorist and we hate those right?
> every single respect
It's late here, sorry for my broken English.
Mexico has a wall at their southern border too, you know. Frankly they are helping but it's like trying to insect-proof your home. A couple of those bastards are going to slip through anyway.
You would need to bomb a lot of police stations lad, the reason they get away with their shit is they have their hands in a lot of pockets
We already help by speeding up the train they ride to the northern border, letting them get run over by it, shoot them and rape the central american immigrants, what more do you want
Then there is also the glow-in-the-dark question.
do you ever wonder if it's all carefully orchestrated...
there is something known as freedom of movement in my country
and there is also the tacit freedom to leave
i dont give a fuck if gringos actually build their wall or nafta ends, the least i/we have to deal with them the better
and all events worldwide are complete fabrication
Then just total war on mexico.
Not like the mexicans here will care. They ditched and abandoned the place.
to the point we just chase whatever controversial bread crumbs they hand out each day
Hey, if it will change things for the better, I'm down. I am tired of being afraid that me or someone in my family will be kidnapped, mugged or shot everytime they leave the house
it wasn't always that way, and it didn't become that way by accident
We justified a war that had no benefit to us in the middle east. If ever there was a justifiable war it was against these cartels at least for the american people and not for the interest of CIA glow in the darks.
>but if you send troops south of the border theyll all sperg out
The fuck are we supposed to do when this horrendous bullshit spills over.
>but its the cias fault ITS AMERICAS FAULT
what ballot did i vote on for cia spooks to fund cartels. Id jump for joy if the cia got taken down and dissolved.
I brought this up to my mother who wqtches maddow everyday.
I brought up to her.
"Say you fixed this problem of these 4000 kids being seperated and they all got united again. What about the people still getting fucked by the millions of people hurt by the cartels and corrupt governments."
She essentially said
As "womp womp" as you guys may feel about this id be worried. This shits making boomers go nuts and it could fuck trump in the midterms. A deal should be made and soon.
really activates the almonds
Well hundreds of thousands are mexican families obviously want help.
We should do something, I don't see how taking over mexico would be a bad thing. People are literally dieing to come to america so why not bring america to them?
And democrats get more votes than they could ever dream of and mexico would be stable and safe so mexicans would just stay there.
I feel u North American bro. I wish our military would quit randomly bombing the Middle East and help fight gangs and cartels in the Americas. It's something that affects America and its neighbors much more directly
mexico is not the only 3rd world country, you know?
It's extremely disrespectful to knowingly let your border be used to illegaly invade your neighbour country. Wars have been started over less.
We like your economy (your hourly minimum wage is 4 times our daily minimum wage) and the gibs, not your culture.
Youre a very uncucked and reasonable swede. I like the cut of your jib.
Sounds like you should revolt and unfuck your country so you can have nice thjngs their too.
>offer free gibs and above-the-law-status to foreign criminals
>get mad when they take you up on your offer
burgers are retarded
>watches maddow
look, your mum voted for Hillary. What is so surprising? Trump will absolutely dominate the next election, and the midterms are going to signal the complete annihilation of the Demoncrats.
because america did bad stuff once and support captilism which makes lazy people poor
lol so close, fag
You can’t expect spics to do anything actually intelligent. They are only good for manual labor, not running a functioning government. Their aztec DNA betrays them, they will always revert back to savagery.
Yeah, then they can stay in their own country. Let's fucking snuff those cartel rats out.
Fuck a deal, compromising with leftists is always a losing proposition. This will be long forgotten by November.
Yeah well your children love it. They are really ashamed of mexico. Yet at the same time don't even know what being true mexican means.
They love taco bell and hate gardening. They rather work in a comfy office job. They are becoming whiter and whiter.
Mexico is our greatest enemy.........
why not just send the entire family back? why split them up when you can send them all back? i need a quick rundown on why this isnt already happening
You said it yourself, they don't know what being true mexican means, chicanos think Cinco de Mayo is an actual holiday
What if we fuck them? What if we hit a known cartel position with a drone strike and tell them theres more where that came from if you guys dont get your shit in order. What can they do to retaliate? I see no reason to not start hellfiring cartels.
is this cartel thing just the modern human sacrafice thing they use to do?
They kill each other for the gods? Are their mexican gods making them be like that?
A deal where we get something i.e. the wall. A fucking deal. Im talking just bargain for this issue.
I know its pol but its a decent enough thread explaining the issue
They actually drain millions of dollars by selling drugs in richer countries, that's why they had to put a stop the colombian cartels back in the 80's
Mexico itself is a strange and fascinating land. When Spain left Mexico, in just 20 years they already had a dictator. Who then went on to be a total tyrant, causing rebellions to sprawl across the land. Then of course that dictator ended up reducing the size of his country, after a total war with the US, like a jackass. Later on it seemed like Mexico was on it's way to becoming a prosperous country, but of course, the citizens who weren't rich were treated badly and that caused a violent revolution (where mind you, took many new appointed Mexican presidents to die inorder for the revolution to end, because of infighting). After that, a corporatist regime that had fascist ideals ruled til 2000. Which course during those days, there was little progress and many huge figures were corrupt. Even worse, the cartels and drug production started in the 60s and Mexico became the hotspot for it. Even after the cold war, Mexico was still in a shit hole status. With corruption amongst politicians and Cartels literally ruling all the Mexican states. Mexican military having to do the police's job because most policeman work for the cartels and are just assholes. Even the Mexican military could be corrupt too as they still can't get rid of the cartels roaming. Also, CIA had a hand in this too. Now Mexico is just a shithole and it seems like their illegals want to turn America into one too. So I'm not overall surprise that Mexico would pull bullshit over this problem. But I'm just a Spaniard, so what do I know.
Well please tell us. Whats a true mexican.
Physically preventing them from leaving the country would be a breach of human rights.
All Mexico can do is try to prevent them from wanting to leave, but due to the presence of powerful drug cartels (largely as a result of US policy) that's difficult and rarely achieves its objective.
I also want to add that the entirely of Mexicos past and current problems makes me want to write a Marty Robbins ballad about it.
Let’s do it.
Probably gonna take more than just a single drone strike...
Shut up sven go suck a nigger's dick hahaha
>American flag
>"I'm a Spaniard"
A Spaniard is a Mexican who married your sister
America is our toilet
World cup is making the Mexicans all rowdy and pissed
>what is (legal) immigration
The absolute state of burgers.
>Why is nobody throwing blame on Mexico for this whole situation?
are we in Jow Forums?
Many of the illegal immigrants coming in are from Central America. It would be unjust to hold Mexico accountable for the whole mess
In the public main sphere he means not on an indonesian goat farming forum somewhere.
You're American now bud. Your history was also well done there, no real insult intended... surely you have heard that "how to turn a Mexican into a Spaniard" thing before?
Last I checked we shared a common border with mexico not all of the countries of central America.
It's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
Because there's NO brown people in México okay?
We're all nothing but beaches mariachias and margaritas?
Ok now please sven come to our touristic traps
Nothing ever bad happens here, ok? Now come to the beautiful country that only rich europeans or other foreigners can see. Remember, we're all spaniards, no brown people here, ok?
people can walk you know?
>Be Mexican
>go outside
>get shot and beheaded
>your mother is fed a burrito made of your corpse
Well sorry for the misunderstanding. Us Spainards can get triggered if were compared to Latin Americans. Yes, I have heard of it and I have seen it.
Well isn't trump's plan to just use tariffs and shit to pay for the wall?
I'd be just fine if they took some extra taxes to set up at least some guards for a while and then just started building it.
Shit like the country's security is important enough for imminent domain just get that shit done.
Even hard working Mexican Americans want the illegals out.
Wrong continent.
cause they arent white.
If a bunch of leaves walk through the U.S. to go take up residency in Mexico you can definitely thro some shade at us.
Many of them are from africa, the m.e. and other places.
But when you flush, the shit goes right back to you.
>Even hard working Mexican Americans want illegals out
This is what the faggot ass liberal media doesn’t want you to know.
Look sven i know too much nigger has fucked your mind but just to be clear these people arent mexican they are from central america
We cant force people to stay here if they want they can stay there are many people from those countries here look it up
Lies, they give mothers their sons in a tamal
Yeah, like fighting on your own against the whole world
>to prevent these "refugees"?
is hard when the cartels have cia's weapons training and support
> spend billions on wall
> next democrat government gets elected
> lets take the wall down!
t-thanks democracy
expecting mexico to take care of their own is racist.
besides, they need to save their money for more important things, like soccer games
Trump is one step ahead of you
If the mexican people revolted trump administration would fully support the mexicans going against corrupt politicians. By the way i think cia that aided cartels should be tried for treason.