op is a faggot.
where the fuck did a guy with the password, Matlock, get a picture of an old man???
If Q is real, IT's honestly either Barron or Miller.
inb4 deleted. Never seen mods deleting something so fast.
That is Trump. He has very distinctive eyelids and eye folds. By autistic hyperfocus is satisfied with OP saying this is GEOTUS.
Oh no a leaf and their boomer larp faggot posts, how will I ever go on.....
Pathetic if Q is Trump that means he is a phoneposter and uses an iPhone. What a degenerate
Most thought it was Soros at first (lol) but this is 100% Trump. Autists will confirm.
It's a picture of a screen you fucking retard.
>how will i ever go on
by sucking nigger cocks as usual you stupid mutt.
Prove it.
>caught in the act
is Q Miller? hmmmm, could be him, seems crazy enough to pull some shit like this
Don't go on, you unfunny, unoriginal, useless newfag with a pol thesaurus. Kys
I’m white and have slept with one white mate. Blow air, leaf.
omg the donald predicted this
Not a newfag but thanks for contributing to the thread. Move along.
Oh my god.
It's true.
Everything VictoryOfTheLight said was true.
>More 2017 bullshit
Now tell us it's Jerome Corsi, shillcuck.
Is that an order Sgt.4 Chan?
>I’m white and have slept with one white mate
VictoryOfTheLight and Kabamur_Taygeta are some of the most interesting twitter pages I have ever read in my life. Just saying.
fake and gay thats George Washington
What I said is true. Thanks for playing.
>What I said is true. Thanks for playing.
>this is 100% Trump
nope. too many wrinkles along the cheek line. also the brow ridge looks suspect.
Wrong Q is John Miller
How is this proof? Please break it down. The "Q" pic is ear, GREY sideburn, lesideburns correct?
Op pic doesn't show left side...This isn't conclusive. What am I missing?
user has been saying that since January
vindication is sweet
*Left side
looks more like Dan Rather
faggot confirmed takes it in the ass
Q is obviously in the CIA and has access to government tech.
he's not the president.
Trust not the morning star.
The are only two coincidences.
Can they be named?
Separate we are one.
Trust Comey.
Trust Mueller.
Trust Sessions.
Trust RR
Trust HRC
>If Q is real, IT's honestly either Barron or Miller.
MFW "Q user" is Barron Trump
duh someone was on here before literally stating that. I don't remember when but it's probably in the archives somewhere
>John Q. Trump alias
That picture is either Trump or Soros' nutsack. Digits will confirm.
>muh illuminati
jesus are Qniggers too dense to name the jew?
MFW Q is Melania.
low iq predicted this
What a waste.
The expectation of a better tomorrow is a very powerful force.
so could this be faked by taking an existing high-res photo, zooming way in and putting some blurry shit in front and calling it a day?
shhhhh boomers dont know that
And I’m next to the nigger from the Invisalign commercial. Took this from an iPhone all the way from my couch with a remote in front of it. Give me 30 minutes and it’s very easy to set up the exact shot.
I’ve been here since the start of Q. This is the best confirmation yet but there have been many. Anons started a website for confirmed Q proofs. Tippy top comment was big.
wow its 3 repeating numbers
no retards Q is literally a Rothschild
big if Q
I honestly think it's Kushner.
That is the pope.
No, that was me. Pic related.
yup which is why he pouts tweeted 1 min right after.
One day I need to meet Trump now and confirm the list he mentioned.
How the FUCK did I not see this? Of course this is Trump. The skin texture matches and it's his thin hair combed back
(17) Time stamp of tweet.
Q is a fucking LARP. It's Pamphlet. How many times must this be proven to you dumbasses?
It’s kelly you jackasses. Check em
No way in hell is that the case. Soros is shitting pants and not because he is ancient.
What board does Q use now?
infchan. look up q research.
always 1 post faggots.
OP triggered a nest of shills.
ugh guys....i think that's a close up of Ivanka's "interior parts"
Wew lads, Q was Ivanka all along
No. Did you not see the previous "candid personal close up" pic he posted earlier? It was just a picture of the pope. This is the same thing, he just pulled a picture from somewhere and made it look like hes close to the president. You're ann fucking retarded.
Naw according to this pic I work for Fox news
Q predicted this
you mean this?
Most of you say Q is a LARP but can’t explain HOW Q is a LARP. All anons say is that it’s some boomer shit but this has been going on since October 17 and none of you can explain time stamps, statements or POTUS correlating tweets. Work harder. Please prove me wrong. Please. I’m begging. Otherwise I will continue to follow along with what Q has to say which has given me insight ahead of schedule.
>tfw brainlets think the picture quality is comparable
whoa! you're also on my tv right now
If it was real it would be a bannable topic since it would land you in pound you in the ass islamic prison.
John McCain
It's the fucking pope. What is wrong with you delusional sacks of shit.
Miller is definitely one. It fits Q's ability to break down complicated legal issues
Yep. And anyone who can't tell needs some fucking new glasses.
Shut up you boomer niggers. Kill yourselves.
Lookit this fucking 1 post faggot right here, cause in the act shilling boomer!
the truth is outside 06q21
Fag if you