>increases confidence and pride
>largely used by white race
>preferred by middle america
>knowledge of chemistry science lab
Is meth /ourdrug/?
Nope, cocaine, I already fuckin' told you that last time you spammed this shit bitch.
both will cook your noodle given enough time. literally the worst stimulants you could pick
good thread guy
Fuck off spic
>taking stimulants other than meth
Pathetic. Just end yourself.
>Is meth /ourdrug/?
Agreed. Just get Concerta. You can take it every day and still live just fine.
lord oh lord
i feel i should just procure some stims
i have so many beatiful ideas that i just can't do for no reason
fuck this earth fuck this body
what should i *do*?
You are literally retarded if you do coke.
Go die you autistic little virgin, before I fuckin' roll out there and fuck you up.
smoke some weed and then do them
methlets btfo
> gypsy questioning anyone else's intelligence
if Jow Forums was all on meth we'd uncover all the secrets of our society and the universe and believe it was all true.
so basically nothing would change.
not even once faggot
What did you just say about me you little bitch?
I said I'm going to knock out all your fuckin' teeth, put them into a god damn sock, crush them up, and make you fuckin' swallow it at knife point, bitch. And then I'm gonna fuckin' cut your eyes out and send them to your fuckin' mother.
>what should i *do*?
Cocaine can cause a coronary artery spasm which then causes a myocardial infarction (heart attack), and potential death. 1 time use.
lurk moar
Drugs are degenerate. The only reason whites know what they are is because non-whites like jews, blacks, chinks, and arabs exposed whites to them.
Fuck up virgin or you're gonna fuckin' end up dead, faggot. Fuck you.
Destroying your body for temporary confidence is nigger behavior. Drug addicts have no place in a white ethnostate
mdma is better
meth just makes you look and feel dirty
No one worthwhile will ever love you.
can be made with:
camping fuel (half a powerade bottle full)
lye (27 grams)
ammonium nitrate (63 grams)
the metalic strip of a lithium battery
cold medicine with psuedephedrine
shake well releasing pressure from time to time
filter the liquid from the bottle & call it "batch"
put a cup of muriatic acid in a bottle with a hose attached to the cap
drop a ball of aluminum foil in acid
smoke will appear
run hose over top of batch
the meth will literally manifest out of nothing
filter the meth
dry the meth
smoke the meth
Was waiting for him to seize out and die. OP the faggot like always fails to deliver.
>ITT bunch of degenerates that need to be shot.
anyone who unironically thinks this should start taking it. I also support Darwinism.
>also sage
the OROS pill is too expensive even as a generic. you're probably better off just getting the IR tabs and spacing out your doses. i'm tired of paying the big pharma jew so much for these things.
Kill yourself like too far. Your entire race is going to be wiped from the face of the planet. Soon.
You're poor.
> thinking someone would die from three hits of methamphetamine
t. sheltered autist who's never gotten any decent cunt
Yeah well i unsage your sage
Meth and cocaine is based and all proud white men should be making an active effort to get atleast 2 serves per day
You can't get laaaaaaaaiiiiiid.
I'm more of a weed guy.
You can't overdose on meth faggot
Methheads are everywhere where I live and they're subhuman animals. Cokeheads everywhere too but they at least hold down shitty jobs and have homes.
Drug addicts will get the rope along with all the undesirables
The richest people who ever walked all do coke. Period. Drumpf is one of the only boomers who doesn't partake.
No, drugs are what the commies and jews want you to do because they keep you dependent and mentally weak.
Fuck up virgin you're not a National Socialist.
No, every Canadian ever born is getting raked and the entire country is being returned to nature, dumb ass, starting with your whole fuckin' family.
The coke around here is stamped all the way down to shit. The first time I did coke it was some good shit, but every time after that was utter trash.
Again, that's why you take capitalist 'prescription' drugs instead of that commie worker drone garbage.
>meth addict detected
How does it feel to feel like shit for 100% of your waking life?
Yeah, unless you get it from the internet or have a good plug you're either getting absolute drivel or ripped off concerning the weight. Even online it's ridiculously overpriced. Still worth it if you have the money though.
Drugs are all degenerate.
I've tried many drugs, the only one I'd recommend is MDMA. Not in pill form, however.
Better than ever being Canadian for even one second, shit stain. Fuckin' Japanese, autist, fuck your faggot ass race. We fuckin' INVENTED meth, RETARD. Fuckin' ヒロポン、BITCH.
psychedelic mushrooms, lsd, dmt.
each worth a try. once in life.
mdma as you said, not in pill form..
also worth trying once.
Nope, DMT and LSD both require multiple trips to fully take in the experience. So does crystal X, cocaine, taima, and even heroin.
Also why is every methhead super into astrology?