Just start executing them

Just start executing them.

Seriously, just execute them en mass and record it, then post it somewhere on the internet. Nothing graphic; just a gunshot to the head and kick the little spiclet aside for the next one. I guarantee no illegal will ever try to come here again.

Attached: Untitled.png (468x615, 474K)

Other urls found in this thread:


digits confirm

Whatever You fucking edgelord

womp womp

>m-m-m-muh optics
I unironically agree.

I approve of this method

Attached: 1505753338156.png (1000x1000, 128K)

Line the border with bodies on spikes. It worked for Vlad.

This shit has been going on before Obummer even came in. We should start doing like 90% of the world and shooting illegals on site.

we also need to mock shitlibs and show them we don't give a fuck this pic really rustles them a lot

Attached: D86BF809-FBCC-4480-BFAD-2697519C8200-27637-00001AE098AB1F34.jpg (595x608, 69K)

womp womp


Mix them into cement?

Just start shooting them as they cross. Every country in the eastern hemisphere guards their borders in this manner.

Attached: whoops.png (1200x1188, 1.87M)

most shootings are on site


Attached: libtard BTFO immigration9.jpg (640x960, 76K)

>execute spics
>throw them in a dump truck
>pile them along the border
>anyone who wants to hop gets to witness 10 million corpses of their countrymen

At that point if you still want to risk it I don't think you're a human. This method works on wolves even, so if you ignore it you're less intelligent than a wild animal.


Attached: jobs.jpg (252x200, 5K)

In all honesty though if one of these spics acts up and gets shot in these detention centers theres going to be a total chimp out.

Foster homes basically take kids away from their parents. This is no different

/pol in full out damage control is pretty funny trying to use this picture to say they’re not in cages

Attached: B1C66E4A-759B-401E-8085-3924AAA6388E.jpg (780x438, 132K)


Attached: staged photo.jpg (719x769, 129K)

Yup, Mehmed II took his Army and fucking left at the sight of 20,000 of his soldiers impaled on pikes.


Attached: sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit nyuga.png (683x716, 819K)

>Picture from 2014

So king nigger actually was doing something reight

the doors are open you smelly primate they can pretty much walk around the entire building

>this kills the Republican Party

This would be a great way to guarantee the Democrats win for the next 50 years you retarded edgelord

go suck your kike handlers dick some more

Attached: libtard BTFO immigration10.png (640x714, 237K)

Nah bro. You have to seize the power first or even conservatives will revolt. If anything you should find out specific people (NGOs, lawyers, traffickers) who make illegal immigration happen and target them. In the meanwhile the far-right should start organizing and start getting involved like in 2016 (not like the fuck up in Charlottesville).

*spikes .. spics? lol

Auction them off to pedofiles. Any non white child is fair game, they don't have souls anyway. Besides, non white parents routinely abuse their kids with sexual torture. Its part of their culture.

Sell the kids or just donate them. I am bisexual so I'd happily enjoy anything I received. If there's a surplus just burn the leftovers in a furnace or drag them behind a car and eat whatever's left after 20 miles.

dont post it on the internet you retard
such things have to be done in secret after you rape them so you can make shoes out of their skin.

For what its worth, those hollywood CIA niggers know how to manipulate the masses pretty well, and thats what they do. After time it becomes an "open secret" - where people in that world (coyotes, smugglers, prospective migrants) know the deal, but there isnt mass hysteria because its rolled out over a long period of time

>break a law
>get detained by authorities

Attached: CNN coverage.jpg (693x768, 110K)

If things were really as bad as lefties are acting, aren't they literally just as complicit for not taking up arms and revolting? Seems kind of weird that they're just sipping their pumpkin spice lattes in their air conditioned houses and bitching online about all this horrific human rights abuse.

Didnt you get the memo? Pedos are all fixin the be killed.

You know you've gone past the point of no return when, underneath all the layers of irony, you discover that you agree with this.

Attached: FB_IMG_1481990304156.jpg (480x468, 22K)

We should be embracing the Vlad Dracula school of border control.

Impale them all. The women and children too.

Attached: trage-in-teapa1[1].jpg (620x412, 61K)

Repat zeros is a disagree.

Attached: exg111wif -- 0207 -- tfj111ahw'.jpg (300x528, 161K)

Rightttt and the people in Gaza are free to come and go from the country as they please kek. They’re guarded by military equipped police officers

Even the red shoes are there
Goddamn it MSM

We should try this thing out next.

Attached: 1494398000657.webm (600x338, 1.87M)

> misdemeanor
> detained for indefinite amount of time
Continue with ur talking points they’re hilarious

Kike handlers because I see this doing more harm than good? Ok shlomo Trump loves kikes btw, so much he has one fucking his daughter every night

Attached: 07297816-3F58-459F-A7E7-C5D1302AB3A3.jpg (1242x1660, 420K)

fuck, i cringed

Is not an edgelord. Is leftypol trying to make Jow Forums look retarded.


Think with your emotions.

Attached: Capture.png (1310x879, 1.59M)

Womp womp

sudden illegal kids death syndrome

Kek not that big of a deal to me but gonna hurt the kik Republican followers in the long run

womp womp.

Attached: sheeit.jpg (501x373, 42K)

Sure it will faggot. People are sick of you kikes and your bullshit.

You can volunteer to pay higher taxes, I'm sure they would not turn it down. Campaigning to take more from me by appealing to my "feelings" is fucking stupid.

im talking about the fenced area retard

Where has this picture been used?

>Executing children
What the fuck man

Attached: 1950D28C-9513-4D8A-A577-7CDC5D327A6A.gif (280x211, 1.92M)

Nits make lice.

Attached: Snapchat-hxushwvux.jpg (720x1280, 200K)

If this happened I literally would not care.

Attached: 5f7.jpg (680x680, 37K)

god I wish we could go back to this time 2016

that era in time will live on forever with Yeb memes

Fucking hell. It's like Holohoax 2.0

That's too far. children in cages are enough of a psychological deterrent. It would be nice if people distributed flyers of your image at Mexican border towns, just to make them think twice about trying to cross.

Jesus Christ
How can we trust the media when they are constantly pulling this shit. I'm not even surprised anymore.
What gets me is people still believe this nonsense

please make a WHITE HOUSE PETITION for SUMMARY EXECUTION of spiclets, im pretty sure people here will sign it in no time

Black eyes, black hair, dark skin.

Deport! Deport! Deport!

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I’m the most anti Jew person in the world. But ok nu-pol

Attached: 8DC29BAF-F63A-4942-AD5A-2B778C31B97B.jpg (395x650, 112K)

Do foster parents get paid by the government to house kids? What's the abuse rate like?

Then the day of the WOMP shall comeance

> ((you)) know they’re still there guarded right?

Attached: 1360B1DB-B1B6-4483-B878-57983653A91F.jpg (1920x1280, 376K)


So not a Spic?
What's funny about it?

I think ((you)) think I’m some hardcore liberal.
I’m not even bothered the illegals don’t help my objective in the least bit which is getting rid of the Jews control over America
> trump is controlled by Jews
> republicans and democrats are controlled by Jews
As long as America isn’t feeling sorry for jews that’s a good thing I don’t care about them feeling sorry for anyone else if it takes away from Jew sympathy tho so be it

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look at those brand new vans she got on

Why the fuck do they even pretend to be poor? Why do they want to come here so badly when all they do is talk about how shitty this place is?

fucking execute the kids and charge the parents with neglect on top of illegal immigration. Put them in prisons or fucking labor camps if they wanna come work for USA so badly

Landmines might also work

Attached: bean sprout.jpg (500x372, 41K)

> wanting to give the Jew slave labor when jobs are already being automated.

Chill kike just because I don’t care if they’re illegally in the United States doesn’t mean I want jews jewing the country by using them for slave labor. Plus Americans pay taxes to house these people. At this point it makes sense to give them amnesty or just continue to have them hit the economy for 100 Billion plus a year

Just send them back with their parents. Trump needs to construct more border security like his 2 year promised wall so that this doesn't happen.

Attached: downloadfile-4.png (640x358, 258K)



you mean like the mexicans already do?

Attached: Cartels kill child prisoner.webm (720x576, 2.96M)

yeah they are one step ahead of us...

Attached: Cartels Behead Teenage PRisoner.webm (224x400, 1.36M)

Why are you posting videos of Jihadis killing kids and claiming its cartels?

This is what happens when you don't have a wall, more like it.

The executions come next, when Trump and Fox News start arguing the kids are too expensive... its exactly what the Nazis did.

Attached: DDCGjOiXkAAnD4n.jpg (868x1362, 125K)

Yeah, do that. The Democratic Party will thank you for years to come.

1 post by this lefty pol false flagging psychopath

Yow WTF ? can he at least do it fast like Japs or sandniggers ?! all it needs is one shop. motherfucker used a kitchen knife to do it !


I'm so sick of moderates who voted for Trump but now all of a sudden are saying "This needs to stop."

No you idiots. This needs to be happening to the illegals already here.

Taking our country back is not pretty; these vermin aren't going to just leave because we ask them nicely to do so.

This is just the first baby steps towards the national liberation of White America.

Nobody is thinking of the possibility of a false flag at this point ?

Wow. Holy shit. I've seen a lot of gore, and it usually does nothing to me, but that actually is affecting me. And I've seen anons say the same thing about other gore videos that left me unphased, and I typically mocked them for it, like when that one faggot livestreamed his suicide with the shotgun and the camera caught the audio of his mother wailing when she found his body. That didn't make me feel anything.

But this is pretty fucking brutal, I can honestly say it's the first time I ever saw a child get decapitated and even I'm not so dead inside I can shrug this off. Shit, it's nearly as bad as shovel dog.

You probably jerk off to that video while chanting MAGA

I cant tell the difference anymore
they are brown they are the enemy

Attached: Mexican Kids hate america.png (620x434, 158K)

or just start putting the employers in prison

How the fuck did you know?!

Attached: Beaner Kids hate Trump 2.jpg (3000x2000, 650K)

Stop getting my hopes up, you faggot!

Killing children is wrong, so is crossing the border illegally m.

Attached: IMG_7146.jpg (1024x1014, 188K)

I dont see why people dont like these brown skin invaders...

Attached: Mexicans hate Trump and America.jpg (1000x667, 162K)

>Nothing graphic
It has to be graphic that's the whole point, either put their heads on sticks and make a border fence out of that or don't do anything. Either do something right or don't do it at all

Don't even have to shoot a real kid.

Yes, and its pretty high.

t. someone who spent a year in foster care as a kid.