These people are getting so close to finally crossing the line

These people are getting so close to finally crossing the line.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Crusade Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Can they just hurry up please and try? I want to see how quickly they are obliterated.

>inb4 they attack the trump rally tomorrow

Donald Trump's IQ wil make you shiver.

stick to music Tom, you're no brain

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is it 40 below?

Malia Obama's new car is disgusting

They had some great riffs.

Womp womp

>Children's liberation arm
>Tom Morrello

that's the gayest thing I've ever heard

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As leftist comedy legend and genius John Oliver once said: "Do it. DO IT! Look at me. DO IT!"

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>disgruntled vets
If I’m shooting anyone, it’s going to be the first gender fluid Democrat I see cross my two gender street

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hopefully that'll put all these "we need guns to keep the government in check" shills to rest when they see how BTFO militias get.

Is that a FAMAS?

>What is Jade Helm
They will get stomped. I hope someone streams it

>Thinking of putting together an army

It's not like an army requires mind blowing amounts of dedication and discipline to function. It's the kind of thing you can just offhandedly "think" of doing, and you'll get the desired results. This Morello guy sure knows how to rage against the machine, I think. WHO'S THINKING?

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>faggy millionaire leading a peoples revolution for disgusting brown animals

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All the replies are shit like "I'm in" and"What can I do?!", every fucking one of them just comment, retweet and move on to the next stupid fucking thing.

>Childrens Liberation Army
KONY 2018

The argumentation on our side (like always).

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I'm still waiting...

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>after the child has been eaten
You might want to change that to "fed"

We'll call it

when the treason gets you

Lmao get a load of this faggot

Nothing to see move on


so what is the plan once they have taken the shilldren out of custody? set them out on the streets? lol, thinking two steps ahead is apparently hard in current year

Too bad most of the vets who would join him are Vietnam boomers.

>We'll call it
Holy shit make it so

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Virtue signaling "celebrity". How novel.

>what is the plan once they have taken the shilldren out of custody

Sell them to the Clintons

A bunch of blue-haired genderfluid fruitcakes does not a militia make.

>children’s liberation army
that faggot can’t play a chord with more than four notes and he thinks he is going to throw down? what a loser

RATM is such a fucking gay band.

>they show up with wands
>get pumped full of 5.56

>constantly screech for revolution
>hate guns
they are legit delusional

I love the sweet irony of a guy claiming to be against the machine, shilling for the machine! Same thing with Bruce Springsteen claiming to be a man of the people. All bullshit!

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>disgruntled vets
who does he think is Trump's base?

Fucking go for it. These RATM fags love to larp as revolutionaries while they sip whine and tweet about fighting the power in there million dollar mansions.

>2 posts
>shitty vague aggressive response
>links to outside to make others sperg out
We're swarmed with /leftypol/ and boomers. Not sure how to tell the autism apart, but there is a big divide and conquer force going on now.

2/10, needs more chapo lactation.

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DO NOT bully me but DO spam this in blue checkmark threads if you've got a twatter.

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these people don't even realise in the slightest how their entire frame of reality is controlled by the media

the total number of children separated from parents from crossing the border is 2000 and they can be together again in an instant by agreeing to leave back to mexico

the parents are told this verbally before they are separated from their children and they are separated as a way of making them deport themselves because most parents would not agree to become separated

it is the parents doing, they brought their kids illegally to the US and then they agreed to stay in separation when they got caught and they choose every day to stay there instead of leaving

but actually many do leave, it is not the same kids stuck there, it rotates as parents realise the situation is futile and so choose to leave and reunite with their children

Sit on my face and I will consider it roastie

apparently guns aren't needed, the world and good chunk of Americans are pretty disgusted by what's going on.

Wikipedia is calling this shit a concentration camp. You're literally next to Nazi Germany.

It's not a good pr moment for Trump and midterms are coming.

140 degrees Kelvin?

Jow Forums should be happy if this happened. It would be casus belli for RWDS.

>yfw leftists try to start an armed uprising to open the borders but they fail miserably and martial law is declared and Trump uses right of exception to undo the 20th century
I can dream lads

>taking on a Federally governed body.

YES. PLEASE. They'll be stomped into the dirt so fast their heads will spin.

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A ruse, they're so pro govt it's disgusting to have any contact with them.

I hope this faggot does's_Crusade

>they can be together again in an instant by agreeing to leave back to mexico

Just like in Nazi Germany BIGOT

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The left is getting very overconfident in their rhetoric, even as nationalism is growing stronger across the world. I'm actually surprised this is still ramping up and morons who can only lose are provoking violence.
The media has hit a wall and fewer people are being brainwashed - but those who are get even more in sync with the engineered reality.

lmao i wonder if he realises that there will be alot of disgruntled vets waiting for him and his posse

>You're literally next to Nazi Germany

Right, because Jews were streaming towards the Nazi German border in droves, you fucking historical illiterate

So the American left finally exposes itself.

So.. listing these detention centers as concentration camps basically says the big, bad, and scary nazi concentration camps were just detention centers designed to hold people? And that no one actually died? Awesome. Glad the left came around.

lmao, the only rogue private militia that can do something in the US is the CIA.
They'll get destroyed in seconds, if they don't get jailed for typing that.


Calling for violent revolution is illegal, send this faggot to the fbi

>progressives mad because they think USA is literally nazi germany
>fascists mad because it's not

really make u think

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The line was already crossed a while ago and most people don't want to acknowledged that.

[ARCHIVE OF PAST KB THREADS]: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Lol I can't wait until liberals are shot.

I always turn this racist filth off when I hear it

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He's 145-150
>t 148

i fucking challenge tom morello to a public duel at the corner of sunset and doheny.

go ahead tom, make my day. rage against my machine gun.

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> Woosh


Are you fucking retarded? they arrived far before Germany ever became Nazi. They couldn't escape because they were captured and rounded up

Nothing will happen.
If it would, it would have already happened.

The machine won.
Nobody else wins, neither right or left.

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do it i wana see a dead commie


I don't want to kill people. I don't want them to force good-hearted, peaceful patriots to kill them. I don't even want most of them to die because all of them are totally ignorant of the fact that they're brainwashed. Why won't they let America be America?

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Good. Let them cross it.
It will be their blood in the streets, not mine.

Ok people of good conscience & disgruntled vets I'm thinking of putting together a Children's Liberation Army to take on the ZOG. WHOS IS?




cops hate this rapist. ten tricks he used while naked and erect to escape police

INB4 guitar solo in front of the border wall

pretty much this. if its mostly child trafficking going on, the policy makes complete sense

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


He doesn't actually want to do this, but he wants to provoke stupider, poorer people into doing it. He has too much to lose personally.

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Rally round the cages, with an iphone full of memes.

Yes let's liberate those children from the United states and send them back to the other side of the wall.

Need a space marines one

Civil war 2 better not get in the way of World War 3.

I wish.

what a pussy

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Rally round the family, with a pocket full of S O Y