Muh children camps!

I don't even have anything against Mexicans or even illegals. I just don't care. Muh childrens is merely the MSM's latest Outrage-of-the-Day. They'll have forgotten all about the children by this time next week, just like Hogg, Stormy, Russia, Kim, and Jim Comey.

Even if I did care, I don't have time or energy enough to make a difference.

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DemoRats don't give a fuck about kids (they jack off to aborting babies). 'Nuff said

Remember last week when Trump was a traitor and a Russian spy?

I'm disgusted by the cheap heart jerking tactics they're using to justify illegal shit. Obama was doing the same shit to these families, but you seldom heard about it

Oh yeah. Remember when he was going to start WW3 with NK?

Oh yeah. Remember when he was a serial rapist?

And then #MeToo caused almost everyone against him (and everyone except him) to drop like flies

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Point is whatever they throw at him, nothing seems to stick.
Best thing for dems to do now is bide their time and prepare their next election like responsible adults, instead of acting like screeching children.

>lol i dont care
>makes a thread about it

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Kids are separated from parents who do crime every day. Isn't that what prisons always have done? Why is it worse just because the crime was illegal immigration?

>still takes the time to reply

>a thread died for this
Nobody cares

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Only audio, but no video. How do we know they didn’t take the audio from a camp back when Obama was president? I’ve been thinking about this. They weren’t supposed to record, and the conditions were horrible, so why not record the horrible conditions on video instead of just audio to better damn Trump? Unless they just wanted to virtue signal.

>Only audio, but no video. How do we know they didn’t take the audio from a camp back when Obama was president?
You know, that's a good point. Coulda been. In fact it my not have been taken at a camp, I imagine the left has a lot of places where they have access to record sobbing children.

It's really not even as bad as bad as even most based user think it is:
>already been called Republican propaganda

Obama's own words in 2014 while CNN was recording:
>not yet called Republican propaganda but give it time

On the other side hand you have the fact that many of the children now considered 'unaccompanied' were in the hands of adults who could not prove they were their kids. Part of this process is to make sure that none of the kids are put back into the hands of traffickers and predators.

I think all this (mentioned above) will be really important information in redpilling the crazy SJW outrage all over the place atm.

I have to get this in order because my buddies gf is losing her mind and she's threatening to break up with him, he's not overly political at all but she's wayyy down the SJW rabithole Morty and she's going nuts over this
Everything is Republican propaganda and everyone is condoning genocide.

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I know a woman IRL who I want to be with badly and I just realized it's probably because she looks just like this white queen.

Fun fact: That's exactly why Merkel opened the borders in 2015. Because of a crying child on TV.

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and thats why trump bombed syria, people are dumb

>mexican reading comprehension

>iron cross

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