What does pol think about this?
White man burned alive by racist Browns in Brazil because he was white
What will pol do when we will do the same thing to the white subhumans in Europe and USA? What will you do when we rape your female relatives, daughters, wives in front of you while one of us is jumping on your body with his crampons on?
What will you do when we slaughter your white subhuman kind one by one?
What will pol do when we make whites pay for their atrocities in non white countries and even continents?
Tell me.
>ID: wyTO
he unironically had it coming though
this is a jail riot, and the "white" is more than likely just a member of a rival gang faction.
We get it. You saw something someone on here said, got mad and decided to post your frustrations on here. I’m not a betting man, but if I were I’d say that you’re probably 14.
what of the race war already started and nobody wants to fight back because they'll be called racists?
As an American, I think our female relatives, daughters, and wives will be the ones penetrating you
as a white new zealander, I think its good as it is what we deserve, and also sorry for galipoli, that was our bad and we deserved to die
OP, you're making me doubt whether or not this actually took place
It's a wh*Te subhuman
Shut the fuck up Amerimutt(mongrel of every ethnic group in Africa,Asia and Europe)
user they already get fucked by the ypg and pkk
Turkroaches are almost more pathetic than jews
First you have to cross the sea.
>user they already get fucked by the ypg and pkk
What did the amerimutt mean by this?
Turkroaches are cowards who employ Al Qaeda tactics like suicide bombings.
When PKK drives a truck full of explosives into one of your roach mountain camps and kills 100 of your Mongolian mutt brothers, it's just sweet justice.
Now kys
Fuck off faggot
Vete a chupar pingas turco de mierda, espero que cuando mueras los cerdos se cagen encima de ti y que te corten los pies y las manos maldita basura subhumana.
Is he okay?
That was in a prison, and the dude was a serial child rapist and murderer.
That guy was a pedo and got caught fiddling with a child.
Sometimes mob justice is best justice.
We have this thread every time you get pepper sprayed for looking at a white girl user. It's time to stop posting and start looking into skin bleaching creams and radical cosmetic surgery.
Where's the evidence it was done because he was white?
if not turkey is just a lawless shithole with whites on top anyway big deal
Whats the story behind this shit?
not surprising, since Brazil is quite literally the world's largest shithole.
wh*Te girls like Black and Brown men though
who wants to see a video of venezuelan prisoners being tortured by dripping molten plastic?
American whites are a different breed. The whites here are essentially Euromutts, made of thieves, murderers, and other undesirables from Europe. Once we get done killing every nigger and mutt in North America within a 5-10 year period, we'll come for you, turkroach.
How many Muslims die for every American soldier they kill? 1 to 4, or higher? Even the Russians in WWII had a 2 to 1 kill to death ratio.
According to official Soviet sources, a little over 5 Soviet soldiers were killed for every 1 German soldier killed on the eastern front
Here’s a roach being burnt alive
a world run by israeli mutts and mutt niggers is future troubling
Brazil men are faggots tho
you wont do shit kid. I'm shooting you on site. The funny thing is I actually got to fuck a turkish hottie, she was an exchange student here. She's welcome but your getting impaled.
That's Soviet official sources though
from what I remember the video conveniently cuts out before he even gets set on fire
details? What did he do?
>muh based and stronk Poland
>United States 2154 AD, Colorized
>t. Turkroach 10y/o
THIS, that mf was a convicted for child rape and murder.
I remember a time before the Internet when seeing a video like this was pretty much impossible unless you actively sought it out in the darkest corners of society. And even then, you were probably getting a fake.
How many of you are under the age of 30 and not phased by watching this? How many kids are going to grow up seeing shit like this thinking it is normal? Are we absolutely and irrevocably fucking ourselves as a species with shit like this?
Also I get this guy was not a model citizen but still, watching a person burn alive fucks with my head regardless..
You are wrong OP, that's just a prison riot, it has nothing to do with his race.
Yeah, her body language is really suggestive of her having a good time. Sheer fucking terror in her eyes, as you would expect when surrounded by literal apes that smell like fermented shit.
I can see why you're still a virgin at 42, turkcuck. Aside from all those times your dad made you suck him off, I guess.
It's so funny seeing the self-loathing all you shitskins develop the moment you realize how deeply unattractive you are to literally the entire planet.
Who got a phone into the prison?
Womp Womp
I think it didn't happen in America, so it didn't happen.
That's brazil you retard they have everything in prison
Whats the back story. I need to know what they thought his crime was, I can't really make a judgment until then.
Fuck I guess I just made the argument for presumption of innocence.
>fucking ourselves
We're fucking ourselves by not seeing it. I grew with only "Faces of Death" being the medium and that was tame by today's standards. I also was lefty indoctrinated. Being able to watch these shitskins do what they do woke me the fuck up which is something every indoctrinated person needs.
I recognize that pyre.
This is an old video.
I just presumed a Brazilian prison would basically be a bunch of shacks and a hole in the ground.
The war is within.
This is a result of Trump's policy decisions.
What will you do when we make you pay for the Armenian genocide and crush you like the roaches you are.
His crime was being wh*Te.
You're a fucking retard
i remember seeing a post ages back claiming that the dude in the video was a child molester or something. it's just a case of frontier justice. let the scumbag burn
fucking pottery
Reminder that the country you live in was built by a white man and had %70 european population at its inception.
You probably have those genes too , you are fucking idiot m8.
Inshallah, kill all crackkkers
Zambidis raped your whole family.
t. whiter than snow leaf
>tfw Texan and can shoot you as soon as you break into my house
Feels good man
you now remember rotten.com
>was built by a white man
>%70 european population at its inception.
We killed all cracKKKers after we entered Anatolia.
I mean I'm not referring to the context at all (which if you realized - this guy is a child rapist, he got what was coming to him regardless of race)... just... watching someone get burned to death. idk. Fucks with my head. I hope my kids never see shit like this, but I kind of expect they will..
Can't you just post a no trespassing sign and shoot them once they're on property in TX? Why wait until they're in the house?
oh jesus I actually HAD forgotten about rotten... fml
Agree but the question is what we can do
But when all the media controlled by jew lovers
Retarded sjw cunts with blue hair
What can we do?
(What ever call me slhomo but i hate my country and my relgion and i truely belive that all the sand niggers should die)
Wrong. He was a sexpat trying to solicit a little girl, like a very young girl around age 8 or 9. She told her father and he rounded up his boys for some vigilante justice.
was MKA black?
>we killed all the crackers
you yourself is anatolian , there is little to none citizens with actual turkic blood , stop larping and accept your fate.
Don't lie faggot, this was in a brazil prison
Go back to the unpopular opinions section on whisper
They will and they'll be stronger for it. The sheltered child will try to reason with niggers before getting liveleaked. The educated child will arm himself and blow away the first subhuman that flinches in his direction. Then he'll go home and enjoy a hearty meal.
It's a bit more complicated doing that, but castle law makes home invasions a death penalty
No thats the Brazilian Capital
He was a chomo. retard.
and that's a good thing!
It's not. Whole world hates wh*Tes
You forgot your meme flag rabi!!
>being so subversive you also sue to subvert your own people
not enough. so many filthy subhuman roaches to stamp out. maybe if we flooded turkey with raid it would help
>you yourself is anatolian
wrong again wh*Te subhuman.
Nice try though.
No that would be a village
haha i knew it was you man, holy shit you're everywhere
where else do you shitpost at?
this kills the roach.
post slanty eyes with time stamp
ben yermiyim lan boyle ucuz trolleri
Just drop your VPN already you fucking jerk.
ayrica bu infografik tras hocem , antrapoloji boyle olmuyor. Eger dogru olsaydi her yer cekik gozlu adam dolu olurdu amk. Ayni ulkede yasamiyomuyuz ben neden hic gormuyom
Based Vlad the Impaler made an impressive forest out of your subhuman people and that was when you had an actual empire, not the worthless little shitskin nation you have now.
>pic related is Vlad's forest
Isn't it beautiful?
Kes amk alm*Ncısı gerizekalı yemliyorum burada
What VPN?
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