Is Chang taking over Australia?
Is Chang taking over Australia?
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Is oz really full?
Yeah. Funnily enough its not even their fault. Its our pollies that pocket the money for the deals.
Yes. We have a very small amount of habitable land and our population is small so it takes us time to build up housing, infrastructure and services. I live in one of the capital cities and main roads are often gridlocked because the cities weren't designed with giant populations in mind.
You got more Chinese than us.
Silent invasion was a pretty damn interesting read
They're not in the process of doing it. They have done it. There's legit members of the CCP running in local councils. I give it another 10 years before we're flying the fucking red flag for real.
Yes he is. With URSS gone, China remained the only one capable to infiltrate the US, and they are real enemy because they finance all this nonsense in Europe (African immigration by starting local wars), Mexic, US and so on.
This is treason, Clintons sold restricted technology to them. Little Kim could not make a nuclear rocket without this support.
These Chinese are in the first stages of colonizing Canada/Australia and they aren't very far behind on the US.
The Chinese government have stated openly that Siberia and Australia will be theirs by the end of the century.
Yeah and I'm pretty deperessed about it.
Chinese Canadians as of 2016 - 1.7 million
Chinese Australians as of 2016 1.2 million
Try again leaf
Or you know, the Australian governments don’t have a clue as to what they are doing, Tokyo is one of the most densely populated city on earth, yet they have the best public transport system around.
It really makes you wonder what the state and local government is doing.
thats an insane amount, considering the true stats are 4X that.
werent chinks and poos less than 100k back in the 90s?
you belong to us gwailo
This. It's your average bogan suburban retard that thinks he's good because his cunt box house is worth $2m.
fuck oz, rally a million bogans and come down to detroit and have a blast!
If you deport them, they'd have nowhere to spend their money. It's a minor loss to Australia in the end.
These cunts get $1k a day just for tradie work. They love the chink invasion.
When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.
locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.
and once they've bought our estate we can buy it back for 1000 times as much.
real smart.
Except they get our land and permanent residency in our countries and we get disposable plastic chink crap that breaks in a few years and ends up in a landfill.
also they buy up our farms and export the meat to china so they get the profits and meat and we get the pollution.
>we give them our houses, businesses, jobs, country, and land
>they give us phones and dragon dildos
What a trade!
how's your brother
Exactly. It's a minor loss to Australia. Also none of them want to live in China for a reason. Why else would they all flee.
you can profit off the chink invasion and cull them at the same time
protip: meth/heroin
easy mode: chink parties, unis, hookups etc
Is it really a bad thing?
>totally missing the point
its White money that was transferred by globalist traitors to locusts so they replace whites.
here is the thing tho, we dont really need anyone. we reduced our standard of living and sacrificed ourselves for the yellow/brown monkeys
we could expel all of them and regain the standard of living that we once had
600 million whites
900 million shitskin 3rd world peasants
700 million whites
7 billion shitskins and assorted insectoids
the world would be better off
less than 10k.
from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%
Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$190k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£70k in London
Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white
after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites
>1 in 25 is a chink
>not even counting non-citizens
>90s: less than 10k chinks
>2018: 4 million chinks
Is he???
> Less than 10k.
You guys are crazy.
If this continued invasion of our living area by the Asia, Africa, Latinos continues, we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning US in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Yellow and Brown population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet
How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our technology and medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Latin America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?
If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world
my parents house is now worth 2mil, which I will inherit soon. And asian women are hot and will have sex with white spergs like me. Couldnt be happier that sydney is getting taken over by chinks lmao.
White male psychopath spergs marrying psychopathic chinese women, these empty materialists are on the rise.
s m
People of Australia fear not, take thou this Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch and throw it at the first Asian you see. All Asians on your land will die.
Yes Australia is China South and that's a good thing
I used to post flyers about Tibetan Independence rallies at my university, usually late at night in a hoodie. I used the CS department's copy budget for it (LOL, they printed almost nothing... ever). Once a semester, I would announce a "huge" Free Tibet rally somewhere near the campus. The first time, I "scheduled" it for 4pm to 7pm on a Wednesday, and it backfired. It went big. Hippies everywhere, but also outraged protesting Chinks, including a Political Science instructor. A monk from LA showed up and gave a speech, and a bunch of Boomers/Richard Gere fans from the area showed up with signs. "Food not bombs" fed people some weird vegan food.
I wandered around with a serious case of the lulz. Nobody knew who had done it. I got snaps of every anti-Free-Tibet person there, and some guy beat the fuck out a Chink who was calling him "gueilo". But the following semester, when I did it again, I posted even more flyers, included the downtown area and Chinatown, but set the event for 5pm on a Friday.
The Boomers showed, the Chink anti-Tibet people/China Culture Club showed. No monks showed. The hippies/students did not show (lol Friday? 5pm? They all drove home downstate). It turned into a brawl. I took pictures and hummed "kung fu fighting" as sperging manlet slant robots threw themselves at aging boomers, a couple of professors and a few actual Tibetans that showed up, too (I actually thought there were none in the area).
I then proceeded to sell the story to the local paper and another version of it was also published in the school paper, too. So woke. So California. So Chinky. I did this 6 times in 3 years, until some hippy actually started a pro-Tibet student group. After a few meetings and their first speaker, I anonymously emailed a photo of one of the Chinese students who had joined them, swinging a sign at an old dude that said, "Zangqu is CHINA!" He assaulted the girl when confronted (lol) and was expelled from the Uni and the US (ed visa).
look m8 its not like the average cunt chink is a fucking emu. you understand m8? take a fucking VB and glass chang right across his slanty eye reception box he calls his face. Rinse your hands and do it again. The rice problem must be wiped out.
this is a big block of shit nobody wants to read, plebbit.
Pretty much, I cant hate them for taking advantage of our government thats been corrupt for decades.
What are you like 50? That's usually the age when your parents die. You sad poof.
You are of your father the devil and may 7 generations of cursedness befall unto thy family.
I read it. At least he tried to do something in real life.
rise up you fucking bogan
yeah free tibet and shit right m8? chinks already can live there and should so why should i care what bloke owns it
He was jewing all these groups and getting them to hate each other. You should admire him.
I remember how much my dad loved his Sidchrome spanners.
>Sidchrome, until 1996, were manufactured in Australia, but since being acquired by The Stanley Works (named Stanley Black & Decker since 2010) production is now undertaken in Taiwan.
subversion is a grand trick of kikery but as Jow Forums has been given a seat on the world jewish congress with voting, everyone should know subversion requires a 2/3 majority and guaranteed income return for all member groups including you, goyboy
The inner regions outnumber the rest. All the more reason for Australia to deport them.
fuck off seppo. why are there so many yanks on an aussie thread?
fuck gooks
Well I mean, if you're gonna Jew your enemies to death why not learn from the best
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how bad is your chink problem?
if something doesn't happen quick you fags will become the next hawaii.
And completely incorrect
I moved here from NZ. There is a large population of Asian in my suburb.
Mostly contained in the major cities, smaller costal towns are 90% white
Is Oz our hapa paradise?
By the mid 90's, Sydney and Melbourne were already largely Asian cities.
We have 12 million more people