This is the picture that got XXXtencion killed

Xxxtenacion sent out this tweet and then quickly deleted it he also is the source of Drake having an illegitimate child in Canada allegedly this is a picture of Drake sucking a Jewish producers in order to become famous

Attached: 5D2C8B7A-7D77-4550-9BAC-B2F53980EB90.jpg (576x1024, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Selfie bump

Typical leaf behaviour

this desu

whats the BIG deal

jews are fags man. they really need the oven.

Attached: homo-stats2.png (928x1200, 909K)

How do you know it's Drake when that dude looks like every other Sandnigger ever?

Nigs are gonna nig

so who was he sucking ?? a Jew producer perhaps???

Why is Drakes twitter not being spammed with this? Even if it isn't him it looks like him and it will really make people think. Really get those neurons nervous!

discord gg/A2Gu9a

add a .

Attached: Pic.jpg (957x1024, 210K)

Worldstar worldstar

Try to post this picture on Reddit watch how quickly you get banned and watch how quickly the shills come out of nowhere

you get the flak when you’re over the target .

Someone said in a thread yesterday before it 404'd they said a name I never heard of but it sounded black

Fake picture, its not him.
I can't find a single picture with drake having plucked eyebrows like that.


shills pushing this picture all the live long day. XXX album "?" is up 42,000%. well played

Attached: spinal tap.jpg (500x228, 33K)

It's not. It's a semi-famous internet man-whore who will suck anyone's dick on command.
He has a twitter and posts photos and videos of himself doing stuff like this all the time.


Just tried DuckDuckGo and Google both return completely irrelevant news stories

It’s been covered up big time



Fuck off nigger

might have been early on before the jews told him to not look so gay.

forget the eyebrows. compare the ears. you cant fake those & they are not even close

Attached: 1529436951262.png (832x678, 339K)

'?' album sales have increased by 41,306%

How do we know it's not a deepfake tho?


Attached: rainbowhitler.jpg (674x900, 136K)

link or fake (its gay either way)

The recording industry is one mean "dog eat dog" world


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There goes nigger-jew dominance lol.

drake was famous before he looked like that with the beard and shit

drake is gay and has always been gay.
"club going up on a tuesday" was a diss track about the weeknd, who was drake's ex-boyfriend, because the opposite of a weekend is a tuesday.
i feel ashamed i even know that or that i'm replying in this thread though. this is peak nigger jewish homo degeneracy that's just meant to distract from real stories. as in stories about shit people should really care about.

that nigga quincy jones


Lmao bruh that guy sucking dick is bruce jackson...

Look at all the shills in this thread

Attached: 2F68C92A-ECE3-4DF3-98C0-3CBBACAD7773.png (796x574, 152K)

FIDF out in force.

sucking jewish dick

Has it gone to 11?


> giving the slightest fuck about nigger music
Woman I-I...

Here’s the screenshot of Xxx tweet before he quickly deleted it

Attached: AD2FA560-709D-4257-BC6F-611345A5A374.jpg (750x1334, 82K)

Forgot pic

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-19-21-22-15.png (720x1280, 374K)

>you get the flak when you’re over the target
Damn. Right.

Attached: DamnRight.gif (480x276, 1.02M)

Leafs wear fake eyebrows user. Their lack of access to milk in jugs results in weak brows. #baggedmilkgate

i immediately thought it was him when i saw the photo

Looks like the square root of 69 is having your face covered in some kikes creamy load. Right Drake?

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Guys seeIts faggot Bruce Jackson trying to go viral


XXX allegedly gets shot, but no mention of how many times, Articles say he was still alive and died at the hospital. where were the ambulances? Where were the paramedics? All you get is a short clip of a close up of a bunch of spooks and jews fucking around the crime scene. Probably to make sure no normal people get to close
>Broward Sheriff Scott Israel on the XXXTentacion slaying: “It‘s a horrific crime and we’re going to solve it and we are going to bring those who did it to justice.“

fake! my nigga drake would never suck a fuckin dick. this must be photo shop.FACT!!!

So Bruce Jackson killed Xxx?

Fucking idiots will fall for anything

Attached: 1529179501787.png (940x300, 41K)

do the ears match?

Attached: D9D2D165-AD90-4481-8C1E-FB83494BEECC.png (500x500, 268K)

Yes the shills want to protect drake from pics of a guy named Bruce Jackson sucking a dick. You got it bro


No bruce jackson is sucking dick in the pic lol... Xxx probably did nigger shit, its florida after all.

so what. not news

drake exactly the type of nigga who suck a dick

It's not, look at the faces of Bruce and Drake, they are different. Bruce is darker, no freckles. Drake is lighter, with freckles. Cock sucker with the demon slime over his face is lighter with freckles.

And in all honesty I don't care if it's not Drake, I want the seeds of doubt sowed and I want him to be humiliated and trolled, I want him to walk around knowing that he's being trolled and mocked mercilessly for or for not sucking a cock with cum over him.

Because I'm just that fucking bitter for no real reason.

and there it is. BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE as JJ Evens used to say

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Errbody says its some pornstar but nobody post dem side by sides

Also all the sudden half the people in this thread are defending a fucking rapper ?
/pol likes rappers apparently

That was gonna be Pusha T’s next diss track cover but Drake tapped out the beef. That’s Jewish seed on his face.

someone prob sent XXX that picture and was like
>yo dude it's drake
and XXX was probably high on dog medicine pills and cough syrup when he immediately posted it to instagram


Yeah, and Bruce Jackson is Drake's secret identity.

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>Drakes a fag

I’m glad stating the obvious doesn’t get me ghetto shot

no its just he sucked a dick or many dicks or a few dicks for all his fame and money.

is it gayer to suck or have a man suck your dick?

he prob sucking XXX dick

so the rumor that you have to do some gay shit to be a successful raper is true

Post the bottom right picture in full

he probably sucked dick too

Its not drake tho... Trust me i really wanted it to be drake since the girl i am seeing is obsessed with drake i wanted to be 100% it was drake before i told her he's a cock gobbler (he probably sucks dick anyways)

Take this shit to /mu/ you nigger


This is a publicity stunt. That nig is releasing a new album, one of the track is "No one cares about you til you're dead.

obviously fake cause he was famous when he was still in a wheelchair--very young! 8^)

Attached: C16E5702-58AC-4766-8025-2CCE8C8EF974.jpg (350x480, 50K)

You’re trying to nut right now and really want to find someone to prove you wrong.

>thread about Lewandowski womp womping 4 replies
>thread about Drake sucking dick 45 posters

Jesus christ Jow Forums ur fucking so gay just admit it.

> reddit-spacing

Attached: image.jpg (350x350, 114K)

man that image hit me hard


Makes me wonder what ice ice baby had to do...

It's not a dog dick.
Click on "View" to see the picture, it's pretty much the same style as the pic in question, compare the two. It's the same guy, he does this all the time

not really

but who cares, it's funny either way

eminem sucked dicks too
so did tupac

damn mainstream rap is actually gay

Its Bruce Jackson. If you go on his twitter page, he retweeted "hecanhavemypussy" where the exact image and angle in the alleged Drake pic is shown.

>have boner randomly
>accidentally see drake suckoff pic
>briefly imagine him sucking you off
No homo haha

He can't keep getting away with this, not just the murdering, but also the dick sucking


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he doesnt have that boil on his ear but its a match

Shut the fuck up. You don't have to use the N word, stop.

quit posting this faggot ass shit. SAGE bitch

Different angle of light source.

Drake isnt Black he is jewish, did the Mossad take him out?

Lot's of glowing niggers in here


I had to google that because I wasn't sure if you were memeing or not

How the fuck is this guy still sheriff? And people wonder why conspiracy theories are everywhere?