Barry Moloch

Where'd this go?

Attached: IMG_5525.jpg (615x615, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

debunked. It's this guy.

Attached: debunked.jpg (1366x2048, 296K)

Not fucking debunked memeflaggot. Apparently they needed to make room for more blacked threads.

no its obama

those are two completely different masks nice try shill nigger

That mask is different at the nose. The Instagram mask matches the one in the obama photo, not this one

It's real

Attached: 1529289459790-pol.jpg (691x1024, 222K)

What’s the rundown on how this picture got out?

Attached: obama-satan-678x381.jpg (678x381, 41K)

Chick that took it had it up on her instagram or some shit. Confirmed herself it was a pic of Obama. Screen shots floating around, I am sure they will be posted soon.