Are we going to be rounded into camps too? I believe he is literally Hitler.
>t. trans woman
Are we going to be rounded into camps too? I believe he is literally Hitler.
>t. trans woman
You're 0.4% of the entire world population. Nobody gives a fuck about you except YOU
I sincerely wish you well in your spiral towards suicide.
Are we going to be rounded into camps too?
Boy if only.
>Are we going to be rounded into camps too?
You wish, because then you can be the victim you fantasize about being.
.4% of the world population and won't have kids so yeah, I don't care that much.
Should be.
Well we need to. They are under threat from this administration. All trans people are. So are other marginalized groups like refugees, the undocumented, and the disabled. Critics of the administration and dissenters could be under threat one day too. So could journalists.
OP, if you're not larping, I hope you know that you are a man, and you will always be a man, not matter how much your twisted mind refuses to acknowledge reality. That is all. guy.
I'll accept tranny refugees but only if they are cute, like vydya and take it up the ass. If you don't or can't meet that criteria then I won't hide you.
How’s it going, future suicide?
How do you ask isomeone if they’re Jewish, transgender, Texan, or bisexual? You don’t, they’ll tell you in the first 2 minutes of talking to them.
Odds are good you'll an hero anyway, so it's irrelevant.
I’m a woman now.
I’m all 3. Not Jewish but I’ve been thinking about converting.
We should ONLY accept trans immigrants.
They are in the most danger but I think we should accept all women and children
Yes you will
t. Trump
we can only hope
your kind will be put in mental hospitals, where you can get the help you really need
chopping your dick off, shoving a dildo in a festering wound to use as a fuck hole, and taking hormones doesn't fix your mental illness
that's why so many of your kind suicide
Trans people can protect themselves.