Prove that Hillary Clinton has committed a crime.
Bonus points for proof of murder.
I'll wait.
Prove that Hillary Clinton has committed a crime.
Bonus points for proof of murder.
I'll wait.
anyone who could prove this is already dead
she violated her subpoena on live television
she knowingly transmitted classified data on an server that wasnt secure. her and her lemmings destroyed evidence that was subpeonaed. Thats atleast obstruction and tampering with evidence. Just watch that movie Hillarys America. See how your evil queen really is when not in the light of being worshipped by you pathetic fucks.
Interesting approach.. When you direct the people that write the laws, your crimes are no longer illegal.
But all I need to know about the Clinton's is Haiti. I don't give a fuck about Haiti, but what they did was fucking evil.
why? she's irrelevant
>write the laws
I meant enforce the laws
she's a woman who held office
Hillary has been relevent for like 40 fucking years and losing one electuon doesn't change that.
Yeah.. and it is scary as shit.
Hillary who?
Vince Foster
this bitch floated in on dark money to push an agenda for the Rothschilds and the CFR. Go kill yourselves.
"we cannot prove intent of the non-crime"
Check them digits
I agree with you.. I will not kill myself.
Over 500 Coincidences
if i commit suicide in the next few days this guy or hillary clinton definitely killed me. please make sure you take it to the proper authorities if i dont check in to this threqd in 3 days. we can take this bitch down.
She sold uranium to Russia, obama had them deliver some to Iran under the Iran deal, and the uranium was converted with the light water reactors that America built for them that generate power but also is handy for producing weapons grade stuff. America was building these same reactors in NK but had to stop when congress found out about their dual use
The most concrete charge would probably be the insecure personal storage of government documents and the destruction of said documents under subpoena.
Hillary Clinton raped me when I was seven.
She's got friends in low places