I’m fucking done with this shit, the left have silently and cowardly declared war on logic and sense and I can no longer pretend it doesn’t make my blood boil. I want blood, I want revenge. The left need to be punished, this isn’t even a justification for cruelty; this is a cry for basic human justice. What the left are doing right now is so far from honest and sincere it makes me want to kill them. What the fuck do I do Jow Forums? All I want to do Is work and be a good American, and even that is now too much for them.
The Left Must Be Punished
Work and be a good American. Have kids who carry on your values. Watch these biologically redundant leftists either away and die childless. There ya go.
It is permitted to incite the sinners (Gentiles) of this world into war. (Talmud Berakot 7b, Megilla 6b)
Kill the best of the Gentiles! (Talmud Aboda zara 26b, Tosafot)
They will wither while voting to ensure you are overwhelmed with nonwhites so that your children will be outnumbered even if every white couple had 3 kids
Problem solved.
Also sage
I feel the same way, OP. Now is not yet the time.
If these retards think this latest outrage du jour is going to win them votes with working Americans, they're in for a nasty surprise. Blue wave my ass.
Killing people will only get you in jail or dead at the end of it, you will not further your cause but you will only make it look worse.
what did the left do?
don't do anything stupid.
>What the fuck do I do Jow Forums?
none of us know, that is why we come here..
maybe one day a revolution will be the solution
You on the left
Still going for fake outrage screenshots, ShariahBlew? Or is it an Alphabetty this time?
Pst. No one's doing anything because you nitwits are getting your shit shoved in.
Let them get pissed and start the war you dumb faggot. We will have a constitutional congress before you need to start shooting people.
> be friends with iran for 2700 years
> "hey iran buddy" *steals billions of dollars
> oy vey these iranians are antisemitic
This, do something, just be smart about it.
quoting the talmud
>the khazari cansa is sdrongk with this shill
woo lad woooooooooooooooo
used real facts and scientific research to debunk these neolithic liars n losers
the time for petty debate and arguments is over.
Kill some jews
Citation needed.
proper functioning brain needed (you)
calm down fagget
ur living in the digital world
times are much tougher for sure for a conservative