This is an open posting from the three later agencies around the world.
Could you please stop wasting federal officers time and resources with your ridiculous trolling and shaming of other website communities. We get it. We hear you. We are on the case. But could you just let us do our jobs and stay the hell out of our business. But most off all...
Could you please stop sucking kike dick and betraying your own families for your pathetic measly salaries. Shoot jew billionaires and pedophiles and drug dealers and everyone will like you. Serve those people and everyone will rightfully hate you. Your choice.
>Could you please stop wasting federal officers time and resources with your ridiculous trolling and shaming of other website communities. I will stop when you people agree to eject all browns from the West and/or when I am given a commission as an intelligence officer in the United States Space Force (or Navy).
Until then, I will continue to be a "DICKS." Life is not nice in the country my ancestors built for me because of all of the brown people getting together to keep their white overlords down.
If you don't like what I post then just stop reading it faggot. Not my fault if you're a dumb cunt.
Charles Scott
>made same later/letter typo >used pic from some reddit type shit You are obviously the same guy.
Easton Sanders
> my business is other peoples business > stay out of my businesses Your business smells
Thomas Carter
Contrived and uranistic.
Landon Martinez
Dear three letter agencies,
Purge the women from your ranks and stop shaving off your beards. If you looked like men then you'll start feeling like men. Then maybe, just maybe, you'll start acting like men and people will begin to respect your authority.
on the off chance this isn't bait. No fuck you, you don't get to complain. The fact the FBI is going through this at all is shameful and is going to be a stain on our history so you all can fucking suck it up and hear the public outrage over the current state of of affairs. Rank and file or not you cannot begin to try to convince people that they weren't aware of what was going on or that information was being suppressed from the public so that an election could be rigged. You are all complicit as far as the public is concerned even if trump is willing to look the other way so that he can get the top brass in chains.