Jow Forums, are we the bad guys?
Jow Forums, are we the bad guys?
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No one's the bad guy. Everyone just simply does what's in their best interest
No... control your racing thoughts
bad guys won WWII, so no.
Yes and no.
Go to hell kike
We're the bad guys if you want whites dead.
If you're a majoo did dis, white race conspirationist who hates peoples of color and other religion. Then, yes.
If you oppose globalism: mass immigration because it causes imbalances in the welcoming countries, the loss of European cultures and values, the end of qualitative distinctions between human beings... then, no, you're a true legend of modern age.
Have you ever actually tried just making a thread?
Have you ever tried not working for pedophiles?
more like the rad guys lmao
How do I even know who l'm talking to if you're "Anonymous"?
>Cucknada worried about being the bad guys
Don't worry Leaf your the Wojack to our Pepe.
Everyone is the villain of their own life's story.
No but... Canada?
Nah, go fuck your dog.
Only the pagans, user
>implying there are good guys out there
kikes are
Maximizes their own utility
We're the bad guys, in a world where the good guys have turned to evil
this is so good. checked
There are no good guys or bad guys. There's just our guys, and their guys.
If being a patriot is bad, then yes we are.
If being pro-white is bad, then yes we are.
If holding to the brutal truth over a lie is bad, then yes we are.
Fucking a josé
You guys are literally hitler.i read it on cnn
Very nice
>1 post by this ID
You're the bad guy here.
Yes, leaves are in fact the enemy of the world.
Jow Forums is a chaotic center-right board. It antagonizes normies given any opportunity whether left or right of center.
No, now fuck of shill nigger. Sage
Also...yes! Leafs are the the bad guise.
The true redpill is, we have always been the bad guy. We were just right
Stealing this
Kill a member of your family tonight and then yourself. It's normalfag. There used to be standards around here.
>Jow Forums is center right
I don't know about that. If Trump tweeted "RACE WAR NOW! Literally start murdering niggers to Make America Great Again!" the majority of Jow Forums would unironically support him.
Anons political leanings sure have swayed a lot.
To be flair maybe hr doesn't know how to, ive been here since just before zim zam flim flamed trayboon and don't know how to start a thread.
no but nice pepe shill
It was a more innocent time.
50th thread asking this VERY SAME QUESTION
it's almost as if...
There isn't single human alive who does what's in their best interest, because nobody can even define what that is.
They're just telling themselves they do.
Jow Forums in a movie would just be those pathetic lunatic pawns used by the bad guys.
Yes Jow Forums, you're the bad guys. But everyone else is so much fucking worse it pretty much balances itself out.
The real redpill.
I wish that were true, but I can't stop jerking off, watching youtube vids and browsing Jow Forums...
The other side is:
>sexualizing children in pride parades
>trying hard to ensure every migrant on the earth ends up inside our borders to vote left
>doing nothing to deter human trafficking, especially across the border
>totally disregarding the actual welfare of these countries
>using emotion to propel every single argument while claiming to be rooted in science
among many, many other things.
Does god exist?
i used to think like this but the elites are pure evil famalingo
Of courshe.
Read Aquinas.