Why is bestiality illegal?

arent animals property? cant people fuck or be fucked by their property?

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What are you talking about you can fuck a nigger anytime you want, its not illegal. Should be though.

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because Mr Hands ruined it for everyone

Remember to report and ignore shill threads boys and girls.


O.P., it's 2018 and bestiality is so 1900s. The latest causes are necrophilia, cannibalism and contracting leprousy. You need to get on the right side of history and stop being stuck in the past. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, old fart!

guy who died from having a horse fuck him in the ass. highly publicized, there was a video and everything.

Poor stupid man, that Hands. R.I.P.

dead animals are still property

Mostly it's about keeping decency in a civilized country, secondly it's about C.D.C. matters.

>keeping decency in civilized countries
this ship sailed at least 70 years go
>cdc matters
so fine people who act stupidly, but those who take precautions shouldnt be punished by not being able to fully use their rights

>it's illegal
Only if you get caught. ;^)

>The attempt will not be stopped we will do everything in our power to prevent the fall of Rome.

That ship sailed when we forgot to explicitly ban Jews from entering the country.

It shouldn't be its not the states job to keep a populace virtuous

jews entered during the founding of the country tho

But why can I not *correct* the problem myself if I become aware? People need to stop delegating responsibility to the government.




yeah you should shame the fucker, even smack them around but in a legal standing he fuck his property if he wants.

The state uses morality as a weapon to take as many rights away from its populace as possible

True, driving people of no moral fiber from towns used to be the thing, when we didn't delegate all our responsibilities to "the state".

it is legal, its called white women that fuck niggers

why is it wrong to fuck animals, again? our forefathers used to do it

*Citation needed*

Legal to kill and eat. Illegal to fuck.
Makes sense.

they did, check their letters

>See burden of proof

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the answer is already in the bible, but for mediocre kikes like you, i'll provide a simpler answer.

You can get infections/diseases from fucking other people, correct ?
Well, you can get infections/diseases by fucking A DIFFERENT SPECIES even EASIER and FASTER

Which passage? For future reference.

3 reasons.

Its degenerate and unnatural from a strictly human perspective, It immoral and a sin by most religions, and the most important 3rd reason is what i would like to call "innate knowledge from antiquity" AKA plague.

lemme explain to ya something, most of the horrible human killing viruses and bacteria of years ago, comes from animals. things like tuberculosis, measles, whooping cough, Flu, smallpox all come from pigs, cows, and chickens. the thing is those viruses and diseases Dont want to kill the host, the only reason those things are deadly to us is because they do not know they are in a human. These viruses evolved to specifically infect those animals and have no reason or real ability to spread to humans. You can eat a cow that is infected with tuberculosis, you can raise a whole infected herd of cow your whole life, you can even get TB infected cow blood on a cut and have a VERY small chance of contracting TB.

BUT Fucking a TB infecting cow in the asshole, just so happens to be a way more likely way to contract a human to animal virus. just look at gay men and aids, why does the correlation to anal sex happen to contribute to the higher spread of aids? and if you are fucking an animal, your going in its asshole.

anyway i hope your patient zero who contracts a brain eating virus from fucking a turtle.

You forgot to sage. C'mon, now.

white women would rather fuck a dog than share a sidewalk with a beta male

i dont expect bestiality to remain illegal much longer

Leviticus 20:15 or the entire Leviticus 20 to contextualize

Thank you. I'll go find my King James and give that part a read.

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They do. Trust me.

This is a jewish thread promoting jewish ideology. Animals deserve to be treated with respect and good nature. Jews want you to be immoral and selfish/degenerate. Be advised.

I already beat the jew, see my previous posts. Don't replying without sage.

You forget the part that the Old Testament is meant for the kikes, it's only included in the Christian bible for background info and provide a foundation for the new testament. Everything in the old testament can be ignored unless otherwise mentioned or noted in the new testament.

You fucking mental midget. SAGE. IN. ALL. FIELDS.

Um no.

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Look up the nephilim/bene ha elohim to understand that the Old Testament is also important

I'm not saying it isn't important. I'm saying don't try policing people based off morals laid down in it, because they are not meant for you. And all your doing is setting people up to discredit you when you try using thousands of years old Jewish practices to try and convince them they're doing something wrong.

im trying to spread the message of why raping animals is wrong,

The fact we need to speak on this is such bullshit. I just wanted to play video games, man.

right/wrong are constructs of men, Jewish practices were supposed to be ABOLISHED BY Jesus Christ. (((they))) rejected christ, they killed Christ, you're way too demoralized by the zionist (((christians))) in your country. A true Christian would never suppport the rebuilding of jerusalem temples, BECAUSE THAT IS GOING TO TRIGGER THE RAPTURE/end of the world


I'm sorry to be so needy, but is there a passage for this?

everything is in the video

I'll save it for another day, it's 2am here and I'm fixin to go to sleep in the next half hour. Thank you though.

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>be christian
>don't want Jesus to return

Wow, I've never even heard of fucking a turtle. Now fucking a dolphin, that's something I could get into.

The fuck are you talking about? As a Christian, your goal is to subvert the future God has planned for us? You sound like a kike trying to convince people to delay rapture so that you can delay your judgment

Good night, please watch it. I'll live some other relevant links


>be Christian
>Don't want bad things to happen to people
>Don't want to be one of the "lucky" ones to see the end
I wonder why he doesn't want that?

They can't give consent. You are essentialy raping them. You might as well be as bad as a chink torturing a dog.

Have your (you).

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It might be a "good" thing but it won't necessarily feel like a good thing until midway through.

(((Their))) going to try and convince you pic related is bad

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Just do it.

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then punish those who are irresponsible, but with our current technology this shouldnt be a problem

Boeing lost a great engineer that day

You mean *WOMP WOMP*

do they consent to being murdered to eat meat? do they consent to being sitted on and used as transportation? do they consent to living in farms and being used for labour without any compensation?

animals aren't people

You forgot to give links to back up your statement:

Why do you think it was made illegal? Do things nobody ever does get repeatedly banned?

Fuck you, burden of proof, it's in Jow Forums rules. Last chance.

Actually, they do. They give non-verbal signals that they're in heat and need a fuck.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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*need* now you're putting your dick where your brain should be. You don't need to fuck an animal in heat, you're taking advantage of them at that point. That's like getting "consent" from a blackout drunk girl.

You're not taking advantage of them if they want it you fucking retard.

If a dog humps your leg, it is NOT consent. Yes doesn't necessarily mean yes.

He's in denial ATM because he wants to fuck something that can't tell anyone how small his peepee is.

If a dog humps your leg, it's trying to dominate you. You don't fuck dogs, you submit them. That's a matter of basic safety.

Irrefutable argument. Unless y'all are vegans this isn't an argument, just feefees

You submit to them for safety? You know nothing of how they'll scratch the fuck out of you and bite, if they feel like it. Simply put, you're not compatible with animals for procreation, just use dildos and shit like the "normal" people. I don't want to see your diseased ass anywhere near my white neighborhood.

Actually it is. But you're pulling shit out of your ass why you think fucking animals is bad.
I have a 7 inch cock when erect. Besides, I don't fuck animals. I just don't like it when soccer moms and soibois sperg out when people have a fetish or kink for bestiality.

Leviticus 20:15. That's all.

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Even if they offer themselves to you, it still doesn't count. You have to ask specifically whether or not your partner consents or not. If they can't speak, they can't consent.

Keep in mind the equivalence I supplied, he ignored.

>old testament
Sorry, I'm not a kike. Maybe try something from the New Testament next time. ;^)
Consent is consent motherfucker, it doesn't matter how you try to rationalize it away and set up arbitrary constructs to enforce your definition of it.

No, I meant you dominate them. My bad. Meaning you can't have sex with a dog because it would fuck up the hierarchy and possibly put you at risk.

Consent from a 5 year old boy grabbing at your crotch? And not saying no when you undress him? C'mon, defend that.

Nice memeflag, faggot. But you aren't fooling anybody, you fucking leaf.

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Ah, ok. I thought you were for bestiality. Good to see someone who's not a degenerate.

So mutes can't fug?

you deserve your flag
move to Canada if you want to get a BJ from a doggo

What is: sign language, or written language, Alex?

If they can sign a contract, they can.

A 5 year old doesn't have a fucking sex drive. Nor does it understand what sex is at that age. Neither of those apply to fucking animals, and you trying to equate it to pedophilia is nothing short of incredibly erroneous argumentation.

No, piss on bestiality. I'm not a shitskin.

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In Canada it is

It leads to horrible disgusting endeavors though

Yeah, but pedophiles are pushing for that shit. "consent" comes from them being able to give it, and being sentient. Quit shitting in my gene pool.

Not speech
So if they're mute amputees they're illegal? A mute fellow loses his hands fighting for his country and is then forbidden to have sex?

Being difficult for the sake of being right? You know you look like an ass to anyone with an I.Q. of more than 80 right?

Not an argument

Ah, special pleading.

You are moving the goalposts.

And you still have not produced any proof for
Fucking memeflags, I swear.