choose love
that's all
Just a Reminder to Choose LOVE not bullshit
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What is love?
Here, this is a symbol of love.
Then it was used for hate
Make love trump hate by getting it's original meaning back
we all know why.
she is fucked like the rest of them.
choose love
Love of what? My culture? My race? My own kin? Or do you actually mean your love for decadence and degeneracy?
Are you what I think you are?
don't hurt me.
you are loved.
i mean love for life, not fear and obsession with annihilation and death.
I'll love everyone, so long as they are not a predator. Kill the pedophiles, burn them in mass. Let all remember the day.
Life is fleeting, but my blood has been in constant development for billions of years and will persist until it's spread across the galaxy.
Our lives are meaningless, only the race for human perfection matters.
I can love humanity and still come to the conclusion that it is better served with some hard rules of law. If Mexico wants to adopt American ideals and join the Empire legally or beg for military aid against cartels then I'm happy to provide assistance.
>life is meaningless
>human perfection matters
i would say love matters. life is not meaningless.
My life has meaning to me. I want to enjoy it, in equal measure as making a better future for those I leave behind.
You are but a blink of the universe's eye, it opens, stares and closes almost immediately before anything changes. Life itself is meaningful, our lives are not. Either dedicate yourself to the human consciousness itself or be condemned.
You want to be a degenerate.
thanks, son, though i don't think i'm lucifer
Nah I was asking if you were an Elohim.
I choose fresh meat
Trump is preparing for full disclosure.
So Now I see why elonk musk sold the flame thrower I guess this is best time to use those flame thrower on ((((child refugee)))))
You mean the overglorified cigarette lighter?
Yeah, I want to do some shit that isn't smart or productive sometimes. I want to piss off. I want you to piss off too.
I'll make something better before it's all through. I'll work my part.
you see where this thread went when you asked that, though, right?
meme flags talking about mexicans
trump disclosure
ancap elon musk
you're true, blue
Orange Ayy Lmaos? The only thing Drumpf will disclose is his orange Hitler cloning machine.
why are you messing in an Elohim thread?
You know the penalty for that, right?
So you want to waste the precious seconds you have of your life?
>This game is 22 years old
>choose love
okay, i choose to help my fellow Americans first, out of love, before i start helping complete strangers who don't even speak the same language as me and hate me even when i do help them.
btw, hating white men isn't really showing "love", is it. you should try practicing what you preach
good b8 m8
love you
Bump for mystical frenships through the power of Jow Forums
Trucks of peace!
What a great fucking game, and D2 also. Great memories before that series got shit on.
crikey, hold still m8
he doesnt get it :(
Theistic transhumanism is 2deep4most
How does it feel to circle jerk with robot arms?
>i played it when it came out
> on 56k dial up
Man, how time flies
Feel... Feel? Clearly you haven't transcended yet, a desire to feel is the root of pain, along with the fear of losing it or missing out.
"Choose love" is an empty statement. It's like saying "Drink Pepsi"
He who does not hate, does not truly love.
He who has nothing to kill for, has nothing to live for.
Your platitude is as empty and meaningless as your very existence
>MRW people tell me to stop playing Diablo 2
Empty feel good bullshit.
I love you
Heard that one before nigger. Get back in the oven.
Stop playing that addictive nigger shit.
So a less prosperous future full of violence and mutts? Because that's what egalitarian democracy will get you.
If you have a bow, you can go into a room with barred windows/walls, close the door behind you and nip him with arrows until he died.
Would you like aids with that?
Ok so no means yes and yes means no so here, have some aids but it's on this side, or is it
I 'member that game. Twas a good first boss.
Its Diablo 1
>that picture
we should be doing this to american liberals in the streets. It's not like they have the guns or support in the cops or military to prevent it.
Fags confuse duty with fear. It's a joke, retreat is always easier.
Love Lain
Cops and for them. Don't confuse the military with the cops. They're exact opposites.