Why can't you all just admit you're racist?
Why can't you all just admit you're racist?
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I admit it all the time. Whats your point?
If they were really seeking asylum, why not just enter the border legally instead of sneaking in?
I regert my vote so fucking much.
I'm so so so so sorry
Of course I'm racist. Now explain why that's a bad thing.
We don't want those beaners here, send them to fucking Canada, let those Muslims deal with them
Asylum from their own shitty gene pool so they can pollute ours with theirs? They can fuck right off
Lol. Father's lose custody for literally no crime all the time.
Womp womp
We didn't spend 300 years fighting savages just for you faggots to let them all in.
Keep this shit up and soon we'll be fighting you
whoa whoa whoa.
*I* AM RACIST. I am a proud racist. I tell my family and friends, I tell black and browns when I meet them, everyone knows I am openly racist.
It is not something to be ashamed of, not anymore.
The time of hiding power levels is over and done.
I want them all shot. not in 35,000$ a year for each one full care. I want each one of them to cost a bullet or two, no burials.
I want them all dead, I'd gladly do it myself. dead. not back where they came from, not in prison, exterminated. like an infestation.
Trump is not a racist, I am. when they start making shows about hunting illegals on the border for sport, then you can call the people still tip toeing around on egg shells for niggers 'racists'.
Fuck you for associating them with me. they don't share my views, they protect the minorities from people like me.
the people you call racist like the cops and the president are literally ALL thats standing between the lesser races and people like me.
seriously fuck you all for not cleaning house the way our ancestors did. shit bipeds everywhere.
People seeking asylum don't cross the border illegally.
Those are human traffickers.
we're tired of your pedophilia.
can you just admit that you're a pedophile?
But I do support taking away children from people that commit misdemeanors since most of them are nogs. In fact might as well send their kids with them to jail since they'll end up there anyway
so they want us to leave these kids in the desert?
i fucking hate niggers
We should take children away from those charged with reckless driving etc. 0 Tolerance for crime of any kind
>its not a crime
>its a misdemeanor
wtf are these faggots not getting??
I'm a huge racist and support 100% the dehumanization of spic kids and their demise at the hands of a fascist regime.
Have we ever denied it?
Anyone arrested and held in jail for those misdemeanors who has minor children and no other caretaker for them will have their children place into the state's custody, just as has happened with these children.
you can seek asylum all you want doesn’t mean you’re gonna get fuckface
Crossing the border illegally should be a death sentence.
This needs to become a thing every time one of the leftists' pets dies or kills one of them.
>37 asylum seekers from Guatemala were cooked alive in a box truck after their driver abandoned them in the Sonoran Desert
womp womp
>Samantha Carlisle was gangraped and stabbed to death by Syrian refugee children after bringing them an X Box
womp womp
>Jacktheretrix Mo'Quavious died Saturday night after attempting to dab on a police officer
Nigger dont come here illegally. We can send the kids home too
You apply for asylum before you cross the border. This is just liberal cockroach propaganda.
If this country is so bad why don't spics just stay home? Oh wait they want gibmedats for voting democrat.
But how can I be a racist when I'm considered a minority? CHECK MATE SJW FAGS.
If this country is so bad why do;t we just ship these stupid spics back to their countries or put them in concentration camps for being here illegally?
I know the answer to this, so repeat this whenever some progressive shitstain makes that claim.
>In California, if you have a child with you when you are arrested for a misdemeanor, you will be separated from that child if there is no one to care for it.
>Even more damning, if you get arrested for a DUI or reckless driving and a child is in the car, you will be charged with endangering a minor and may be charged with child abuse.
why can’t you admit you’re a nigger?
Who said we didn't admit that we were racists?
People coming into the country illegally do not belong here.
Full house WOMP WOMPS!
>seething so hard you can't even write a paragraph without lashing out at trumpcucks
These people are beyond saving.
okay. i'm racist. i want all brown people out of my country. what now?
I am a racist. We're all racists. We hate jews with a passion and their pawns.
If these countries aren't shitholes, why can't we send them back?
Mexican immigration to America is actually in the negatives right now. People are fleeing back to Mexico because they can't find any jobs in the US. It's all a hoax to distract people from something else.
as I texan watching the flood of mexicans pour in from your toilet homeland and california, I feel the same way about your sub-species. beyond saving.
Oh, I'm racist. I have a PHD in bigotry. I graduated magna cum laude from David Duke University, which I attended after graduating valedictorian from Hang'em High. I am so fucking racist, dude. Make no mistake about that.
Everybody is 'racist' to one degree or another. Its human nature, even things like people who speak slightly different or wear a different 'uniform' can easily trigger people. Just the way you speak or dress. Even your hairstyle or sneakers, perhaps your brand of smokes and music even.
There was a time that, if I could, I wanted to stand before God and ask Him why? Why did He make us this way? The only answer that makes sense to me is that God is a divide shill, and wants to shift the wheat from the weeds. That is 'So you know me better, because I'm Love'.
Other than that, humor works to bridge the divide between people of different natures. So fuck off you faggot nigger. Tribalism has its purpose, the Devil meant it for evil, but God for Good.
>Wanting secure borders is racist
I guess you support human trafficking?
Fuck the families. We need more people outright saying it. They deserve to be separated and caged like the animals they are. Thank god for Trump finally doing something about it. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Source? Or is this just some bullshit you pulled straight from your ass
I don't want children taken away from their parents, I want them to be deported together!
>Accidental reddit spacing.
Womp womp
womp womp
Someone pls explain womp-posting
This shit is already being dropped. Schumer just told the press to fuck it.
This Far Leftist Bullshit came from this website:other98.com
Hang the pedos, lynch the fags, gas the kikes, race war now!
You might want to ask your mom about Womp Womp, but at the same time, you really might not want to ask her about Womp Womp.
I gave my wife a black eye and got two years probation for a misdemeanor. It’s definitely a crime.
The US has always let immigrants in.
I'm the racist you're projecting.
what, like all of the people with absolute power over our lives being revealed as incredibly corrupt and eating eachother in a feeding frenzy of chaos & madness leaving us to only guess what surreal nightmare will be disclosed next that one of our most powerful leaders commited.
They're not seeking asylum, they're seeking gibs from the teat of the white man. Fuck these subhuman shitskins, they need to be expelled immediately and forcefully.
this. this is good meme.
why do u like using soviet propaganda terms and techniques so much?
You might want to invest in a foil hat.
You mean seeking asylum?
Were you dropped on your head as a teenager?
You only do it to fit in with the other retards here. Why are you such an attention whore, user?
>seeking asylum
From whom?
Not without restrictions.
They’re seeking gibs, not asylum you idiot. There’s no war in Central or South America you braindead mutt.
These kids deserve to get the Obama policy treatment. Which is to be drone striked into a red mist that paints the southern border walls.
Actually, it's a misdemeanor the first time, it is a felony the second.
Also, applying for asylum after illegal entry should automatically cause a rejection of that asylum request.
Asylum requests from central Americans who entered through Mexico should all be denied. They should have applied in Mexico.
Isnt the proper womp go: Womp Wooomp Wooooooomp.
Eating food isn't a crime. Stealing food is.
Know the best part?
This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.
Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.
Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.
Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.
Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!
He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)
Are you guys with me?
President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.
We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.
Congrats, babydicks.
You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.
Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way
>Go to jail for drunk driving and killing someone
>Get separated from children
IF you kill a nigger is not a crime is a misdemeanor
Lol you can't make this shit up.
yeah why are we trying to hide this anymore? at this point i'm just waiting for trump to cancel the election
Or maybe he came to conclusions via rational observation of non-whites?
>womp womp
The fuck are you niggers on about now
Someone took too many of their meths today.
Never seen this pasta before.