Ay guey!
Its like anodah tlatelolco!
Ay guey!
Its called a PsyOP
rip Germany
never forget the 6 tortillas
LOL they put themselves in that cage
check them digits
i bet this person unironically thinks mike brown dindu nuffin
ready for the harvest
Gotta send 'em all back to mexico.
Never forget the 6 tortillon of mexicans.
Well memed. Have a (You) my southern neighbor.
Bumpity bump bump.
I hope no one falls for this shit propaganda
i dont get a grasp of this situation: if separating from family is bad, why they dont all go back as a family to mexico?
My grandparents came here from Europe fleeing the war knowing they couldnt ever turn back, it was a decision for a better life. I dont get you go to somewhere better and you still make demands?
By the way. It's smarter to TAG photos like these so Google Indexes them on searches for terms.Every time you upload it, TAG it
Reminder Jow Forums is in the right (like always).
>why they dont all go back as a family to mexico?
This guy gets it. No separation, no processing, no asylum courts, just immediate deportation, together.
So let me get this straight. The mexicans are literally catapulting their kids at the wall?
I made a thread about how i almost got deported to central america.
Shit on them and send them back
oy to the vey to the vey to the oy
I say oy, you say vey
DaVinci thought of it first as a transport device, mexicans finished it.
marios 0 1 beans
also we defeated germany in the football match of this sunday.
and we took away dragonball from the nips.
We, beaners, have oficially defeated the axis.
And it's a beautiful
Except that photo is not associated with a train wreck anywhere outside of conspiracy sites.
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